Police Kill Unarmed Teen In Ferguson, Missouri

not surprised with what the video of him robbing something being surfaced recently

you all really wanted to jump on that 'on of ours was shot dead cold-blooded'... the truth is, this guy and i'm calling him a guy, because he was.. 6'4 300 pounds, this was no kid.. he wasnt innocent nor was he guilty, but let's not sugar coat him like they or we did with Trayvon, then when his crime-sheet surfaced, all the media backed out on painting the innocent image

i called it before, i don't believe the 'eye-witnesses are telling the truth, i'm sure he did something to cause this, i don't know, and was it excessive of course, but this was a consequence of perhaps an action that the officer saw as threatening
Being shot 6-7 times from behind is warranted, how?

That video is super speculative. What if he was denied sale (no id), and he threw the money at the clerk and walked out?

Why does his height and weight have anything to do with being unarmed vs a cop?

Empathy is gone from the world.

Just cause you have a record don't make you a bad person.

We've all made mistakes. Hell, I have an expunged record....if I'm shot tomorrow, unarmed, will my record outshine the injustice?
not surprised with what the video of him robbing something being surfaced recently

you all really wanted to jump on that 'on of ours was shot dead cold-blooded'... the truth is, this guy and i'm calling him a guy, because he was.. 6'4 300 pounds, this was no kid.. he wasnt innocent nor was he guilty, but let's not sugar coat him like they or we did with Trayvon, then when his crime-sheet surfaced, all the media backed out on painting the innocent image

i called it before, i don't believe the 'eye-witnesses are telling the truth, i'm sure he did something to cause this, i don't know, and was it excessive of course, but this was a consequence of perhaps an action that the officer saw as threatening
Easily the stupidest thing I've read today

"I called it earlier..."

No number of the many eye witness accounts have been proven false at this point

Not a one.


"I called it earlier..."

It's hard to go off eye witnesses accounts because the whole world hates cops.

Some people say he was begging for life others say he was reaching. Well never know.

Lol @ making someone's list of blocked for voicing my opinions smh. You guys just want everyone to agree disagreeing on things make you a bad guy huh oh well keep living in the whole the white mans out to get me mentality.
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Yeah expect swine to unjustly kill you over a crime that you're supposed to go to have a trial for. Yeah sounds right smh
Yeah expect swine to unjustly kill you over a crime that you're supposed to go to have a trial for. Yeah sounds right smh

Been dealing with these pigs for a minute, got shot at when I was 19 when they broke up a house party.

I can vouch for these guys being trigger happy but when u out there trying to puff ur chest out and fight the world then expect someone to react negatively.

I've heard that ish about if I'm not doing anything bad to not worry about anything so many times it irks the hell out of me.

Am I'm saying that if they have footage of you actin a fool then chances are that its not going to help your case of being innocent
my blocked list as of right now

i suggest everyone just add them to your block list.
discussion would go a lot better
some of you don't like the truth, but there is a 'us versus them' mentality going on, and i said it before in this very thread that i doubt that he just shot him coldblooded like many of you are just wishing he did

the eyewitness reports.. they range from he was executed, he was shot while reaching for something, to he was on his knees and shot, to he had his hands up and shot... are you honestly putting any weight on these 'eyewitness reports'; you can never disprove an eye-witness report, it's basically their view, which changes over time

this was a consequence don't forget that, this was not a result, but a consequence of an action, this fallout(protests/riots/etc) is the result of his consequences..

as for empathy, i don't empathize with anyone who lives their life recklessly, you don't know what that word means, i don't ever see myself in that position of robbing someone and then when stopped pushing him away, i just don't.. for cigars? come on man

and you can block me i don't care to be honest, you live a pitiful life if you truly believe in this 'us versus them/they're holding us down' mentality, you really need to get out of your social group.. i see nt'ers demonizing white people, giving them names, describing them as if they were objects, dehumanizing them... but i'm the one with the 'stupidest post of this thread' right? the self-confirmation bias in here is amazing, but oh well

i'll let you all go be 'oppressed' by yourselves
You guys should really read the 1st post on Page 2

Then Again I've been on NT for close to 10 years


Ignore this calamity, get J's, get Supreme, that's all I live
some of you don't like the truth, but there is a 'us versus them' mentality going on, and i said it before in this very thread that i doubt that he just shot him coldblooded like many of you are just wishing he did

the eyewitness reports.. they range from he was executed, he was shot while reaching for something, to he was on his knees and shot, to he had his hands up and shot... are you honestly putting any weight on these 'eyewitness reports'; you can never disprove an eye-witness report, it's basically their view, which changes over time

this was a consequence don't forget that, this was not a result, but a consequence of an action, this fallout(protests/riots/etc) is the result of his consequences..

as for empathy, i don't empathize with anyone who lives their life recklessly, you don't know what that word means, i don't ever see myself in that position of robbing someone and then when stopped pushing him away, i just don't.. for cigars? come on man

and you can block me i don't care to be honest, you live a pitiful life if you truly believe in this 'us versus them/they're holding us down' mentality, you really need to get out of your social group.. i see nt'ers demonizing white people, giving them names, describing them as if they were objects, dehumanizing them... but i'm the one with the 'stupidest post of this thread' right? the self-confirmation bias in here is amazing, but oh well

i'll let you all go be 'oppressed' by yourselves

I've been seeing way too much of this as well. This is essentially you guys stooping down to the level of the people you guys hate.

Not saying all white people are good? We all know, that's not true, but to say the generalizations you guys have is just insane.
The people who can't handle the truth will block you, instead of discussing the matter.

They will call you a bigot, racist, pig lover, instead of wanting to understand where you come from.

It's one sided, it's their side, or nothing.

You guys have bigot views, and don't even know it.
It's because you don't know what bigot means, that you so easily become one, all the while calling someone else one.

Learn bigot, before you call someone a bigot. Then find the correct word to describe how you feel, because bigot is not it, it's not it.
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The people who can't handle the truth will block you, instead of discussing the matter.

They will call you a bigot, racist, pig lover, instead of wanting to understand where you come from.

It's one sided, it's their side, or nothing.

You guys have bigot views, and don't even know it.
It's because you don't know what bigot means, that you so easily become one, all the while calling someone else one.

Learn bigot, before you call someone a bigot. Ten find te correct word to describe how you feel, because bigot is not it, it's not it.

what is an SWS?
You guys should really read the 1st post on Page 2

Then Again I've been on NT for close to 10 years


Ignore this calamity, get J's, get Supreme, that's all I live

I repped that post when you posted it.
I don't agree the thread should be locked though, my participation has been limited, and for a number of reasons, but locking the thread at page 2 would have stopped a lot of posts that were made in truth and knowledge that did help, even if it was just a few, it's helped.

This militant attitude that our young want to keep though, and this hate towards cops, is so elementary.
In a time where we have the most access to knowledge, we want none of it. NONE.

Most aren't in this thread to seek knowledge and understanding, but are here to find comfort in negativity and would rather spit that, misery loves company
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