Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

Discussing the looting is drinking the kool aide.

young black ppl need to realize that white supremacist have an obsessive compulsion towards blacks no matter the topic at hand. Whether you are walking down the street intimidating white ppl being your natural self, or creating the next trend they will capitalize off of, blacks will always be the obsession of white supremacist. Hating blacks give them a purpose, a cultural continuity, a contextual framework that can be theirs. Without hating, they serve no purpose.
I love living in a post racial America. The election of Obama has really done wonders to ease racial tensions in the country. Just like everyone told us would happen in 2008.
Y'all still crying about the looters? So much more to this then that but safe negros love playing the "they making us look bad" card

I hope you get a hp boost of immunity from a racist encounter for condemning a few bad apples so massa will pat your back
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Y'all still crying about the looters? So much more to this then that but safe negros love playing the "they making us look bad" card

I hope you get a hp boost of immunity from a racist encounter for condemning a few bad apples so massa will pat your back

Does it not look bad that businesses that had no affiliation in this matter at all are being completely burned to the ground?
Yeah yadda yadda yadda;just because you're with the people doesn't mean that you're of the people or their causes.We learned this the very hard way when we started fighting and focusing solely on integration instead of reparations because America is a business and republicans knew so Blacks became a pawn in the bigger picture so-called emancipation.Enough on the history lesson but to shoot from the hip;whites can protest,march,shout ,boycott for other's causes all they want but they only take charge and become proactive when it hits home,home as in their kids in their communities where they pay taxes,that's when things get to moving.

Holding hands with a bunch of attention hungry people,some not all,singing kumbaya my lord in front of the police station or city hall won't do a damn thing but bring some of the media out.

As far as the looting goes or what they call rioting,come on now that's a stigma that comes along when it comes to blacks they only use words like looting,rioting and other things that allude to criminal behavior.What I've seen them do,a handful of individuals running with little next to nothing but their looting,right.This will be the focal point now sadly.What about the victim?remember him.
true integration and this whole... we are all the same no different...is the biggest banana in the tail pipe black ppl have fell for... its right up there with abraham lincoln freed the slaves for noble reasons, christianity and the holy bible, and assimilation. 
true integration and this whole... we are all the same no different...is the biggest banana in the tail pipe black ppl have fell for... its right up there with abraham lincoln freed the slaves for noble reasons, christianity and the holy bible, and assimilation. 

Why do I have the shaky feeling that this cop is gonna get off? Maybe because we've seen this play out before.

But black people are being cornered into a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" corner. If you don't respond by putting the city on notice, then people will look at you weak. If you do act crazy, then you're still violent, lazy and prone to crime.  There isn't any middle ground here.
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Tear gas, rubber bullets, results of one person. :smh:

heard power may have been cut to some areas.

my city cries.
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SMH @ you scared Negros. Who cares about them looting, more than likely in black communities we don't own the stores in our communities. They take our money, and seldomly never give back. I'm sure many of us live in communities where all of our local business are no owned by people that look like us, and wouldn't hire us if we were to apply for a job etc , Korean corner store, Arab Corner Stores, Chinese food, Italian pizza etc. The have no connect to these businesses and the business don't have any connect to them besides take their money. To quote Tupac " I'm taking from them, because for years they been taking from me".

The looting was wrong, not saying it was right but so what. We should be all focused on the real problem here, " WHITE SUPREMACY RACISM", this country has a problem with racism that we never addressed. Whats more wrong MIKE BROWN being murdered and the police trying to cover it up or some looting that accured on 2 blocks. And what the news won't tell you is that the vigil was peaceful until the police started throwing tear gas in the crowd. Looting did not change how people with a White Supremacist mindset viewed black people before the looting. When black people wore Suits in the 1950's we were still lynch, when we marched peacefully in suits and dress the dogs were unleased on us, sprayed with water hoses, and still beaten by the police. Dr. King only got love after he was KILLED, when he was alive WHITE SUPERMACIST viewed him how they view AL SHARPTON now. All the people want is Justice, they Police brough this on themselves...all they have to do is arrested the officer who killed Mike Brown and this could have been avoided. The police are spending all this money shutting the town down, paying overtime to officers, just to protect a White Supremacist Cop. If your Black and your finding reason to Blame the Black community in Ferguson for any of this, your apart of the problem...and your scared to offened the White Supremacist, who does not care about you.
I'm looking for more up to date info but fox and CNN is only talking about this robin Williams suicide :smh:
1. Looting 12 stores, is by no way comparable to the L.A. Roits cut the crap
2. Sign a petetion is not going to help anything we know the Problems that plauge the black community, and so do "THEY", the problem is that we see ourselves through the EYES of White Supremacist , and we belive all the negative retroric they put out there about us and we believe it. We need to replace the WHITE SUPREMACIST/ RACISM in America and replace it with a system of Justice. We went back 50 years....since Obama has been in office and it will only get worse
3. Black people have to come together and practice group ecomomics, by creating black business in our communities to stregthen it as we did during JIM Crow.....lets not forget what happen with Rosewood, and Tulsa ...we were fine with out them and until they RIOTED AND burned those towns down.All the 1960's did was INTEGRATE our ability to spend money in WHITE BUSINESS, nothing more....we are still segrergated from them Neighborhood, Education and Employement wise. Let's wake up and come together....this country has never did any thing to help us....despite what your school books or these so called History (His-story) books have shown us.
4. Go to Amazon and buy Hidden Colors 1-3
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