Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T


You've never seen Family Guy? Ever?
How did you find the internet?
Something's not adding up.


He's right about Grandma's Boy, though.
The entire Ted movie is Family Guy with Marky Mark. Mila, the family in the beginning, all the people from FG.
CP, Inception was about Leo more than planting the idea in the Fischer's head. Him coping with his wife's death, while his anxiety and depression worsened when many lives were on the line. I found the deeper they went into the dream the deeper we delved into the personal turmoil of Leo's character. I don't know, flick was more about him than anything else imo *shrugs*

Just caught The Wrestler. Powerful film man :nerd: You really thought Randy was getting his life back, figuring out how to live after an atypical life. Like, ****... he was rebuilding with his daughter, felt like we were a scene away from seeing him bang Marisa Tomei (relax, Costanza), and then everything went tumbling downhill. Tomei gives him the backhand, banged the "groupie" in the bathroom after doing blow, and then misses his dinner with his daughter :smh:

Not difficult to see in the slightest why Rourke raked in a Golden Globe and was nominated for an Oscar. If I saw him in real life, I would literally think he's a former wrestler going through a bevy of personal conflicts. I can't see him as anything else now :lol: Can't believe that was the same guy in Iron Man 2. Haven't seen him in much else... but I know that's because this role revitalized his career. Gotta go back to the 90s and catch some of his other flicks. FYI... Just looked up Darren Aronofsky on IMDB.... Looks like he has a movie called Noah coming out in 2014, that is already in post-production. Interesting. Emma Watson as the lead and Russell Crowe as the next man up. Could be interesting, plot seems a little stupid but in Aronofsky we trust. Still gotta check out Pi and Requiem. Any other DA flicks worth looking at?

Deep movie. Some of that violence too :smh: :lol: Like, **** MAN. Staples in the back? Barbed wire all over the ring? Razor blading yourself? Jesus. And then the drugs, and the tanning booth, and the lifting. Don't see how a life like that could be worth it, no matter WHAT paycheck you're getting.

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The Wrestler is so good. It made me feel bad for Mankind. :smh: You felt those staples. :x
Marisa :evil:...and Evan Rachel Wood as his daughter. :smokin

Gotta go back to the 90s and catch some of his other flicks.

Check out Diner and Barfly.
Mickey was the golden boy before he ****** his face up boxing.
He was like the 80s' Ryan Gosling or Heath Ledger.
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damn you people and your love for Ted. I thought it was horrible. I don't know if I could watch it again to make sure as I almost turned it off about 30 minutes in. was told to turn in my man card because I said Bridesmaids was way better.
had to watch Shooter after Ted to save Wahlberg.

I didn't think it was horrible, but I didn't really enjoy it. Overrated, super hype machine, didn't live up to my expectations at all.
I saw Ted with the family on Christmas...I suppose my expectation weren't high. Heard it was funny. And it was. My kinda humor :pimp:

"you're never alone...when you're with Christ" :lol: :lol: :lol:
Yeah, Ted didn't do anything for me.

The Lion/Tuna exchange from The Other Guys is classic. How that couldn't make some people laugh, I just don't know.
I like Midnight In Paris.... A lot.

Owen Wilson was perfect for that role. Love the dialogue, imagery... everything.
Anyone else catch Silver Linings Playbook? Watched it last week with my girl. Wanted to see it mainly for Jennifer Lawrence (and I got a man crush for Bradley Cooper) and it exceeded my expectations. I thought that was Lawrence's best performance by far. Can't wait to see it again.
I'm hopefully going to see it this weekend, it's been on my agenda for weeks but it's only playing in a theater I don't usually go to.
This is 40 was pretty good. Better than I expected like most of ya.

That minaj scene in the bedroom was funny as hell

Megan fox...caught a boner when she got her chest felt up. Shorty was right next to me..didnt eemm care
After getting my socks blown off by Blue Valentine, I'm gonna watch Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

I couldn't bring myself to watch Like Crazy just yet.
I like Midnight In Paris.... A lot.
Owen Wilson was perfect for that role. Love the dialogue, imagery... everything.

I just got this tonight for my birthday, along with Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, They Live, and Abe Lincoln Vampire Hunter. :lol: :pimp:

Also got the Planet of the Apes films and Rocky Collection.
The Bourne Legacy :smh:

How do I put this?

...It's Bourne: The Phantom Menace from the midi-chlorians to the refried, but ****tier storyline...except if that (only reason to watch it) Darth Maul fight had happened in Return of the Jedi and you got a knockoff, much worse and forgettable fight at the end of this one.


Renner was decent, I guess.
Rachel Weisz kinda sucked.
Ed Norton was on point.
The story was as pointless as possible.
Nothing happened.
This should've never existed.
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Watched Wedding Crashers last night for the first time in a while.. Probably a top 3 comedy movie for me..**** is hilarious
I've heard nothing but rave reviews for Homeland, and my friend insisted and swore that "if you watch Season 1 Episode 1, I promise you you won't not be able to watch Episode 2."

Needless to say, I finished EP1 earlier, and the show is just not for me. I can tell where it is going, but I'm just not into it. I honestly thought I would be, but I don't think it's for me.
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