Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

People who keep saying why would the cop do what he did are legit bums man. Like cops didn't beat the living **** out of Rodney King for no reason. Some of ya'll are scum forreal. Ignore the fact that he was shot MULTIPLE times, but focus on other ****.

NTLOGIC: Cops don't do this type of thing for no reason, (although we have SEVERAL instances in which they do). He must've done something. He just had to do something. I have to believe that he did something.

You can take race out of this **** all you want. You can question his past, his actions, what he did in that store all you want. You can't change the fact that he was shot MULTIPLE times. And lets not forget what dude brought up pages ago. Does it really make sense for a kid to react to being arrested for something as petty as he could've went down for by shooting reaching for a cops gun and shooting him? NO, it doesn't!
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One has to wonder if the people whom are concerned comments "demonizing white people" on a message board,

share even a modicum of the same concern about the policies and practices that are not conducive to the longevity of POC.

Comments on a message board is one thing,

living in a country that endorses the murder of your ethnic group doesn't compare in the slightest.

People are tired of their brothers, sisters, etc... being murdered,

and then having to endure such callous indifference remarking upon their condition...

...You're upset about comments on a message board?

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Im Not black but I'm always profiled,

so my perspective doesn't matter?

even though I've experienced more prejudice than y'all lames getting your panties in a bunch?

So you, oneilmattroll, ILLUMINATINYC

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It sucks that even if this dude survived they would've pinned all types of charges making it impossible for him to ever taste freedom, for the cops its better for the suspect to die so its their word against nobodies.

A marine got shot here and they tried to say who still someone's credit card, they told my friends lawyer that I was going to go away for a long time for assault on an officer even though I didn't touch him but we both came around the same corner I out my hands up and he fired.

I didn't get a lawyer because I came from a poor family, in the end they dropped the charges I'm 27 now with no record still
NY Times confirmed that a nurse and local medic begged to perform CPR on Mike Brown in immediate aftermath of shooting but were denied.
— Shaun King (@ShaunKing) August 16, 2014
Ofcourse they didnt cause dude was dead1 Dude aint 50 cent. He took 1  or 2 to the face and head and 8 to the body
my blocked list as of right now

i suggest everyone just add them to your block list.

discussion would go a lot better
HAHAHA you goT the same list as mines expect for airedweezy
It's hard to go off eye witnesses accounts because the whole world hates cops.

Some people say he was begging for life others say he was reaching. Well never know.

Lol @ making someone's list of blocked for voicing my opinions smh. You guys just want everyone to agree disagreeing on things make you a bad guy huh oh well keep living in the whole the white mans out to get me mentality.
Whole world? Im black and I dont hate cops. If I was there and I saw an witness it, and brown was in the wrong, im going to tell it how it was. Once again I dont hate cops

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It sucks that even if this dude survived they would've pinned all types of charges making it impossible for him to ever taste freedom, for the cops its better for the suspect to die so its their word against nobodies.

A marine got shot here and they tried to say who still someone's credit card, they told my friends lawyer that I was going to go away for a long time for assault on an officer even though I didn't touch him but we both came around the same corner I out my hands up and he fired.

I didn't get a lawyer because I came from a poor family, in the end they dropped the charges I'm 27 now with no record still
No disrespect

But I wish they would've put your *** away for a while
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People who keep saying why would the cop do what he did are legit bums man. Like cops didn't beat the living **** out of Rodney King for no reason. Some of ya'll are scum forreal. Ignore the fact that he was shot MULTIPLE times, but focus on other ****.

NTLOGIC: Cops don't do this type of thing for no reason, (although we have SEVERAL instances in which they do). He must've done something. He just had to do something. I have to believe that he did something.

Youcan take race out of this **** all you want. You can question his past, his actions, what he did in that store all you want. You can't change the fact that he was shot MULTIPLE times. And lets not forget what dude brought up pages ago. Does it really make sense for a kid to react to being arrested for something as petty as he could've went down for by shooting reaching for a cops gun and shooting him? NO, it doesn't!

You're taking it out of context though.
In every post that I've seen where people have said "he had to have done something, the cops wouldn't just shoot him"...the same people posting that are saying ALSO and VERY CLEARLY, that even if he did provoke them, act a fool, grab the officers gun, that the officers were still WRONG for doing what they did.

They are not just saying, "well Mike provoked them, serves him right for getting shot up"

Let's be smart enough, which I know we are, to not disregard a post that says both of those things not just one.
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Why I didn't do anything wrong..

Y'all would protest over that right?

Its obviously an injustice, oh wait but if a video surfaced of me stealing some chips and pushing a little old man y'all would call me a monster and a filthy animal.
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People who keep saying why would the cop do what he did are legit bums man. Like cops didn't beat the living **** out of Rodney King for no reason. Some of ya'll are scum forreal. Ignore the fact that he was shot MULTIPLE times, but focus on other ****.

NTLOGIC: Cops don't do this type of thing for no reason, (although we have SEVERAL instances in which they do). He must've done something. He just had to do something. I have to believe that he did something.

You can take race out of this **** all you want. You can question his past, his actions, what he did in that store all you want. You can't change the fact that he was shot MULTIPLE times. And lets not forget what dude brought up pages ago. Does it really make sense for a kid to react to being arrested for something as petty as he could've went down for by shooting reaching for a cops gun and shooting him? NO, it doesn't!

I don't think anybody has said any of this.
Why couldn't it have been y..... Nvm

If what happened to Mike Brown is wrong(and it is), why say something like "why couldn't it have been y.."

Isn't the whole point of this thread is that a man was wrongly gunned down.

Or is Rustlenomics not the same because he isn't black.

Killing him instead, in the same way, is okay?

Come on mate, you're better than that
Either way nobody should have a job where you can pull a device out and end a life

Unless its absolutely necessary and they have murdered or are on a rampage.
One has to wonder if the people whom are concerned comments "demonizing white people" on a message board,

share even a modicum of the same concern about the policies and practices that are not conducive to the longevity of POC.

Comments on a message board is one thing,

living in a country that endorses the murder of your ethnic group doesn't compare in the slightest.

People are tired of their brothers, sisters, etc... being murdered,

and then having to endure such callous indifference remarking upon their condition...

...You're upset about comments on a message board?


really youre upset that your brother and sisters are murdered?

did you know number one killer of african americans? it's abortion

do you know the number one killer of african americans in any community by a person? african americans

**** outta here with that psuedo-mlk ****, if you really cared you would be up in arms about what happens in chicago, a lady was cut up and put in a suitcase now being held in court .. oh but that was a minority versus minority crime, damn, there's no white man to blame there... ok let's not look at that. Or how about the gang member shooting the girl playing on her bike after he got into a discussion over someone bumping into him, in NYC...
**** that's another minority versus minority, no white man to be sought...

**** outa here
That's what I'm saying.
It upsets me that we can only rally around stories of white on black crime.
Cop vs black crime.
I'm not saying we shouldn't be upset, but the hand picking of the things we get upset or want to protest, are the smaller cases in a much bigger issue, making it a white vs black problem, and keeping us rooted in problems smaller than what the ACTUAL problem is.
Bingo. Which is why his post is irrelevant at the moment. There's a moment and time for everything. AT THIS VERY MOMENT, we're discussing this man, who was shot. MULTIPLE TIMES. This is an issue that needs to stop. Cops are trained to deal with situations without taking lives.
One has to wonder if the people whom are concerned comments "demonizing white people" on a message board,

share even a modicum of the same concern about the policies and practices that are not conducive to the longevity of POC.

Comments on a message board is one thing,

living in a country that endorses the murder of your ethnic group doesn't compare in the slightest.

People are tired of their brothers, sisters, etc... being murdered,

and then having to endure such callous indifference remarking upon their condition...

...You're upset about comments on a message board?


really youre upset that your brother and sisters are murdered?

did you know number one killer of african americans? it's abortion

do you know the number one killer of african americans in any community by a person? african americans

**** outta here with that psuedo-mlk ****, if you really cared you would be up in arms about what happens in chicago, a lady was cut up and put in a suitcase now being held in court .. oh but that was a minority versus minority crime, damn, there's no white man to blame there... ok let's not look at that. Or how about the gang member shooting the girl playing on her bike after he got into a discussion over someone bumping into him, in NYC...
**** that's another minority versus minority, no white man to be sought...

**** outa here
Intraracial crimes that occur in all ethnic groups and demographics DOES NOT COMPARE to the extrajudicial murder of an unarmed American citizen.

Do not create an inaccurate narrative structurally of paralleling intraracial crime that ALL RACES have to the extrajudicial execution of Black people.

You do not know me.

Do not presume to know what I am and are not up in arms about.

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