Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

I don't care to do anything but mind my own business and keep me, my family and close ones out of trouble, as you should. I'm just calling the rest of you out on your ****, you can't sit here and tell me I'm wrong about what I said, OPEN YOUR EYES people.

People have the right ideas and energy in the wrong direction, you see that

View media item 1128700
I don't care to do anything but mind my own business and keep me, my family and close ones out of trouble, as you should. I'm just calling the rest of you out on your ****, you can't sit here and tell me I'm wrong about what I said, OPEN YOUR EYES people.

People have the right ideas and energy in the wrong direction, you see that

View media item 1128700

Yea, too many crabs in a bucket supporting the wrong cause, that's all
Ok, lets do this, everyone who is doing something to make change, tell us what you're doing, and if you have supporters.

I want change just as much as you do, I just know the way we are going about it won't get us anywhere.
Ok, lets do this, everyone who is doing something to make change, tell us what you're doing, and if you have supporters.

I want change just as much as you do, I just know the way we are going about it won't get us anywhere.
I know for a fact me and my family won't be participating in Black Friday
I planned on hitting up best buy for that 899 iMac and TV and few other stores
I'm keeping my money in my pocket
No Jordan's
No electronics
In all honesty
I don't even need all that stuff
So I ain't even trippin
Not about to continue wasting my hard earnedmoney on be things
That don't really matter
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In all honesty
I don't even need all that stuff
So I ain't even trippin
Not about to continue wasting my hard earnedmoney on be things
That don't really matter

Been fighting with this myself, currently eyeing an xboxone, but I'm like, do I really need/want this?
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I see them walking down the middle of the street. And first thing that struck me was they’re walking in the middle of the street. I had already seen a couple cars trying to pass, but they couldn’t have traffic normal because they were in the middle, so one had to stop to let the car go around and then another car would come. And the next thing I noticed was the size of the individuals because either the first one was really small or the second one was really big.

And just for the conversation, I didn’t know this then, but the first one’s name was Dorian Johnson, the second one was Michael Brown. That was discovered, I think, the following day is when I learned the names. I had never seen them before. . .

He then grabs my door again and shuts my door. At that time is when I saw him coming into my vehicle. His head was higher than the top of my car. And I see him ducking and as he is ducking, his hands are up and he is coming in my vehicle.

I had shielded myself in this type of manner and kind of locked away, so I don’t remember seeing him come at me, but I was hit right in the side of the face with a fist. I don’t think it was a full-on swing, I think it was a full-on swing, but not a full shot. I think my arm deflected some of it, but there was still a significant amount of contact that was made to my face.. . .

And he said, “Hey man, hold these.” And at that point I tried to hold his right arm because it was like this at my car. This is my car window. I tried to hold his right arm and use my left hand to get out to have some type of control and not be trapped in my car any more. And when I grabbed him, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.

Prosecutor: Holding onto a what?

Hulk Hogan, that’s just how big he felt and how small I felt just from grasping his arm. . .

Prosecutor: And it was your opinion that you needed to pull out your weapon because why did you feel that way, I don't want to put words in your mouth?

I felt that another one of those punches in my face could knock me out or worse. I mean it was, he’s obviously bigger than I was and stronger and the, I’ve already taken two to the face I didn’t think I would, the third one could be fatal if he hit me right.

On the Shooting in the car:

He grabs my gun, says, “You are too much of a ***** to shoot me.” The gun goes down into my hip and at that point I thought I was getting shot. I can feel his fingers try to get inside the trigger guard with my finger and I distinctly remember envisioning a bullet going into my leg. I thought that was the next step. . .

Like I said, I was just so focused on getting the gun out of me. When I did get it up to this point, he is still holding onto it and I pulled the trigger and nothing happens, it just clicked. I pull it again, it just clicked again.

At this point I’m like why isn’t this working, this guy is going to kill me if he gets ahold of this gun. I pulled it a third time, it goes off. When it went off, it shot through my door panel and my window was down and glass flew out of my door panel. I think that kind of startled him and me at the same time. . .

The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that’s how angry he looked. He comes back towards me again with his hands up.

When I look up after that, I see him start to run and I see a cloud of dust behind him. I then get out of my car. As I’m getting out of the car I tell dispatch, “shots fired, send me more cars.”

We start running, kind of the same direction that Johnson had pointed. Across the street like a diagonal towards this, kind of like where the parking lot came in for Copper Creek Court and Canfield, right at that intersection. And there is a light pole right there, I remember him running towards the light pole.


So when he stopped, I stopped. And then he starts to turn around, I tell him to get on the ground, get on the ground.

He turns, and when he looked at me, he made like a grunting, like aggravated sound and he starts, he turns and he’s coming back towards me. His first step is coming towards me, he kind of does like a stutter step to start running. When he does that, his left hand goes in a fist and goes to his side, his right one goes under his shirt in his waistband and he starts running at me.

At this point it looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I’m shooting at him.

And the face that he had was looking straight through me, like I wasn’t even there, I wasn’t even anything in his way.

And when he gets about that 8 to 10 feet away, I look down, I remember looking at my sites and firing, all I see is his head and that’s what I shot.

I don’t know how many, I know at least once because I saw the last one go into him. And then when it went into him, the demeanor on his face went blank, the aggression was gone, it was gone, I mean I knew he stopped, the threat was stopped.

but...you 6'4 though...com'n son...you gotta do better than that.
I'll tell you what, Darren Wilson better have U.S. Military Scout Sniper training to be able to shoot Mike Brown from 150ft. away, because 9mm guns only have a 25-50yard (max) range. Darren Wilson would have to of tried to chase him down.

That's not true...actually they have around 160ft range, but was he using a 9mm. Cops usually use 40 glocks now days
I know for a fact me and my family won't be participating in Black Friday
I planned on hitting up best buy for that 899 iMac and TV and few other stores
I'm keeping my money in my pocket
No Jordan's
No electronics
In all honesty
I don't even need all that stuff
So I ain't even trippin
Not about to continue wasting my hard earnedmoney on be things
That don't really matter

was set on getting another 60 inch Samsung but after watching this whole thing go down and knowing we (the minority) basically keep these companies alive this will be my 1st year im passing on black friday

People still gonna buy them jays on Friday

been waiting for forever for them black 6s to release but I gotta stick to my word
Ok, lets do this, everyone who is doing something to make change, tell us what you're doing, and if you have supporters.

I want change just as much as you do, I just know the way we are going about it won't get us anywhere.

I'm confused. You're calling out other people for not doing anything, but you just said you're not going to do anything.

You want change just as much as us, but you're not going to do anything.

You're not going to do anything but you want us to tell you what we're going to do to make change?

Get the entire **** outta here with that.
In all honesty
I don't even need all that stuff
So I ain't even trippin
Not about to continue wasting my hard earnedmoney on be things
That don't really matter

Been fighting with this myself, currently eyeing and xboxone, but I'm like, do I really need/want this?
Bruh i ain't tryna tell U what to do
But when u sit down and think to urself
Do u REALLY need it???
I'm sure u have other game systems that work perfectly fine
Like not spending ur money for just 1 day
even if not that many folks do it
It would be nice to know that u did
And for the right reasons
I know it won't be a full on boycott
And others will be out spending money like its water
On bs that honestly ain't even that discounted anyway
Or on **** They wouldn't buy if it wasn't bf
But u know what
I'm doing it because I want to
go on twitter type in @leslifrye and just scroll

she had a series of tweets last night when the news broke

her tweets quickly spread across twitter and started to trend

by the time buildings was burning in the middle of the night the twitter universe found:

her address

her school address

her cell number

her schools number

her principal and guidance counselors email

apparently she has applied to colleges and the students at those universities have written emails to the universities to not accept her

people have called her high school non stop this morning and her principal has been hearing out all the calls
if she talked this way about LGBT's she would have been arrested and they would have prevented her from getting a job or into college.
Ok, lets do this, everyone who is doing something to make change, tell us what you're doing, and if you have supporters.

I want change just as much as you do, I just know the way we are going about it won't get us anywhere.

I'm confused. You're calling out other people for not doing anything, but you just said you're not going to do anything.

You want change just as much as us, but you're not going to do anything.

You're not going to do anything but you want us to tell you what we're going to do to make change?

Get the entire **** outta here with that.

No. I'm calling the people out that SAY they're gonna do something but are not, and this is obvious by what they say, and also saying IF they're gonna do something, go about it the right way. Not with violence, hurt them with your pockets, that's what runs this country.

I never shop black friday, i don't like the commotion.
I don't automatically resort to violence, because I am only incriminating myself.

We are ultimately fighting these battles for the ones around us, to protect ours.

I see them walking down the middle of the street. And first thing that struck me was they’re walking in the middle of the street. I had already seen a couple cars trying to pass, but they couldn’t have traffic normal because they were in the middle, so one had to stop to let the car go around and then another car would come. And the next thing I noticed was the size of the individuals because either the first one was really small or the second one was really big.

And just for the conversation, I didn’t know this then, but the first one’s name was Dorian Johnson, the second one was Michael Brown. That was discovered, I think, the following day is when I learned the names. I had never seen them before. . .

He then grabs my door again and shuts my door. At that time is when I saw him coming into my vehicle. His head was higher than the top of my car. And I see him ducking and as he is ducking, his hands are up and he is coming in my vehicle.

I had shielded myself in this type of manner and kind of locked away, so I don’t remember seeing him come at me, but I was hit right in the side of the face with a fist. I don’t think it was a full-on swing, I think it was a full-on swing, but not a full shot. I think my arm deflected some of it, but there was still a significant amount of contact that was made to my face.. . .

And he said, “Hey man, hold these.” And at that point I tried to hold his right arm because it was like this at my car. This is my car window. I tried to hold his right arm and use my left hand to get out to have some type of control and not be trapped in my car any more. And when I grabbed him, the only way I can describe it is I felt like a five-year-old holding onto Hulk Hogan.

Prosecutor: Holding onto a what?

Hulk Hogan, that’s just how big he felt and how small I felt just from grasping his arm. . .

Prosecutor: And it was your opinion that you needed to pull out your weapon because why did you feel that way, I don't want to put words in your mouth?

I felt that another one of those punches in my face could knock me out or worse. I mean it was, he’s obviously bigger than I was and stronger and the, I’ve already taken two to the face I didn’t think I would, the third one could be fatal if he hit me right.

On the Shooting in the car:

He grabs my gun, says, “You are too much of a ***** to shoot me.” The gun goes down into my hip and at that point I thought I was getting shot. I can feel his fingers try to get inside the trigger guard with my finger and I distinctly remember envisioning a bullet going into my leg. I thought that was the next step. . .

Like I said, I was just so focused on getting the gun out of me. When I did get it up to this point, he is still holding onto it and I pulled the trigger and nothing happens, it just clicked. I pull it again, it just clicked again.

At this point I’m like why isn’t this working, this guy is going to kill me if he gets ahold of this gun. I pulled it a third time, it goes off. When it went off, it shot through my door panel and my window was down and glass flew out of my door panel. I think that kind of startled him and me at the same time. . .

The only way I can describe it, it looks like a demon, that’s how angry he looked. He comes back towards me again with his hands up.

When I look up after that, I see him start to run and I see a cloud of dust behind him. I then get out of my car. As I’m getting out of the car I tell dispatch, “shots fired, send me more cars.”

We start running, kind of the same direction that Johnson had pointed. Across the street like a diagonal towards this, kind of like where the parking lot came in for Copper Creek Court and Canfield, right at that intersection. And there is a light pole right there, I remember him running towards the light pole.


So when he stopped, I stopped. And then he starts to turn around, I tell him to get on the ground, get on the ground.

He turns, and when he looked at me, he made like a grunting, like aggravated sound and he starts, he turns and he’s coming back towards me. His first step is coming towards me, he kind of does like a stutter step to start running. When he does that, his left hand goes in a fist and goes to his side, his right one goes under his shirt in his waistband and he starts running at me.

At this point it looked like he was almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I’m shooting at him.

And the face that he had was looking straight through me, like I wasn’t even there, I wasn’t even anything in his way.

And when he gets about that 8 to 10 feet away, I look down, I remember looking at my sites and firing, all I see is his head and that’s what I shot.

I don’t know how many, I know at least once because I saw the last one go into him. And then when it went into him, the demeanor on his face went blank, the aggression was gone, it was gone, I mean I knew he stopped, the threat was stopped.


View media item 1227054

:lol: :lol:
Darren Wilson is 6'4" ??!!

Wee-bey gif
Wasnt dude originally like 5'11

or am i buggin
Initial reports said he was 5'10 if I remember correctly.
How dude go from a highschool point guard to red zone receiver
I view this as a sad day in America, and hopefully a wake up call to not only African Americans, but to all people of color. What we've witnessed here is a severe breach in protocol, countless inaccuracies, and the joke that is the "justice" system. How could one possible feel comfortable in a country where the people we pay tax dollars to, the people we've been taught to rely on to protect us and always do the right thing, the people responsible to ensure justice is served to all who do wrong isn't doing what they're supposed to do? Who punishes those people? Where are the system of checks and balances to make sure that they don't become too powerful?

There still hasn't been a clear picture painted in this case. However, one thing is clear. There was no need for lethal force. At all. The wounds that the officer sustained is no where near the level to make it a "justifiable homicide". Let's just reflect on that for a second. What exactly is a " justifiable homicide"? It's defined as "a killing without evil or criminal intent, for which there can be no blame, such as self-defense to protect oneself or to protect another, or the shooting by a law enforcement officer in fulfilling his/her duties." The last line resonates with the current situation. " the shooting by a law enforcement officer in fulfilling his/her duties". Meaning, that even if Wilson was wrong for shooting Brown, there's little to no room to convict him criminally due to it being deemed in the line of duty, which makes it a "justifiable homicide". In other words, if I cop shoots you in the line of duty, whether they're right or wrong, or if the act of them using deadly force isn't ..."justifiable".....they will get off on the technicality because it happened during the line of duty. That's why the city knew there wouldn't be an indictment, because he did nothing against the law.

Hopefully, this will spark a change into the way police hire their cops, the way they handle the use of deadly force, a policy that requires the use of every officer to wear a camera, more policies that promotes more transparency when it comes to cases such as this one, and reporting the use of deadly force(There's still no details on why Wilson used force on Brown btw. It's require by law for the officer to report, yet no details have been given other than the date, the officers name, and the fact that he killed Brown.). For all of those who aren't of color that are in this thread, it might be hard to relate. As a black man, it's challenging to rely on a justice system thats extremely biased to people of color. For example, In recent years, there have been numerous shootings of UNARMED black men, and little to no discipline for those who've pulled the trigger.

The Oscar Grant incident to this day, is the biggest black eye for law enforcement and the black population. He was restrained and shot in the back. The officer who did it( it happened in 2009) is already a free man. He was released more than 3 years ago....Let that marinate. He KILLED someone when it obviously didn't require deadly force, and he's already a free man. He's also trying to get the charge appealed so he can go back to being a police officer, which is utterly disgusting. In short, the way this country's "justice" system treats people of color and those with little wealth is ridiculous. The Jim Irsay situation makes me sick every time I think about it. You have a guy with numerous schedule 4 drugs( possession alone is a felony), almost 30k in cash and he's failed every single sobriety test he was given, and the guy gets off with just "probation"?!? I don't even want to bring up the "affluenza" case because that's even worse. All in all, the "justice" system isn't what it's made out to be. Either serious change needs to occur, or things will only get worse.
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