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Registered Member

Posts: 8334

04/02/09 2:01 PM
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I can definitely see some type of manufactured bio-agent, or domestic attack wreaking havoc across the land nearing the end of Obama's tenure. Either at his consent or after the real powers that be realized that they can't control him and he is another Kennedy.
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[URL="http://Do you guysbelieve this stuff? FEMA Camp x Plastic Coffins"]Do you guysbelieve this stuff? FEMA Camp x Plastic Coffins
I had a flu shot 3 years ago. and haven't got one ever since. What are the chances that some of the bad agents will affect me?
Let's say the precautions you take do not work and you catch the H1N1 virus, what if you need to take the vaccination to help you fight it off?

Here is one of my favorite quotes ever because it speaks the truth:
"In the world, as it is,the looking glass world, the countries that guard the peace also make and sell the most weapons. The mostprestigious banks launder the most drug money and harbour the most stolen cash.The most successful industries are the most poisonous for the planet. And savingthe environment is the brilliant endeavor of the very companies that profit from annihilating it. Those who kill the most people in the shortest time winimpunity and praise, as do those who destroy the most nature at the lowest cost........The worst violators of nature and human rightsnever go to jail.They hold the keys to it."
--Eduardo Galeano-"Upside Down"
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by sauuceking

Population control in the US? Doesn't make sense to me....if the US does this only to its citizens won't the rest of the world find out and gang up on the US government for doing this? Why would they want to control the US population? There's not really a land crisis there....why wouldn't they just invade Canada or even start a war with China or something rather than just offing a crapload of its own citizens? It doesn't make much sense, even with the concept of NWO, even if they control America they're not gonna control the world, but I guess y'all self-centered Americans probably believe once the US is under control the rest of the world will automatically follow....

What makes you think there isn't a overseer that has control over every country? What if this world is like the WWE? You have your superstars who entertain. You have separate brands and titles but overall it belongs to a board of directors.
I love this stuff.
I was at a party with a lot of white people the other day and watched one bottle of alchohol touch the lips of like eight different people.

All I could think of is, if even one of them had the virus. That's already eight people possibly infected, who in turn may go off to share with anothereight people. Who may go and share with another eight people.

8 x 8 = 64 x 8 = 512 x 8 = 4096....

Eventually, the camps will manifest the virus until it evolves into something much worse.

Then the Zombies overrun the camps and the U.S. is left to deal with Resident Evil: Apocalypse.

" href="http://">

Originally Posted by stuntastic020

40,000 people a year die from the regular flu.. calm down. I swear niketalk has the worst hype beast and conspiracy theorist ever. dudes guaranteeing all this stuff..come on

And 500,000 people in America died from a previous swine flu vaccine in 1976, what's your point.

History repeats itself. If this is adopted nationwide I guarantee you things are going to get NASTY. There are millions upon millions of people who feel thisway and aren't afraid to take action.
who's to say it will kill you, it could easily be something that causes infertility or something that effects us in the long run.
This is what I think is more likely to happen but regardless I don't want to take it. When the previous vaccination was administered in 1976 many peopleexperienced neurological damage that crippled them for life.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by stuntastic020

40,000 people a year die from the regular flu.. calm down. I swear niketalk has the worst hype beast and conspiracy theorist ever. dudes guaranteeing all this stuff..come on

And 500,000 people in America died from a previous swine flu vaccine in 1976, what's your point.

History repeats itself. If this is adopted nationwide I guarantee you things are going to get NASTY. There are millions upon millions of people who feel this way and aren't afraid to take action.
T.I. was one of them and you see what the feds did to him.

I can seriously see this turning into some I Am Legend/Resident Evil type of stuff. I'm finna get my Chris Redfield on...

I was at a party with a lot of white people the other day and watched one bottle of alchohol touch the lips of like eight different people.

All I could think of is, if even one of them had the virus. That's already eight people possibly infected, who in turn may go off to share with another eight people. Who may go and share with another eight people.

8 x 8 = 64 x 8 = 512 x 8 = 4096....

On that note:

Its so easy for all of us to say we want to take a stand against all of this and not take no damned vaccine, but then we go and play beer pong or flip cup thisweekend. If only 1 of those peopleplaying had any kind of virus, the whole party could have it by the end of the night. We cant even focus on the littlethings that could help prevent the spread of the virus, but we want to talk about fighting the government.
Originally Posted by Diego

I was at a party with a lot of white people the other day and watched one bottle of alchohol touch the lips of like eight different people.

All I could think of is, if even one of them had the virus. That's already eight people possibly infected, who in turn may go off to share with another eight people. Who may go and share with another eight people.

8 x 8 = 64 x 8 = 512 x 8 = 4096....
On that note:

Its so easy for all of us to say we want to take a stand against all of this and not take no damned vaccine, but then we go and play beer pong or flip cup this weekend. If only 1 of those peopleplaying had any kind of virus, the whole party could have it by the end of the night. We cant even focus on the little things that could help prevent the spread of the virus, but we want to talk about fighting the government.

Speak for yourself bro. I'm going into germophobe mode right now.
About to cop those Vitamin D tablets to boost my immune system.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Diego

I was at a party with a lot of white people the other day and watched one bottle of alchohol touch the lips of like eight different people.

All I could think of is, if even one of them had the virus. That's already eight people possibly infected, who in turn may go off to share with another eight people. Who may go and share with another eight people.

8 x 8 = 64 x 8 = 512 x 8 = 4096....
On that note:

Its so easy for all of us to say we want to take a stand against all of this and not take no damned vaccine, but then we go and play beer pong or flip cup this weekend. If only 1 of those peopleplaying had any kind of virus, the whole party could have it by the end of the night. We cant even focus on the little things that could help prevent the spread of the virus, but we want to talk about fighting the government.

Speak for yourself bro. I'm going into germophobe mode right now.
About to cop those Vitamin D tablets to boost my immune system.

Make sure they're not synthetic.
Originally Posted by marath0n

Originally Posted by Diego

I was at a party with a lot of white people the other day and watched one bottle of alchohol touch the lips of like eight different people.

All I could think of is, if even one of them had the virus. That's already eight people possibly infected, who in turn may go off to share with another eight people. Who may go and share with another eight people.

8 x 8 = 64 x 8 = 512 x 8 = 4096....
On that note:

Its so easy for all of us to say we want to take a stand against all of this and not take no damned vaccine, but then we go and play beer pong or flip cup this weekend. If only 1 of those peopleplaying had any kind of virus, the whole party could have it by the end of the night. We cant even focus on the little things that could help prevent the spread of the virus, but we want to talk about fighting the government.

Speak for yourself bro. I'm going into germophobe mode right now.
About to cop those Vitamin D tablets to boost my immune system.

Soooooo your scared of a vaccine but you dont think the government didnt already taint the multivitamins yall trust so dearly. Sad yall distrustonly flares up when a youtube video is presented
America is joining the party late...

Greece To Enforce Mandatory Swine FluVaccinations

Greece has become the latest country to announce it will enforce a mandatory swine flu vaccination program, despite fears about the jabs containing mercury andsqualene.
Despite the fact that there have been no deaths whatsoever from swine flu in the Mediterranean country, the Greek government has resolved to immunize itsentire population of 12 million, all but guaranteeing that several thousand at least will be injured or be killed by the vaccine which is set to be fasttracked in Europe with no human testing at all.

"We decided that the entire population, all citizens and residents, without any exception, will be vaccinated against the flu," Health MinisterDimitris Avramopoulos said after a ministerial meeting.

"We are only waiting for the European Union's approval to start vaccinating everyone," a Health Ministry official told Reuters.

Military Poised to Help FEMA BattleSwine Flu Outbreak

The Pentagon is preparing to make troops available if necessary to help the Federal Emergency Management Agency tackle a potential outbreak of the H1N1 virusthis fall, FOX News has confirmed.

This comes as a government panel recommends certain groups be placed at the front of the line for swine flu vaccinations this fall, including pregnant women,health care workers and children six months and older.

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices panel also said those first vaccinated should include parents and other caregivers of infants; non-elderlyadults who have high-risk medical conditions, and young adults ages 19 to 24. The panel, whose recommendations typically are adopted by federal healthofficials, voted to set vaccination priorities for those groups Wednesday during a meeting in Atlanta.

Obama administration officials told Congress that H1N1 vaccinations won't be available for several months.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates is preparing to sign an order authorizing the military to set up five regional teams to deal with the potential outbreak of H1N1influenza if FEMA requests help.

Know YOUR rights...
Haven't listened to a full Alex Jones show in damn near a year, but damn near everything he used to rant and rave about seems to be coming true.

I'm about to tune in right now and see what's next...
Originally Posted by drsfinest72

now us is next.
is it that much harder to write "den" than it is to write "then"?? it is really hard to take someone seriously when theywrite like ^
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