Parks and Recreation vol. Ron Swanson ftw

Originally Posted by Mycoldyourdone

Old but hilarious!!

andy is too much
Finally caught up with the entire series and wow, I definitely missed out on a great show. Andy has definitely become my favorite character and Tom's facial expressions crack me up. The Ron Swanson Chart was hilarious too.
Finally caught up with the entire series and wow, I definitely missed out on a great show. Andy has definitely become my favorite character and Tom's facial expressions crack me up. The Ron Swanson Chart was hilarious too.
Definitely a filler episode, but in a way the plot addressed this same issue... after the season being focused on the Harvest Festival, now they have nothing to do, so it was pretty appropriate.

Rob Lowe's character is funny, but it seems like he's going to be just a one-note character for his stay on the show... he's always upbeat and positive and that's about it. Whereas with Ben they've been able to take him as the cold and straight forward character when he first came in to a more open and flawed one that would fit in the department's dynamic. I also like he and Tom are friends and hang out because that's a great source of comedy.

My favorite parts:
Andy and Kyle is a random but hilarious pairing, Andy laughing hysterically at his identity being stolen was hilarious
DJ Roomba making a return, and Tom's ridiculous "Thunderdome"
Donna's "luxury dog park... only poodles, no pooping"
Ron and Jerry share similar interests, but Jerry manages to ruin fishing by talking about teenage sex and abstinence
Andy's freakout when the branch was attached to him

Good episode, dealt with Leslie's insecurities as well as took the group to another setting which is usually hilarious, and had plenty of funny moments.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by M4rioL

SkyMall! man if I had Tom's swag

The ThunderDome 

Great episode 
Yes it was a great episode. Ann Perkins' storyline isn't really to my liking. Although, I really like how the show has improved from season one to now. The addition of Adam Scott and Rob Lowe have definitely helped the show...Sucks that Brendanawicz isn't on the show.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Originally Posted by M4rioL

SkyMall! man if I had Tom's swag

The ThunderDome 

Great episode 
Yes it was a great episode. Ann Perkins' storyline isn't really to my liking. Although, I really like how the show has improved from season one to now. The addition of Adam Scott and Rob Lowe have definitely helped the show...Sucks that Brendanawicz isn't on the show.
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