People speeding up to NOT let you merge UNAPPRECIATION....

i love boxing these type of ppl in while looking straight as if i have no clue what im doing and just following the dude that is boxed in for a good minute.
Originally Posted by Wordy Dirts

Most of this stuff is definitely unappreciated. Some lady cut me off the other day so I speed up beside her, roll down my window and threw a granola bar @ her car. Her reaction was priceless.
Road rage takes me over sometime.
I regretted it later cause I got hungry on the way to work. Oh this happen in Seattle on I-5, coincidence? Nah.

Reminds me of the time my friend and I were driving back from downtown Seattle to downtown Bellevue. We try to merge onto the express lane and this guydoesn't let us in so my friend cuts him off. The guy proceeds to tailgate us all the way down the bridge and finally lets up when we reach the west MercerIsland exits.

However, I decide out of complete stupidity (adolescence
) toflick the guy off out of the passenger's seat window and he decides to tailgate us again. We get off at downtown MI (where we both lived) and lose him onsome side streets.

I have driven for two days in the past year. And I don't miss it at all.
I don't understand why people think tailgating another person is hurting them. They CAN mess up their car as well right.......LOL
My problem is drivers who don't RESPECT how LOW your car is. I can't count how many times some clown in my apt. complex has zipped by me (on the otherside of traffic) while I was going over a speedbump. Given, my complex has a bunch of speedbumps.. but i've seen a few near accidents because of it.Whether it's speedbumps, or turning into driveways slowly. it must really eat at some people's nerves. But really, I can't help it. I would rathermake some fool behind me wait 5 more seconds than bust up my oil pan even more than it already is.. The real problem is drivers pre-anticipating turns whenwaiting for the next car to pass would be the better idea. I would much rather drive on the road with nothing but slammed cars and enthusiasts... seems likethey are the only ones who really know what time it is when it comes to situations like these.

It doesn't help that I live in a collegiate area either... bunch of new drivers and impatient people on the road. See accidents on a weekly basis..
Nah I NEVER let people Merge on the highway...who skip everyone and go through the side and think they can just come back in the lane...nah it doesn't worklike that...NEVER let these people merge in front of you...its funny too cause they got the nerve to get pissed off...just hit em with the stoneface...
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