Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Got back from an early 10 PM showing of Zero Dark Thirty on Thursday night. Damn good movie, Jessica Chastain is a brilliant actress.
That Safety post reminds me of that movie that came out a few years ago Sunshine Cleaners. Anyone ever watch it?

My wife loves that movie, I've seen most of it, in pieces. After The Devil Wears Prada when I was first introduced to the Goddess that is Emily Blunt, I enjoyed seeing her do something that just flat out made me feel bad for her in Sunshine. :lol:
I really need Gangster Squad to be great. I thought after The Departed that we would get back to some truly great crime/mob story films, but it hasn't happened. I guess I could count The Town, which was awesome.

If Squad fails, my only hope left is the Ben Affleck/Matt Damon ****** Ford movie. Which, if Ben is directing is absolutely destined for greatness.
It was alright, but there were just some stupid common sense things that anyone would of done.. so you kind of have to suspend belief while watching it. It sucks that this happened in real life and the story was just hard to believe....but overall it wasn't bad. Really some scumbags in the world, also some real idiots. Nothing I would ever watch again, I just felt uncomfortable at times.. but once, sure why not.

I saw Compliance last month after really anticipating it. I hated it. I thought it was overtly dumb. I understand the point of the film was to showcase how absurd a situation like that is and how it really happened and there are people out there like this. But maybe I consider myself too smart for a situation like the one that was depicted in the film; it felt like a slap in the face and an insult to the audience and my intelligence watching it unfold.
I predicted Gangster Squad's disappointment. It just seemed like too much of a sure thing with that cast.. people would see the subject, see the people in it, and just assume it would be great but I was skeptical. And looking at the reviews, I was right to be.
LA Confidential delivered, I don't get how they fail Squad. Script? Rewrites from Colorado? Not enough screen time for the cast?

I'll see it sometime soon, tryin not to read anything so I can go in open minded, but that's sad if indeed it does flop.:smh:
I haven't read too much, but one of the complaints is it's overly violent and has terrible writing.
Affleck tells MTV  his next directing project will be the gangster story Live By Night, Affleck’s second adaptation of a Dennis Lehane novel (after Gone Baby Gone), and one that has so many of the characteristics that Affleck finds appealing about stories set in Boston, such as their taking place almost entirely in Boston.

Published last fall, Live By Night  is the Prohibition-era-Boston tale of a Boston police captain’s son who turns Boston outlaw, tangling with both Boston’s mobsters and his own Boston father’s Boston police force. It’s a taut, Boston-y thriller, chock-full of Boston on nearly every page, and one that should allow Affleck to explore how the Boston of yore relates to the modern, universal Boston we all live in. Unfortunately, Affleck says his commitment to getting Live By Night  done by a certain deadline forced him to drop out of starring in the upcoming Focus. Of course, that film is set to shoot in Buenos Aires, a city crippled by the poverty of its not being Boston, and co-star Kristen Stewart, who also couldn’t be Boston if she tried.

Edit: Personally, I wish he would stay away from Boston. He succeeded very well in doing so with Argo. I was hoping for his next one to be set outside of Boston and not have him as the star. 
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SOLD. Here's my money.

Both Ben and Nolan both lining up their next projects. :smokin

I need to look and see when they are supposed to start on that White-y Ford movie, they even mentioned it in that Good Will Hunting article PMatic posted on D day.

I agree about doing something outside of Boston, but it's what he knows. All the way back to Good Will.
He lives out in LA now, you'd think he could do something good out:lol: :lol:there. :lol:
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Finally got around to 21 Jump Street.

This... is HILARIOUS. :lol: :rofl:

"You punched a little black gay kid... it's not even second period." :rofl:

"You'll never know what you can't achieve, untill you don't achieve it."

The hell... ? :lol:
It did have its funny moments, but I honestly was sad at how they did it.

21 JumpStreet, SHOULD have been a truly terrific, darker police movie. The OG show was not some laugh a minute riot, they tackled extremely real issues back then, imagine what they could do now?

With the internet age, kids bringing guns to school for massacres, they could have easily tackled something serious like that with the set up JumpStreet brings. Adult cops, youthful looking enough to work undercover in high schools all over a highly populated city? Going school to school? ****, you would have built in sequels, and wouldn't even need the same cast for each one outside of a couple core members, like the captain and a couple other cops that could help coordinate. That way acting wise, you could bring in 2-3 of the new "it" young actors and actresses to play the roles within the actual schools.

Turning it into a Jonah Hill laughfest was a sad play imo. Even if they made it a funny movie, the franchise was not built for that and they could have tackled so much more. |I
Can't disagree with any of that. If an older person is going to appreciate this movie, they have to put aside what they already know about the old TV show.

I definitely think that Depp's finale, and more importantly, them stepping on the nose and beard, was an "out with the old, in with the new" statement.
It did have its funny moments, but I honestly was sad at how they did it.

21 JumpStreet, SHOULD have been a truly terrific, darker police movie. The OG show was not some laugh a minute riot, they tackled extremely real issues back then, imagine what they could do now?

With the internet age, kids bringing guns to school for massacres, they could have easily tackled something serious like that with the set up JumpStreet brings. Adult cops, youthful looking enough to work undercover in high schools all over a highly populated city? Going school to school? ****, you would have built in sequels, and wouldn't even need the same cast for each one outside of a couple core members, like the captain and a couple other cops that could help coordinate. That way acting wise, you could bring in 2-3 of the new "it" young actors and actresses to play the roles within the actual schools.

Turning it into a Jonah Hill laughfest was a sad play imo. Even if they made it a funny movie, the franchise was not built for that and they could have tackled so much more. |I

:frown: I feel bad for liking the movie so much now
Can't disagree with any of that. If an older person is going to appreciate this movie, they have to put aside what they already know about the old TV show.

I definitely think that Depp's finale, and more importantly, them stepping on the nose and beard, was an "out with the old, in with the new" statement.
Oh please.. forget planning for future sequels, you'd have to get people in the theaters for the first one before anything else happens. The reason it was successful is because they went a different direction and made it a comedy. 

The odds of that being financially successful enough to warrant sequels would have been pretty slim. It certainly wouldn't have been too appealing to a wide audience, not the way a comedy would have been. I don't see it as a missed opportunity for some great cop franchise, not without injecting a good deal of humor and action into it. And if you're going to do that, might as well make it a comedy.
Oh please.. forget planning for future sequels, you'd have to get people in the theaters for the first one before anything else happens. The reason it was successful is because they went a different direction and made it a comedy. 

The odds of that being financially successful enough to warrant sequels would have been pretty slim. It certainly wouldn't have been too appealing to a wide audience, not the way a comedy would have been. I don't see it as a missed opportunity for some great cop franchise, not without injecting a good deal of humor and action into it. And if you're going to do that, might as well make it a comedy.

Did you watch any of the OG show?

And I didn't mean to imply they should have started out with 5 movies in mind or anything, I'm saying they could have done the first better, darker, more serious, not a comedy, and then if it held well, continue on with a story if the demand was there.

Making it Superbad with guns was not what 21 JumpStreet should have been. Not even close. I don't see taking Nightmare on Elm Street and remaking it into Porky's 4 as something wise, same goes here.

If this exact same movie was made, but not the 21 JumpStreet label, I'd be fine with it as it was.
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