One of my coworkers has the H1N1 virus. They keeping her on Tamiflu and advise her to stay at home for 10 days.
It'll roll over.. Honestly, New Zealand has already had it and it's not so much a big deal now. We've had a few deaths (the people all had otherhealth-related problems which added to their sickness) , but we're just getting out of winter so people are more than likely to get the flu or whatever.You've just got to stay healthy and the people that do get sick have to watch out for the swine symptoms and isolate themselves. One thing that'sdifferent in swine compared to the normal flu is apparently you don't get a runny nose... Stay healthy people.
this mandatory vaccination deal is a very slippery slope into something bad... police state?

i don't see how some people are so cavalier about the obviously shady way in which these things are happening. i don't know if it passed, butthere's a law going the gov't is trying to push through (without much information at all) where basically the manufacturers of these vaccines might begiven FULL legal immunity against any and all lawsuits that might arise from sickness/complications/DEATH due to the vaccines.

don't sit down and take it
40,000 people a year die from the regular flu.. calm down. I swear niketalk has the worst hype beast and conspiracy theorist ever. dudes guaranteeing all thisstuff..come on
I got the shots already...the school sent a letter that if I didn't get 'em don't even bother showing up
I aint worried.I got that superman immune system

and the goverment is defiantly trying to off a good chuck of the population. population control FTL
Originally Posted by freshbottoms

I don't like where this is going.

Hearing *$+@ like this makes me think about my mom.

She had breast cancer some years back and it went away (fortunately) but the chemo (sp) left her immune system weak.

NT has some of the most paranoid people. to those who aren't going to take the vaccine, so you're just gonna pay the fine? or get quarantined? youdon't have much choice. unless of course, you want to lead the revolution against our government, then i'm behind you, but for damn sure i ain'ttaking the first step (which is... what, shooting a government official? lol)
this is scary the other day someone posted that this was going to happen smh
people wake up we have to save ourselves
if we tried we can stop this, im getting a gun also because i aint liking how this is going
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

NT has some of the most paranoid people. to those who aren't going to take the vaccine, so you're just gonna pay the fine? or get quarantined? you don't have much choice. unless of course, you want to lead the revolution against our government, then i'm behind you, but for damn sure i ain't taking the first step (which is... what, shooting a government official? lol)
Like I said the real life mixture of Robert Neville:


and John Connor:

is here, ready and willing. Bring it.
Damn, it sucks for me right now. Since I have a bad flu at the moment. People looking at me in the bus, class akward since I be sneezing n coughing... theyprobaly thinking he's contaminated.
Honestly, does anybody know what makes Americans 400 times more paranoid than anyone else in the world? Is it something in the water?
this could be epic.

the more they force the vaccine, the more do not want....not like i'd get it anyway.
TX better not jump on this crap. I'm not afraid to be the first one to unload. $1,000 a day? Quarantine? Are you kidding me?
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