more news. now this is from Iowa state.

The Iowa Department of Public Health (Department) has determined that you have had contact with a person with Novel Influenza A H1N1. Novel Influenza A H1N1 is a disease which is spread from person to person and is associated fever (greater than 100.0 F), cough, sore throat, rhinorrhea (runny nose), nasal congestion, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue. Novel Influenza A H1N1 presents a risk of serious harm to public health and if it spreads in the community severe public health consequences may result.

The Department has determined that it is necessary to quarantine your movement to a specific facility to prevent further spread of this disease. The Department has determined that quarantine in your home and other less restrictive alternatives are not acceptable because [insert the reason home quarantine is not acceptable, the person violated a previously issued home quarantine order, the person does not have an appropriate home setting conducive to home quarantine, etc.] The Department is therefore ordering you to comply with the following provisions during the entire period of quarantine: Quarantine Order novelflu filled in 4-30-09.pdf
I hope this is all conspiracy. I know i ready to take a stand in fight, what about the regular people like us that will fight for the government?
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp Mangudai954 wrote:
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Haven't listened to a full Alex Jones show in damn near a year, but damn near everything he used to rant and rave about seems to be coming true.

I'm about to tune in right now and see what's next...

If you haven't already, peep this one:

no BS...i knew something wasn't right w/that Gardasil they tryin to get women to roommate took it but to me it doesn't seem necessary...every time that commercial comes on i just shake my head...i'm coppin the book this week...
Good #%!!+@! looks!!
i think i may have it
waiting for the test results to come back from the lab either today or tomorrow...
Originally Posted by bb4 86

i think i may have it
waiting for the test results to come back from the lab either today or tomorrow...

damn kidd.. what are your symptoms? Feel better bro. i wasnt aware that this was such a big deal. ive read through all 8 pages, such an interesting topic.. notsure how i feel yet.
Originally Posted by RuleOfThirds

My childhood friend (considered cousin) passed away 3 weeks ago from the Swine Flu. The stuff is no joke

Did he take the vaccine? More people have died from the vaccine then the actual ain't that weird?
I'm pretty sure I had swine flu. I had a 102 fever for 4 days, terrible sore throat, no energy, dizziness and headache. They aren't even diagnosing itunless it hospitalizes you from what I hear.

I've felt fine for the last 4 days but today I have a sore throat again. Ru roh.
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