Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I can tell where it is going

I promise you that's not true. :lol:

Trust me. They know the cliches and methodical process expected outta their genre and they know ain't nobody got time for that, so they jump the plot constantly.

Keep watching, you'll see. It's not The Killing.
The only word that came to mind as I was watching Django unfold: epic. Both the literary form, and the overused one.

noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style
heroic; majestic; impressively great
I am not a Tarantino fan, but I think he executed this about as well as anyone could ever execute such a film.
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Full review on the way, but here are my quick thoughts on Les Miserables:

Les Miserables is such a grand film, but so hollow and unentertaining. Don't understand the love for Jackman, utterly unimpressive. Russell Crowe comes off a miscast through large portions of the film, although he has his moments. Best voice by far was Amanda Seyfried, followed by Anne Hathaway and Eddie Redmayne. Isabelle Allen was great to watch as well. Helena Bonham Carter and Sacha Baron Cohen looked to be having a lot of fun in their roles, had one of the best scenes in the film. I feel like Tom Hooper's vision for the film was completely off. The never ending darkness and close ups got tiring so quickly. Cinematography was piss poor, I hated the way the film was shot, between the shaky camera and over focusing on pores - really poorly done.
Anyone else catch Silver Linings Playbook? Watched it last week with my girl. Wanted to see it mainly for Jennifer Lawrence (and I got a man crush for Bradley Cooper) and it exceeded my expectations. I thought that was Lawrence's best performance by far. Can't wait to see it again.

top 5 film of the year
The Bourne Legacy :smh:
How do I put this?
...It's Bourne: The Phantom Menace from the midi-chlorians to the refried, but ****tier storyline...except if that (only reason to watch it) Darth Maul fight had happened in Return of the Jedi and you got a knockoff, much worse and forgettable fight at the end of this one.

Renner was decent, I guess.
Rachel Weisz kinda sucked.
Ed Norton was on point.
The story was as pointless as possible.
Nothing happened.
This should've never existed.

I keep a list of best and worst films of the year - and Bourne Legacy is #1 on my worst list. I couldn't believe how bad it was.
Got Chill Factor on in the background and I gotta say I never noticed how many generic bad movies Cuba Gooding Jr. has been in :smh: :x
Silver Linings was definitely a top 5 for me as well.. def. check it out, best romcom this year at least.
In less tragic and awful news... and on the subject of Anna Kendrick, you guys should watch Pitch Perfect. Ignore the trailer and premise because it's far better than it looks.

It's written by Kay Cannon, who wrote for 30 Rock and it's really quite funny.
It's got Adam from Workaholics
It's got Rebel Wilson and I'd guess 90% of her lines are hilarious

It's got Anna Kendrick in all her awesomeness 

It's got Alexis Knapp and her crazy great rack

It's got Christpher Guest esque commentary during the performances which is hilarious

And even if you hate acapella and all that, it pokes fun at how lame and silly it can be and doesn't take itself too seriously.

So in summation, it should win an Oscar.

"Her boobs look like pepperoni." ... I was almost out until I heard that. :lol:

Now...the Riff-Off was awesome. That's movie magic. You don't have to watch any of the film, but watch that. 43 minutes in. That is just. ******g. joyful. and damn good.

After that moment everything just starts clicking in the movie for me...all the weirdo characters start making sense and being funny. The 2 Asian girls killed me. And the movie's a lot realer than you'd expect. It doesn't turn into Step Up or anything. It's grounded. And because of that, parts that coulda been corny or over the top, just sorta sneak up on you.

I mean no...it's not that smooth. It's not gold from go like Mean Girls or Bring It On were. It's not especially quotable, and it took me a good 20 minutes or so to get into it. And there are some dry dead moments, especially early on. BUT :lol: after all that...I liked it. And it kept getting better as it went along.

Yall should check it out.

End of Watch, now this?
Ok. I really, really like Anna Kendrick now.
And that thing she did with the cup was just cool. Emma Stone ain't even close.

:nerd: Why was McLovin in this?
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Finally... sweet validation for Pitch Perfect.
I mean no...it's not that smooth. It's not gold from go like Mean Girls or Bring It On were
And that will keep it from reaching a much broader audience on cable, DVD, word of mouth, along with the music turning off a lot of people who just assume it's Glee for college. Although in Glee they have music backing them, and here they actually did it all a capella, which is cool and made a difference. 

The cup song was excellent, as is Kendrick... which is just a fact at this point.
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Pitch Perfect was an enjoyable watch. And not just because of Anna Kendrick either.

I could have done without the vomiting scenes though. :x
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Ok I'm gonna start watching some of these Blus I have thay are still in the plastic smh..I haven't seen any of these movies ever.. What order shiuld I watch these in?..

A Clockwork Orange
X-Men First Class
Into the Wild
Michael Clayton
^his list makes more sense. :lol: quiet then loud/slow then fast
I just kinda ranked em.

No bad movies there.

Michael Clayton's my favorite out of those. Every detail of that movie is great. It's quiet though.
....same writer/director as Bourne Legacy somehow...

Warrior will have you hyped. I swear, if they would've called it Blood Brothers instead, it would've blown up. It should've blown up. Tom Hardy is an animal.

Apocalypto is kind of amazing and really slept on. I think it's better than Last of the Mohicans.
...Just crazy raw. Not in English, though. But that won't matter much once the action gets going.

Into the Wild has Kristen Stewart at her best? :lol: Didn't Sean Penn direct this?
...I think it and 127 Hours would make a great double feature.

I don't like Blow. A lot of people do, I don't.
It's like if they told all of Breaking Bad from Beaver's perspective.

First Class is both the worst and most fun out of all of them. :lol:
It's a really great Fassbender as Magneto movie, strapped to an ehhhh X-Men movie.

A Clockwork Orange... *shrug* It's great? :lol: One of those, would never watch again, but if someone put it on, I'm there. You will feel some type of way by the time the closing credits come. And there are images you'll never forget. I don't know how someone could watch this, then watch anything else after, so I'd say save it for last?
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Watched The Lincoln Lawyer again today... underrated movie. Always thought McConaughey was a no-talent waste until that role.
Watched The Lincoln Lawyer again today... underrated movie. Always thought McConaughey was a no-talent waste until that role.
You didn't see A Time To Kill?

He mostly plays roles to his looks but he has actual talent and displays in some of his more serious roles.

Very good movie. Kinda wish it was a tv show at times just for the interplay between his driver, friend on a case to case basis.
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