People speeding up to NOT let you merge UNAPPRECIATION....

Originally Posted by doosta45

I do all of this.

Me and my ex used to always speed up whenever a car was trying to go around us. They'd be behind us and try to pass on the right. We'd speed up, then match speeds with them so they can't get over. They eventually have to get over behind us again then try to pass again. Then we do the samething again. It only works well if you got a fast car. V8 FTW.
, I am guilty of doing this. Rarely to those cats thatfeel the need to tail gate me when traffic is not going anywhere. Dudes are trying to get 1 car length ahead, like that 0.01 second is going to get them wherethey are going faster.
I do it only where you're in a lane that's about to end, and you can see up a mile ahead that your lane is merging, signs, blinking arrows, cones, etc.There's all this space behind me, you can just tap the breaks a bit to slow down and merge right in, but your *#@*+%% wants to try to speed up all the wayup to the damn cones and shoe horn your %!! in when there isn't any space. Or if there's a left exit coming up within a 1/2 mile and we're both inthe left most lane and you try to zoom around me in the slow lane or even using the merge or exit lanes then get back in with such little room to complete sucha manuever. %*%$ that. You're getting behind me or missing your turn
Originally Posted by DatzToothLess

I do it only where you're in a lane that's about to end, and you can see up a mile ahead that your lane is merging, signs, blinking arrows, cones, etc. There's all this space behind me, you can just tap the breaks a bit to slow down and merge right in, but your *#@*+%% wants to try to speed up all the way up to the damn cones and shoe horn your %!! in when there isn't any space. Or if there's a left exit coming up within a 1/2 mile and we're both in the left most lane and you try to zoom around me in the slow lane or even using the merge or exit lanes then get back in with such little room to complete such a manuever. %*%$ that. You're getting behind me or missing your turn


Guy below, yeah I don't understand those crazies that mess with truck drivers. One mistake and they are dead $#$##@*.
i do it also. damn dudes are impatient so they drive on the lane with less cars and then want to cut off the people that were patiently waiting in thecongested lane so they can get on or off the freeway. hell ain't getting in front on me.

its like someone trying to cut you in line because they didn't want to wait.
i hate it when trying to make a left turn at an intersection, the car in front of me won't make the left cuz the light just turned red... c'mon man, inboston, we all know a light that just turns red means 2 cars can make the lerft turn....SMH at passive drivers....
i use to do this all the time but it wasnt when they merged it was when they try to switch lanes and cut me off... like they would be driving behind me switchlanes and then try to cut me off...i stopped doing this cuz this 1 guy actually cut me off... like i was tailgating the car in front of me but there was asmall gap and that car that was trying to cut me off ended up cutting me off and then he braked hard... i almost hit him but i braked too... i got shook likehe was going to follow me home or something... so i stopped driving like that lol...
I HATE when the car in front of you turns so it's just you in that lane, but another car switches to that lane before you in a rush... only to drive asfast as the car he was originally behind, and now you can't pass either of them. AHH!!
You ever tailgate someone from in front of them?

Idk if that makes sense but sometimes when I'm lookin in the rearview I can see a car want to switch lanes...each time they do i'll switch lanes withthem and make sure they will NEVER get the chance to get in front of me nor on side of me

Originally Posted by 8tothe24

Originally Posted by doosta45

I do all of this.

Me and my ex used to always speed up whenever a car was trying to go around us. They'd be behind us and try to pass on the right. We'd speed up, then match speeds with them so they can't get over. They eventually have to get over behind us again then try to pass again. Then we do the samething again. It only works well if you got a fast car. V8 FTW.
, I am guilty of doing this. Rarely to those cats that feel the need to tail gate me when traffic is not going anywhere. Dudes are trying to get 1 car length ahead, like that 0.01 second is going to get them where they are going faster.
I do this all the time. Unfortunately these idiots will then just switch 2 lanes to the right and then 2 lanes back to the left just to get infront of 1-2 cars in the left lane. Morons
I almost ran into two people today because some +@%@+*+% didnt wanna let me in even though they were WAY far back when I put the blinker on
my precision game is crazy, I get like a hair of thickness away from their car and scare the crap out of them so they HAVE to let me in
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

my precision game is crazy, I get like a hair of thickness away from their car and scare the crap out of them so they HAVE to let me in
you gone try that with somebody with a piece of !+*# car oneday and they gone ##*$ yo !+*# up just cuz
much unappreciated.

i started cruising below the speed limit in the slow lane to avoid most of that stress, but i'm in a rush sometimes and some people drive like they actonline. complete foolery.

once in a while i'll get the driver that refuses to pass me (in the slow lane) when there's hardly any traffic, but will flash the high beams or honk. i mean seriously?

i don't know why, but i get heated when people don't realize that you can slow down without using the brakes, even when it doesn't directly affectme. they gotta speed up right until they ride someone's bumper, then hit the brakes hard, and then decide to change lanes, usually withoutsignalling.
unnecessary braking slows down traffic so much.
Hate it when they are driving slow, and still won't let you get by. What do they care, they are driving slow and with no ambition already.

I hate people that cant properly merge onto the highway. Who the #+%% gets on the highway going 40mph!? Speed you *@@ up and judge the distance needed for youto either get in front of the car or slow down to merge behind. I do laugh at the people who end up driving on the shoulder because they cant merge.
some dude today merged right where i had to yield in.....some people need to go the the logic store and buy some

also i hate people who go into the fast lane and keep the same speed................................why u do that
Man I hate how alot of ppl especially in Cali merge. They really do not know how. Zipper method ftw. Those folks who like to play on the freeway and blockothers need to die.
i do this on occasion also. when somebody is tailgating, ill hit the brakes unexpectedly. usually they back off, some do some dont. this one lady in a MLmercedes was tailgating like a mother. i did the gas brake dip dip on her, she almost hit me. she then continues to tailgate, i do it again. almost hits me.still tailgates, i do it a third time, and she finally hits me.
dumb broad. i only do this when we going slow though, aint trying to do this when we pushing40+

im also nice to the speeders too. if im in the fast lane going 75-80 and i see somebody about to hawk me. ill get over and let them pass me then get right backover and continue pushing it.
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