Osama Bin Laden is dead

LOL@anyone believing any of this tripe

same people who think he ordered 19 arabs that lived in caves to fly airplanes into the world trade centers and pentagon

osama has probably been dead for years...thats if dude even exists to begin with. he's like a mythical creature to me.

all of this stuff is just
to me. people will  believe anything, they'll believe when holographic jesus is put up.

and now they buried his body at sea? so we're talking about someone who theres been a 10 yr man hunt for who supposedly commanded the largest "terrorist" attack on us soil yet they just dumped the body? wouldnt you think theyd keep it to prove they took him out? and  they suposedly buried him at sea cuz they thoughtit would be hard  to get any country to because nobody wanted him?

americans are morons

everyone look up  the  signif of the may 1st date. it was also the date of hitler's suicide.
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

So now it's okay for people to celebrate osamas death saying he deserved it but If someone kills my relative and I go shoot them these the same people that say I'm wrong .Go figure I guess
yeah, that's totally of the same magnitude.
bloody hell.

 Is that guy serious!?!
Originally Posted by Space DooDoo Pistols

Originally Posted by MrDoeBoI

So now it's okay for people to celebrate osamas death saying he deserved it but If someone kills my relative and I go shoot them these the same people that say I'm wrong .Go figure I guess
yeah, that's totally of the same magnitude.
bloody hell.

 Is that guy serious!?!
I gotta work in 5 hours, but I'm still up. The old school anarchist in me won't let me sleep.
P.S. any pic out there is bogus. Dude was killed by spec ops. Please believe pics/video was taken with a military grade dslr no consumer could access. Obama saw that %+%+ in HD son. Actually, these missions have agents with head mounted cams so people in the situation could watch in real time.
I gotta work in 5 hours, but I'm still up. The old school anarchist in me won't let me sleep.
P.S. any pic out there is bogus. Dude was killed by spec ops. Please believe pics/video was taken with a military grade dslr no consumer could access. Obama saw that %+%+ in HD son. Actually, these missions have agents with head mounted cams so people in the situation could watch in real time.
Originally Posted by SCOTTY PIMPIN

All good between me and 160. I feel your anger man. All of us Americans dealt with some pain during those days.

i'm sorry what i said 
and i guess it was far from the right thing 

and to lexflex81 

i dont care what the US has been doing for the past 60 years 

if you ask me israel has no right where there they since 1948  and that's part of the problem in the world today 

but that also does not give Israel the US or any arab states the right to kill innocent people just because of there religion or where there from 

all of the 3000 or so people did not need to die on 9/11

arab country's are kill there own people because they want some type of freedom 

when where slowly losing our freedom here in this country every day in 2011 

so i cant be worried with what the US did 60 years ago because no one is going to listen to me and you 

this is how i feel 
Originally Posted by SCOTTY PIMPIN

All good between me and 160. I feel your anger man. All of us Americans dealt with some pain during those days.

i'm sorry what i said 
and i guess it was far from the right thing 

and to lexflex81 

i dont care what the US has been doing for the past 60 years 

if you ask me israel has no right where there they since 1948  and that's part of the problem in the world today 

but that also does not give Israel the US or any arab states the right to kill innocent people just because of there religion or where there from 

all of the 3000 or so people did not need to die on 9/11

arab country's are kill there own people because they want some type of freedom 

when where slowly losing our freedom here in this country every day in 2011 

so i cant be worried with what the US did 60 years ago because no one is going to listen to me and you 

this is how i feel 
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

LOL@anyone believing any of this tripe

same people who think he ordered 19 arabs that lived in caves to fly airplanes into the world trade centers and pentagon

osama has probably been dead for years...thats if dude even exists to begin with. he's like a mythical creature to me.

all of this stuff is just
to me. people will  believe anything, they'll believe when holographic jesus is put up.

and now they buried his body at sea? so we're talking about someone who theres been a 10 yr man hunt for who supposedly commanded the largest "terrorist" attack on us soil yet they just dumped the body? wouldnt you think theyd keep it to prove they took him out? and  they suposedly buried him at sea cuz they thoughtit would be hard  to get any country to because nobody wanted him?

americans are morons

everyone look up  the  signif of the may 1st date. it was also the date of hitler's suicide.
Originally Posted by 59 Piffy

LOL@anyone believing any of this tripe

same people who think he ordered 19 arabs that lived in caves to fly airplanes into the world trade centers and pentagon

osama has probably been dead for years...thats if dude even exists to begin with. he's like a mythical creature to me.

all of this stuff is just
to me. people will  believe anything, they'll believe when holographic jesus is put up.

and now they buried his body at sea? so we're talking about someone who theres been a 10 yr man hunt for who supposedly commanded the largest "terrorist" attack on us soil yet they just dumped the body? wouldnt you think theyd keep it to prove they took him out? and  they suposedly buried him at sea cuz they thoughtit would be hard  to get any country to because nobody wanted him?

americans are morons

everyone look up  the  signif of the may 1st date. it was also the date of hitler's suicide.
I kinda wish we had captured him to find out more about AL-Qaida and their future plans or anything of that nature. Sure he probably wouldn't of said anything but still, you never know. I personally can't get behind celebrating any persons death, even though the hurt and pain he caused our country was tremendous, but who's to say he's the main reason the attacks happened? No one really knows for sure.. just what we've been fed. Like someone else said, the celebrating is frightening but I can also see why people are happy about it. I just hope this doesn't cause more chaos in this country but with the way things are going, I can't be too optimistic. Wish you all are safe, as well as your families.
I kinda wish we had captured him to find out more about AL-Qaida and their future plans or anything of that nature. Sure he probably wouldn't of said anything but still, you never know. I personally can't get behind celebrating any persons death, even though the hurt and pain he caused our country was tremendous, but who's to say he's the main reason the attacks happened? No one really knows for sure.. just what we've been fed. Like someone else said, the celebrating is frightening but I can also see why people are happy about it. I just hope this doesn't cause more chaos in this country but with the way things are going, I can't be too optimistic. Wish you all are safe, as well as your families.
IgnantBliss wrote:
Buried at sea huh? All I'm going to say is if he's dead that's good....I'm not celebrating anybodies death though..people can take that how they want...and the fallout of this will be bad.
I'm with you. I know he was a terrible person. Won't ever doubt it.

But, I can't celebrate a man being killed. My conscious is too emotional for that. Every life on this planet is precious.

If the entire world hated this man, I'd feel a little better, but I just know there will be retaliation.

I laugh and giggle at the pictures like you guys do, but deep down, it saddens me this has happened, because I know there will be attempts at assassinations, or more tragedies to come.

9/11 was a tragedy. Some unfortunate souls took it upon themselves to have their minds brainwashed, and affected the entire world. America responded by killing Osama (Yes, it took years, but now it's done).

If this is a step towards a momentary peace, I will support it though.


Yikes dude. You need to chill. Your homie got killed for no reason. If you want to feel vindicated, that's fine. You want to cause more chaos by not following by their burial tradition? That's going against their religion. You know these cats are extremists. Not having a proper burial for him would be homicidal for us. That would cause so much anguish for us later on. It may not have, but that's risks you can't take. I'm sure you and lots of other people would have liked to seen him publicly executed and tortured or whatever, but he's dead.


Because we really want to be known as a tyrannical nation that would slaughter a man that would cause more outrage from around the world. Grow up man. I understand you lost someone. But be rational.

Could you imagine the outrage if they did this from the rest of the world? Thank God people like you don't run this world..

9/11 was a tragedy. Some unfortunate souls took it upon themselves to have their minds brainwashed, and affected the entire world. America responded by killing Osama (Yes, it took years, but now it's done). They want to move on from this, just as I'm sure people of NY do. Some will still be bitter, there are always going to be bitter people in this world (case and point), but Obama did what he had to do. He got rid of Osama, and he's going to do his best to reconcile the middle east without starting another war, or another attack.

I hate that he was even caught because it will just bring more pain and anguish to our people if they retaliate. If they don't retaliate? Hallelujah and thank God, but if they do, we now why it happened. I almost wished he had passed of natural causes. Of course there would always be suspicion he was still alive, conspiracy theorists, but that's going to happen regardless.

I pray for the safety of Leon Panetta. He orchestrated all of this. He's from my hometown, he's a local hero, and I pray that him and his family will be safe for years to come, as I can see him getting tons of backlash and assassination attempts in the coming years. '

As I said though, I'm not a confrontational type, and I'm not happy another human is dead. I suppose if it prevents him from killing more people, sure, but I just can't be happy another human being is dead. Especially hearing how a woman was used as a human shield.
IgnantBliss wrote:
Buried at sea huh? All I'm going to say is if he's dead that's good....I'm not celebrating anybodies death though..people can take that how they want...and the fallout of this will be bad.
I'm with you. I know he was a terrible person. Won't ever doubt it.

But, I can't celebrate a man being killed. My conscious is too emotional for that. Every life on this planet is precious.

If the entire world hated this man, I'd feel a little better, but I just know there will be retaliation.

I laugh and giggle at the pictures like you guys do, but deep down, it saddens me this has happened, because I know there will be attempts at assassinations, or more tragedies to come.

9/11 was a tragedy. Some unfortunate souls took it upon themselves to have their minds brainwashed, and affected the entire world. America responded by killing Osama (Yes, it took years, but now it's done).

If this is a step towards a momentary peace, I will support it though.


Yikes dude. You need to chill. Your homie got killed for no reason. If you want to feel vindicated, that's fine. You want to cause more chaos by not following by their burial tradition? That's going against their religion. You know these cats are extremists. Not having a proper burial for him would be homicidal for us. That would cause so much anguish for us later on. It may not have, but that's risks you can't take. I'm sure you and lots of other people would have liked to seen him publicly executed and tortured or whatever, but he's dead.


Because we really want to be known as a tyrannical nation that would slaughter a man that would cause more outrage from around the world. Grow up man. I understand you lost someone. But be rational.

Could you imagine the outrage if they did this from the rest of the world? Thank God people like you don't run this world..

9/11 was a tragedy. Some unfortunate souls took it upon themselves to have their minds brainwashed, and affected the entire world. America responded by killing Osama (Yes, it took years, but now it's done). They want to move on from this, just as I'm sure people of NY do. Some will still be bitter, there are always going to be bitter people in this world (case and point), but Obama did what he had to do. He got rid of Osama, and he's going to do his best to reconcile the middle east without starting another war, or another attack.

I hate that he was even caught because it will just bring more pain and anguish to our people if they retaliate. If they don't retaliate? Hallelujah and thank God, but if they do, we now why it happened. I almost wished he had passed of natural causes. Of course there would always be suspicion he was still alive, conspiracy theorists, but that's going to happen regardless.

I pray for the safety of Leon Panetta. He orchestrated all of this. He's from my hometown, he's a local hero, and I pray that him and his family will be safe for years to come, as I can see him getting tons of backlash and assassination attempts in the coming years. '

As I said though, I'm not a confrontational type, and I'm not happy another human is dead. I suppose if it prevents him from killing more people, sure, but I just can't be happy another human being is dead. Especially hearing how a woman was used as a human shield.
I say let the people celebrate.

Huge crowds of extremists in the middle east are out burning US flags with the quickness whenever they have an excuse.

So why cant we enjoy it when something of ours goes to plan?
I say let the people celebrate.

Huge crowds of extremists in the middle east are out burning US flags with the quickness whenever they have an excuse.

So why cant we enjoy it when something of ours goes to plan?
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

IgnantBliss wrote:
Buried at sea huh? All I'm going to say is if he's dead that's good....I'm not celebrating anybodies death though..people can take that how they want...and the fallout of this will be bad.

But, I can't celebrate a man being killed. My conscious is too emotional for that. Every life on this planet is precious.

Even the one of a man who dedicated his life to killing people, spreadin that message to other extremists, and even going as far as recruiting kids? I'm sorry but if I have the choice to have that man free or dead, I'm picking the latter. There wasn't a way he was going to be taken alive so killing him was necessary. Having a man like that dead is something I don't blame others for celebrating. 
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

IgnantBliss wrote:
Buried at sea huh? All I'm going to say is if he's dead that's good....I'm not celebrating anybodies death though..people can take that how they want...and the fallout of this will be bad.

But, I can't celebrate a man being killed. My conscious is too emotional for that. Every life on this planet is precious.

Even the one of a man who dedicated his life to killing people, spreadin that message to other extremists, and even going as far as recruiting kids? I'm sorry but if I have the choice to have that man free or dead, I'm picking the latter. There wasn't a way he was going to be taken alive so killing him was necessary. Having a man like that dead is something I don't blame others for celebrating. 
People can do whatever they want, I just stated it won't be me celebrating. Plus we're supposed to be the 'knowledgable' ones. Whatever, this road leads nowhere.
People can do whatever they want, I just stated it won't be me celebrating. Plus we're supposed to be the 'knowledgable' ones. Whatever, this road leads nowhere.
Wow so they come out of no where with his death and now he is officially buried at sea.Smh they can hang saddam for people to see and leave his sons body for Journalist to view but Osama gets special privileges
Wow so they come out of no where with his death and now he is officially buried at sea.Smh they can hang saddam for people to see and leave his sons body for Journalist to view but Osama gets special privileges
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