People speeding up to NOT let you merge UNAPPRECIATION....

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

This thread just reminded me of a very dangerous but so far, effective remedy to #%@!!!%* who don't let you in. Dudes who are gassin it hard to pass you from waayyyy back on the on-ramp lane or people who are shadowing you. My friend simply just turns in, she really don't care where the person is. It scares the !@%* out of me but it's worked so far, even to people right next to her, because they always move.

R.I.P to your friend, in advance
i hate when people cut you off to get in front of you then drive slow

or when a !#@*#$+%%!#$ wait til you get right on them to wanna merge lanes then they dont signal

also if you drive a white crown vic, caprice, or grand marquis PAINT THAT %+!$ dudes be riding around looking just like the boys

i also hate those dudes who buy those old cop cars
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my precision game is crazy, I get like a hair of thickness away from their car and scare the crap out of them so they HAVE to let me in
you gone try that with somebody with a piece of !+*# car oneday and they gone ##*$ yo !+*# up just cuz

I swear if I see that happen in person I'll be laughing so damn hard.
Originally Posted by J Dilla Himself

Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

You should try driving in LA.... Worst drivers ever!

Nah pimp, I live in LA and driving in NYC is probably one of the most stressful things in the world.

Watch some NY cat try to throw a hat emoticon up like its something to brag about.


I'm laughing at you, not with you.
Originally Posted by The5andonly

i started cruising below the speed limit in the slow lane to avoid most of that stress

Below the speed limit... really..

if i'm not affecting the flow of traffic, no biggie. gas is still expensive. i can hit 34mpg going 60 on the freeway. plus, i don'thave to worry about getting cut off or watching for cops or having to pass all the fools in the "fast" lane, and almost everyone will merge in faster than me. really, the stress ain't worth it in socal. doesn't mean i slow anyonedown though. i'll pick up the pace if everyone's goin a lot quicker
Originally Posted by Mateen Cleaves

Originally Posted by JayHood23

how about people that dont use signal lights, how lazy do you have to be to not take a sec to flick the switch up or down
nothing bothers me more than that, thats how people get in accidents because an idiot does a quick turn without signaling.

this + OP speaks the truth ... if there is a lot of traffic or u purposely didnt merge when u should of and then try to cut in front i won't let u in ...don't speed up to stop me from getting in the lane then u slow back down to ur slow %$$ speed ...
Originally Posted by JayHood23

how about people that dont use signal lights, how lazy do you have to be to not take a sec to flick the switch up or down

thats me!
when ever i am on the highway i always do my best to slow down or move lanes to let someone merge b.c i HATE it when a car comes from my blind spot and i cantsee them and they arent letting me merge it scares the CRAP out of me and i think im gonna get in an accident...

A LOT of these get me irked (and by that, all i do is shake my head). Thing is, I'd like to think that there is some sort of "drivers etiquette"and hate how people are so oblivious to other drivers (aka going slow in the fast lane).

But I realized that most people don't give a @$!# about anyone but themselves when they drive, at least. Liek someone said "they have the right ofway", which is true, but it makes no sense for me to have someone do that (what OP said), especially in traffic. you aren't getting to your locationany faster than i am, but if your ego is better fed by doing that, go right ahead.

I've learned that there are situations to be a passive/defensive driver and an aggressive one. Either way, what someone does to on the road can only enticea SMH reaction outta me. (I used to have road rage, until people started retaliating after I reacted to what they initially did) SO now, i just drive. Listento some music and relax. No biggie. Makes my life a lot less stressful.
if a car wants to merge they have to speed up. if theyre driving normal or waiting to see wat im gonna do, then i just speed past them.
I'll let people merge when they get on the freeway, but if someone is coming up smashing behind me on the next lane and there is a car in front of them andthe only way to not hit the breaks is to cut me off with inches to spare....nope....not happening...I'm hitting the gas hard, I drive a truck for a reason
....they're gonna have to break to avoid rear ending somebody...

Edit -

And the truth is EVERYBODY thinks they're the greatest driver in the world and everyone else on the road is against them....
Unappreciation for sure! Had this old dude do this to me on a damn hill, I was pretty much infront and he wouldn't let me in, we carried on side by sidefor a while
ignorant old people ftl

Actually, then you get the idiots that go slow at first and then when they see you accelerating away they want to beat you. Or people who pass you afteryou've passed them for going slow..

Road rage runs in my family
I know I probably shouldn't do this but when someone is in front of me and they are merging at 40mph or they just slam on breaks when no one is coming, Iwill blow by them from behind before they can even merge.

One time, the person in front of me was so bad that they came to a stop and it was absolutely clear so I flew around them and merged into the left lane of thehighway. (We were entering the highway on the right).
Originally Posted by cguy610

I know I probably shouldn't do this but when someone is in front of me and they are merging at 40mph or they just slam on breaks when no one is coming, I will blow by them from behind before they can even merge.

Nice, so when some speeder clobbers you in the rear end and sends you flying into the guardrail its completely justified.
Originally Posted by damilkman619

Hahaha I do this all the time when I get bored in traffic. I box people just to see how mad they get.

lmfao me too. then i usually wave at them when they flip me off. i should stop.
Originally Posted by Mathilda Lando

Originally Posted by cguy610

I know I probably shouldn't do this but when someone is in front of me and they are merging at 40mph or they just slam on breaks when no one is coming, I will blow by them from behind before they can even merge.

Nice, so when some speeder clobbers you in the rear end and sends you flying into the guardrail its completely justified.

??? Some speeder from where? I said when "no one is coming" = "no traffic" .
I just pretty much hate all soccer moms. They can't drive for #+!*, it's like they don't realize how wide those ugly vans are and they staydrifiting into my lane. I also hate when people are coming out of a shopping center and they dangle car all out into the lane, keep your +#+ behind that whiteline until there's no oncoming traffic
Yall bammas must not know how to drive. If they speed up while you're trying to merge then you slow down.

It is that simple right? Or am I missing something here.
Originally Posted by StarkyL0ve

Yall bammas must not know how to drive. If they speed up while you're trying to merge then you slow down.

It is that simple right? Or am I missing something here.
It depends on how they go about "speeding up". If they wait until you are already merging to speed up and try to block you as youmerge, they can potentially cause an accident at highway speeds.
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