from the trailer it looks scary a as a mother ...
Originally Posted by G I Jeaux

i saw it in Santa Cruz last Thursday and i thought it was pretty suspenseful. the audience i went to see it with added to the suspense with a bunch of people whispering "oh hell naw" whenever the night scenes started. the only thing annoying was that the guy behind me started sounding scared and started talking louder about what he thought was about to happen. sounded like he was tryna figure it out so that he wouldn't be scared. him and his group ended up cuttin out with the quickness at the end.
the best part was there was a raffle beforehand and one of the grand prizes was a ouija board. the girl who won gave it away once she got outside


To pump myself up from watching this movie, a group of friends and I rented the Blair Witch Project and saw that %#*+ again. It got me shook, considering thefact that i haven't seen it in years. Btw, is it as scary/creepy as The Blair Witch Project or not even close?

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

I probably at most got two hours of sleep last night coming home from seeing this movie.

I know I'll be having the same results once I see the movie. Hell, I watched the preview and it gave me nightmares no joke. The bed sheets flying and %#*+.
The AMC in Bay Street is about to show this starting this Friday. Been wanting to see this and probably will go either Friday or Saturday night.
I feel like I watched a different movie than everyone else honestly. Don't get me wrong, the movie was excellentand well done. And the guy was
. But in terms of ACTUAL scarefactor....I've seen scarier movies. I really didn't get "shook", only 3 times I really felt scared. Even my girl now has said that shedoesn't think it was that scary. The audience was goin hard though, people left, and people were screaming bloody murder basically.

I really wished I waited til this came out on DVD...that would be
typescared. I am actually upset that I can not fully bond with other NTers about this movie

-The Juice
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I feel like I watched a different movie than everyone else honestly. Don't get me wrong, the movie was excellent and well done. And the guy was
. But in terms of ACTUAL scare factor....I've seen scarier movies. I really didn't get "shook", only 3 times I really felt scared. Even my girl now has said that she doesn't think it was that scary. The audience was goin hard though, people left, and people were screaming bloody murder basically.

I really wished I waited til this came out on DVD...that would be
type scared. I am actually upset that I can not fully bond with other NTers about this movie

-The Juice

yeah, I bet the DVD in your own house would actually make it a lot scarrier. I live a more scarrier reality than movies.
But either way, I feel likethis movie has been on my mind/I've been talking about this movie a little too much lately... Through wit it.
I do not want to waste cash on a bad movie.

is this movie really that good? the trailer I saw was nothing special.
why do i always come back to this thread at night. it reminds me of the movie and i start getting creeped out again
Two of my friends went to see it at the Tempe Market place, one of my friends wasn't even phased by the movie what so ever, the other said he was prayingall night because of how scary it was. He didn't even go home he spent the rest of the night at my other friends house in the same bed NH and stillcouldn't sleep this was saturday, Dude was still shook today at school.

Im a little *#%@$ when it comes to scary movies but I want to go see this one.
Originally Posted by imsoDS

if you live in a big/nice size house, this is not the movie for you...all jokes aside

5bed room home ftl this time around
Saw the trailer here in Singapore when we watched the Inglorious Basterds so I guess they will show it here soon.
I saw this the opening night in Madison, WI. To be honest, it was creepy and certain parts definitely will shake you....but I didn't think it was all thatscary as a whole. This coming from someone who is a complete wuss when it comes to scary movies. I admit the first night after I saw it, I was creeped out inmy bedroom trying to sleep, but that might be because it was 3 in the morning when I got home and it was fresh in my mind. Not to mention the light coming offof my phone made my room look EXACTLY like the view of their bedroom through the camera.

It IS scary, but I don't think it's anywhere near where people have made it out to be. I wouldn't make a valiant effort to see it again.
Originally Posted by OrenthalJames

I feel like I watched a different movie than everyone else honestly. Don't get me wrong, the movie was excellent and well done. And the guy was
. But in terms of ACTUAL scare factor....I've seen scarier movies. I really didn't get "shook", only 3 times I really felt scared. Even my girl now has said that she doesn't think it was that scary. The audience was goin hard though, people left, and people were screaming bloody murder basically.

I really wished I waited til this came out on DVD...that would be
type scared. I am actually upset that I can not fully bond with other NTers about this movie

-The Juice

co-sign. You know that DVD Menu is going to be on some other *%#... gotta start that Movie with the quickness..

I remember we were having a scary movie night at one of my friends dorms, and we were watching the Omen. I had to go to the bathroom while the credits wererolling, and everyone was talking and issh. I came out of that bathroom in the dorm to 0 people in the room, pitch black, and the DVD Menu to The Omenblasting loud. I don't ever remember feeling that shook for a while... and this was like late '06
I ran, literally.. out of there with thequickness. Turns out everyone went down to the lobby to play pool and go to the vending machine

I want to see this movie though!!
started off slow and finally picked up. wasn't as scary as hyped to me, I am really into horror/scary movies. I do think that it was a fun movie to checkout in theaters, I feel that it won't be as good if you rent it. Unless you watch it at home, alone in the dark with surround sound.

It does have a mental effect when you leave the theater though.
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