Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

It's not the same thing. Nightmare is an established horror film franchise. 21 Jump Street was a TV show from the 80s that hasn't been relevant in quite some time. And  it was a TV procedural with public service announcement type episodes, which means it wouldn't be as seamless transition to a movie. 

Could it have been good? Sure, it's entirely possible. But look at End of Watch. That was a serious cop drama with great reviews, had a small budget and made around 40 million at the box office. A decent showing all things considered. Maybe give it a bigger budget with a slightly bigger box office and that's what a truer adaptation of 21 Jump Street the TV show would have been. I don't think the original fanbase of the TV series would be that large to offset those who had no interest in a true film adaptation. The new market would be far larger for a comedy with Tatum and Hill than a darker, drama. 

Instead, we got a well-written comedy that satirized both the high school and the buddy cup genres, and did so with critical and commercial success. Plus a few nods to the OG series for the diehard fans. I don't have a complaint with that at all.
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^^^ Thing is, the way the 21 Jump Street movie was handled is pretty consistent with a lot of TV-to movie remakes I can think of. Like the Dragnet movie with Dan Akroyd and Tom Hanks is a comedy, but its based on a serious, old cop show. The TV show Land of the Lost wasn't a comedy (at least not intentionally) and they still made that into a comedic movie. Since you may only get one shot with a movie, studios are probably want to go with the approach that's most likely to reach the widest audience. In a lot of cases comedies are just a safer bet, especially when the primary target demographic isn't going to be all that familiar with the source material in the first place.
Good point on Dragnet and Land of the Lost. I hadn't put them all together.

I don't understand their reasoning for turning everything into a comedy, but I see the pattern.

I'm glad it was well liked and all, but I wish they would have done it right, and not for mindless commercial appeal. Sorry. I know money is the root, but those movies could have been just as appealing to young people (same as the ones that watch comedies) by bringing in A-List young actors for the roles.

When Ice Cube was hired, I thought that's where we were going. A serious, talented guy that could play the actor, the leader of the unit, develop the young kids and then let the kids do their thing within the schools, while Cube held the moral fabric of the story. The point they were there to do a job, even if it meant busting little Tiffany or Jake for whatever it would be they were involved in, and of course that leading to some bigger issue they weren't prepared for, etc etc etc.

They could still add humor, the og series did. I didn't mean for it to be End of Watch serious, but serious(er) just the same. Depp could still cameo, maybe as a Captain elsewhere in the city that offers some advice, or backup, whatever.

Oh well, it'll never happen now, so it's no big deal. It had its funny moments, just wasn't what I hoped for. But Hill deserves credit for at least getting it made, otherwise it would have sat forever probably. It was his choice to do it his way, that's fine.
I think your disappointment over it not being what you wanted clouds your view of the movie. It does suck if you've enjoyed the original and it's been done far differently than you'd like. But what you're missing is it's a very good movie.

You keep saying "If it was done right" and the like, but it was done right. If it was a shameless money grab starring Justin Bieber and was an awful movie, then I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But it wasn't.. It was a well-written, very funny comedy, that blended and satirized the buddy cop genre and the high school comedy genre. And it did so without being overly cliche or cheesy. Doing that alone was a success, then  it made a lot of money. That's pretty impressive and warrants praise. 

Judge a movie for what it is, not what you think it should be. It's difficult to do that, and it's even harder when it's an adaptation from a previous work... but that's the only fair thing to do. 
BREAKING: Jennifer Lawrence is back on the market

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^^^Nice. I know a guy, who knows a guy, who knows her, so I think I might be able to hook that up...
I think your disappointment over it not being what you wanted clouds your view of the movie. It does suck if you've enjoyed the original and it's been done far differently than you'd like. But what you're missing is it's a very good movie.

You keep saying "If it was done right" and the like, but it was done right. If it was a shameless money grab starring Justin Bieber and was an awful movie, then I'd be more inclined to agree with you. But it wasn't.. It was a well-written, very funny comedy, that blended and satirized the buddy cop genre and the high school comedy genre. And it did so without being overly cliche or cheesy. Doing that alone was a success, then it made a lot of money. That's pretty impressive and warrants praise. 

Judge a movie for what it is, not what you think it should be. It's difficult to do that, and it's even harder when it's an adaptation from a previous work... but that's the only fair thing to do.

I can understand that sentiment, but I had similar feelings with 21 Jumpstreet. That said, I enjoyed it quite a bit, just not as much as everyone else.

Just call it something else. It's a problem that a lot of people have with remaking movies, or TV-shows into movies.

The only part of the film that I took a major issue with is how they handled Depp. That wasn't cool. It just **** all over the original series. If you want to pay homage to the series, sure, fine. Don't kill off the two faces of the show though.

If someone to remake The Wire into a film, but turn it into a show more like Friday, I think people wouldn't be very happy.
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[QUOTE url="[URL]http://www.mtv.com/videos/movies/870510/ben-affleck-is-resisting-awards-season-competitiveness.jhtml[/URL]"]
Affleck tells MTV his next directing project will be the gangster story Live By Night, Affleck’s second adaptation of a Dennis Lehane novel (after Gone Baby Gone), and one that has so many of the characteristics that Affleck finds appealing about stories set in Boston, such as their taking place almost entirely in Boston.
Published last fall, Live By Night is the Prohibition-era-Boston tale of a Boston police captain’s son who turns Boston outlaw, tangling with both Boston’s mobsters and his own Boston father’s Boston police force. It’s a taut, Boston-y thriller, chock-full of Boston on nearly every page, and one that should allow Affleck to explore how the Boston of yore relates to the modern, universal Boston we all live in. Unfortunately, Affleck says his commitment to getting Live By Night done by a certain deadline forced him to drop out of starring in the upcoming Focus. Of course, that film is set to shoot in Buenos Aires, a city crippled by the poverty of its not being Boston, and co-star Kristen Stewart, who also couldn’t be Boston if she tried.

Edit: Personally, I wish he would stay away from Boston. He succeeded very well in doing so with Argo. I was hoping for his next one to be set outside of Boston and not have him as the star. 
I think Affleck in his early directing career is sticking to home similar to how Spike Lee did for a few flicks (well almost all :lol: )

:lol: @ Buenos Aires and Kristen Stewart not being able to be Boston. I hope it doesn't become an obsession for Ben where his rep will be the guy that only directs movies about and in Boston.
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Ah I love this show, this is my first rewatch since the show first aired and I forgot almost everything that happened at the start. It's amazing how much the characters have grown since season 1. Pete was a big douche.. I love his whole character development to this point.

Not to mention Don's WHOLE story, just such amazing writing man. (As you might be able to tell.. I just finished watching Nixon vs. Kennedy episode)

This comes back when?
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Saw Gangster Squad tonight. For a $7.50 ticket, I figured I'd give it a chance. My expectations going in were that it wasn't going to be a good movie, and after further review, it was decent at best, of course, in my opinion. Entertaining for a $7.50 ticket as opposed to $13.50 at the normal price/theater I go to.

-Goslings voice :lol: , didn't know cops/gangsters spoke that softly.
-Penn was cool, but didn't seem strong enough as the leader of LA through crime.
-Broli and Penn boxing to lead up to Penn's arrest had me :rofl: , pretty cheesy IMO.
-Definitely some cool shots/cinematography for some scenes, I'll give it that.
-Tommy Gun, such a dope weapon.
Her and Aubrey plaza are my crushes man
aubrey plaza turned down ryan gosling twice......i have no chance with her :/

also i saw silver linings playbook

and i wasnt crazy about it nor did i see what the hype was about , girl i saw it with has a chick crush on jennifer lawrence and loved it though
chick crush you say :nerd: jennifer lawrence rubs me the wrong way. just seems like she's the kinda chick to play Hollywood's games too well if you know what I mean (down for the cause).

I think 3d tickets are roughly $16.50 in NY, depending on the theater. $13.50 for regular shows as well.
Her Catpiss portrayal made me think she was a total *****. Still haven't seen Silver linings or any of her other better work. I am interested in seeing her play the promiscuous mentally imbalanced chick. She do seem sneaky though.
On the DVD for Zombieland, there was this preview for this movie Defendor. Woody Harrelson. Joint looks stupid funny. And by that I mean stupid... and possibly funny. :lol:

Any of you ever seen it? Care to comment?
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