People speeding up to NOT let you merge UNAPPRECIATION....

i hate it when people are merging in and they DON'T signal, like you expect them to let you in. i mean call me a ##%#!**, if you don't have your signalon, i'm just gonna go my pace. yeah i know i'm not defensive driving.
i do this. especially when folks try cut me off before hitting the interstate. the way i see it, if your tag's county is where im from, you should knowbetter. get in the exit only lane earlier and not try to get in the lane late.
Originally Posted by Mr DragonFly Jones

Try people not letting you get over so you miss your exit.

why you waiting last minute to hit your exit?
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

You should try driving in LA.... Worst drivers ever!
Nah, I am working a rotation in the Bay Area right now and people up here have no clue how to drive. I see accidents everyday and people justpull into the next lane whenever they feel like it. I watch them and they don't even check to see if someone is there.

Fast lane!
Seems like they don't remember the lesson on moving outof the lane and letting faster traffic go by and then merging back in. Fools think doing 60 in the fast lane is o.k.
Its always funny that the people driving like the biggest douchebags always have the most ##%%%@ up cars.
Originally Posted by MaddenFan04

america needs a new system of highway driving
way too dangerous even if your a good driver
yea lately everyone been driving crazy on the highways. I've been driving highways less and less nowadays
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

You should try driving in LA.... Worst drivers ever!

Nah pimp, I live in LA and driving in NYC is probably one of the most stressful things in the world.

Watch some NY cat try to throw a hat emoticon up like its something to brag about.
Originally Posted by daemacho


I hate people that cant properly merge onto the highway. Who the #+%% gets on the highway going 40mph!? Speed you *@@ up and judge the distance needed for you to either get in front of the car or slow down to merge behind. I do laugh at the people who end up driving on the shoulder because they cant merge.
Foreeeeeaaal though.
Awhile back there was this lady whoalmost hit my car merging onto the freeway all reckless.. When yall took your driving test did they make you drive on the freeway? I heard some places make youdo that ... but I just drove around a couple busy streets...
to avoid this just get in the right lane next time ahead of time. stop making your decisions last minute and try to cut in. and just get in the back of thatperson if they speed up. they are just giving you more room between them and the car behind. put on the brakes merge in, perfect for you.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

You should try driving in LA.... Worst drivers ever!

Nah pimp, I live in LA and driving in NYC is probably one of the most stressful things in the world.

Watch some NY cat try to throw a hat emoticon up like its something to brag about.
not just anywhere but you can't beat downtown manhattan especially when every car around you is a those dudes are ruthless and youcan't even block them from cutting in front of you cause they're so quick
that's why the only time i drive to city is to get chicken and rice and only after like 9-10pm...

one more thing i can't stand is when i see dumb broads in their suv's (why are women always driving suvs?
) holding a cell phone and not paying attention to the road...sometimes i feellike i'm too quick to press my horn and too slow to let it off but i can't help it...******ed drivers just makes my blood boil.

however i feel kinda guilty when i pass them and about to curse em and i see a crippled old lady behind the wheel...i mean they shouldn't be driving at allbut i still can't help feel bad/guilty.
Originally Posted by DJprestige21

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

You should try driving in LA.... Worst drivers ever!

Nah pimp, I live in LA and driving in NYC is probably one of the most stressful things in the world.

Watch some NY cat try to throw a hat emoticon up like its something to brag about.

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

I hate this *%@!....folks would rather speed up and come close to rear-ending the person in front of them instead of letting you in...
I swear, merging brings out the worst in people...

just happened today to me. I had my signal on and i was getting closer to the lane and still didnt get in the lane.
Originally Posted by 8tothe24

another one...

you're in the slow lane and some one speeds by you in the fast lane and cuts you off and slam on the breaks to get on the off ramp , especially when there was no one behind you.
Ooooh yeah, this one is happened to me today too.

People do that a lot around here. In general, a majority of the public failed to grasp the function of highway driving, or driving altogether for that matter.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

People do that a lot around here. In general, a majority of the public failed to grasp the function of highway driving, or driving altogether for that matter.

You in the bay area? I have been here for 3 months and it happens a lot.
How about when your in bumper to bumper highway traffic jam, and leave like 2 car lengths in front of you so you dont gotta continue to stop and go. Only forsome idiot to jump in front of you to advance 1 car in a traffic jam
you wanna see horrible driving?
come to miami....people act like they got their licenses in a cereal box yo
This thread just reminded me of a very dangerous but so far, effective remedy to #%@!!!%* who don't let you in. Dudes who are gassin it hard to pass youfrom waayyyy back on the on-ramp lane or people who are shadowing you. My friend simply just turns in, she really don't care where the person is. It scaresthe !@%* out of me but it's worked so far, even to people right next to her, because they always move.
Originally Posted by r0yalty

All Maryland drivers can go to hell.


I stay out of the slow lane if possible to avoid non-merging bammas.

If I'm getting on the highway using one of those ramps 270°, I usually drop down to 2nd so I'm in my powerband, and I'll just punch it when I getan opening. If it's one of those long, sweeping 90° ramps, then I'm usually doing 75-80 before I even merge.
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