Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

:lol: I just remember seeing those two in the movie theater. No one guessed the # correct yet for the Dark Knight Blu :nerd:
Finally hit over 200 Blu's :pimp:


And so glad I didn't do Dexter this year. Sounds awful Zik :lol:
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Homeland with the cut to black had me shook for a second 
Welp, Dexter has jumped the shark this season for me or maybe it has seasons ago and I didn't want to admit it.
This **** is way too cyclical. It was one thing for previous things to happen again that was pointed out by Big J; Dexter finds somebody he connects with, tries to change, etc. but this is some bs. He was already on that **** the code **** I'm gonna be a killer and realized that doesn't work the same way not killing doesn't. It was cool for him to realize his dark passenger is childish but ditching the code was pure bull ****. I mean that was part of the hook of the show. Just watching a show about a guy who kills ppl he doesn't like isn't all that compelling. Killing other serial killers was interesting.
I aint even gonna talk about him becoming a simp at the end of last week's ep or how the arson killer was dropped fast to go back to Deb trying to arrest this chick Dex is simping over. Quinn not dying and continuing to be a dirty cop was even worse. Kill that idiot already.
Just :stoneface: overall

You expect it to be maintained for the entire series? His world is falling apart all around him.
finished watching the first season of homeland

I'm sold.

However I have a strong feeling the longer this show goes on the worse it will be. This story is not made for the way Americans produce television. It's impossible for this type of story to go on for 6 plus seasons and retain any realism whatsoever.

2 seasons and a movie British style is what this should be. But money talks
Is this season good at least? I don't want to get my hopes up...

Thing is the way it ended I'd be fine never seeing another episode. I just don't see a special direction to go in.

Probably should have just been a mini series
Is this season good at least? I don't want to get my hopes up...

Thing is the way it ended I'd be fine never seeing another episode. I just don't see a special direction to go in.

Probably should have just been a mini series
I am easily impressed by things.... So yes season 2 is good. It's nice because now the line in the figurative sand has been drawn and the pressure builds on the story.
It's been solid, it's has had it's respective highs and lows. But there's still a couple episodes left to really elevate the season.
Welp, Dexter has jumped the shark this season for me or maybe it has seasons ago and I didn't want to admit it.

This **** is way too cyclical. It was one thing for previous things to happen again that was pointed out by Big J; Dexter finds somebody he connects with, tries to change, etc. but this is some bs. He was already on that **** the code **** I'm gonna be a killer and realized that doesn't work the same way not killing doesn't. It was cool for him to realize his dark passenger is childish but ditching the code was pure bull ****. I mean that was part of the hook of the show. Just watching a show about a guy who kills ppl he doesn't like isn't all that compelling. Killing other serial killers was interesting.

I aint even gonna talk about him becoming a simp at the end of last week's ep or how the arson killer was dropped fast to go back to Deb trying to arrest this chick Dex is simping over. Quinn not dying and continuing to be a dirty cop was even worse. Kill that idiot already.

Just :stoneface: overall

I get and understand a lot of what you're saying, but I think we're being set up for something bigger. For instance, the way Issac was handled, seemed a little early, right? Same with this Phantom, however, they seem to be clearing the way for Mathews and LaGuerta to be on something, and you saw how Dex and Deb are already discussing it. That's HUGE. Like, really huge. I think they are screwing around and blinding us to Deb and Hannah, while Mathews and LaGuerta play in the background, that's the end of this show. The Miami Metro v Dexter conclusion, it has to be.

So I'm not too upset yet, my biggest complaint was the way Mathews talked to LaGuerta about the connections thru Dex. The guy that killed his mom, and now he's missing, and Dex was related to the God damn Ice Truck killer, and LaGuerta took that news like he just said Dexter was a 6 foot white male. She shoulda fell out her damn chair when he told her that stuff. :lol: That's my biggest complain to date. We'll see how the 2 final eps go.
I get and understand a lot of what you're saying, but I think we're being set up for something bigger. For instance, the way Issac was handled, seemed a little early, right? Same with this Phantom, however, they seem to be clearing the way for Mathews and LaGuerta to be on something, and you saw how Dex and Deb are already discussing it. That's HUGE. Like, really huge. I think they are screwing around and blinding us to Deb and Hannah, while Mathews and LaGuerta play in the background, that's the end of this show. The Miami Metro v Dexter conclusion, it has to be.
So I'm not too upset yet, my biggest complaint was the way Mathews talked to LaGuerta about the connections thru Dex. The guy that killed his mom, and now he's missing, and Dex was related to the God damn Ice Truck killer, and LaGuerta took that news like he just said Dexter was a 6 foot white male. She shoulda fell out her damn chair when he told her that stuff. :lol: That's my biggest complain to date. We'll see how the 2 final eps go.
I honestly didn't mind Issac being done off a bit early as some others have said. I liked that it didn't end at the season finale but this ep made me realize they didn't have much to fall back on than LaGuerta snails pace at figuring out who Dex is, and Deb being extra *****y. A lot of the compelling things are gone. I don't really have the faith to think they got something great in store for the finale despite enjoying this season up to a point.

I know that'll be the conclusion but they're so incompetent I'm pretty confident Dex will win and if he doesn't I fear it'll be done in a stupid way.
You expect it to be maintained for the entire series? His world is falling apart all around him.
What to be maintained? The code? Hell yes especially when all they do with it is ditch it just to return it. Reminds me of comic book characters always returning to status quo after a big change. It's like they're purposely making Dex not learn from past mistakes and stagnate his character. They've done the story with him questioning the code and going against it several times. This ep as far as Dex's perspective, his life is no longer falling apart as far as he knows. They're going down a path where he thinks he's in control.

I'm not saying every season should be the same thing as far as Dex goes but when they've already addressed that and decided it's not his way why continue to do it over and over again when something important isn't even causing the change? They could do so many other things with the premise and with what has already happened in past seasons.

I'm now tired of the repetitive pattern of him meeting someone and bonding and then going off the rails before it all backfires. I mean it was cool since I was enjoying how it was being done instead of it being done again but now it's like they don't know how to do anything but follow the formula. I had hope with Deb finding out that they'd do new things but they haven't done a whole lot
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how about some spolier alerts :smh:

sometimes i hate that you can see the newest message when scrolling through all threads
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NYFCC gave their awards today - this starts to shape the Academy Awards race for the golden trophies

New York Film Critics Circle 2012 Awards

Best Film: Zero Dark Thirty; Kathryn Bigelow

Best Director: Kathryn Bigelow; Zero Dark Thirty

Best Screenplay: Tony Kushner; Lincoln

Best Actress: Rachel Weisz; The Deep Blue Sea

Best Actor: Daniel Day-Lewis; Lincoln

Best Supporting Actress: Sally Field; Lincoln

Best Supporting Actor: Matthew McConaughey; Magic Mike & Bernie

Best Cinematography: Greig Fraser; Zero Dark Thirty

Best Non-Fiction Film: Central Park Five; Ken Burns, Sarah Burns and David McMahon

Best Foreign Language Film: Amour; Michael Haneke

Best Animated Feature: Frankenweenie; Tim Burton

Best First Feature: How To Survive a Plague; David France
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Got a bad feeling "Zero Dark Thirty" is going to be the hurt locker status

get awards for a political statement and never be thought of again.
Got a bad feeling "Zero Dark Thirty" is going to be the hurt locker status

get awards for a political statement and never be thought of again.

Word is it's one of the most suspenseful movies ever.

Andy Greenwald, who's notoriously picky and also one of the only film/television critics I trust, was raving about it on Twitter last night.
Early Django reviews have been really bullish... People love it.

From now to mid-January I'm gonna have to see...



Killing Them Softly

Life of Pi

Silver Linings

This is 40


Gangster Squad (I'll be really disappointed if this isn't awesome)

Might have a movie-a-day marathon during my two-week Christmas break... :lol:
Funds are slim as I'm looking for a job, but I'll find the money to see both The Hobbit, and Django.
I'd like to see This is 40, ZDT, and Gangster Squad, but we'll see. I'm really looking forward to Gangster Squad too.

If you ever wondered what an Oscar screener looks like...



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Watched Argo last night.

LOVED it. Ben is really kicking *** at this new gig. The visuals, it was like watching a movie from 1980 actually. I don't know if he gets the credit for that or how that works, but it was tremendous.

That thing was TENSE. The last half hour I found myself literally on the edge of the couch, leaning forward, hands clasped tightly, I realized and was like wtf am I doin here? :lol:

First off, the true portion of the movie, walkin into that country, without so much as a six shooter and walkin right on thru dudes with machine guns and itchy trigger fingers, those are some bowling balls in those trowsers. Gad damn. Insane.

The cast was really good, and as you can see at the end credits, if those are indeed the real ID's of the people, they did an incredible job matchin them. :wow:

My one complaint. Just one. Ben OD'd a bit on the shots of himself without saying anything. I loved the back and forth showing characters as they wait, wait, wait and all that, but Ben must have had himself shot 75 times without actually saying any dialogue. I got it Ben, you're in the movie, ok, I see you, yes, thank you, move on now. :lol: It's a small complaint, but it was noticeable enough to me to be distracting. Like why the **** he keep showin hisself here, and again....there he is again...AGAIN!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: If I played a drinking game to that, I'd be dead right now.

9/10 easy. Can't wait to see what he directs next. And btw, it was in this very thread that we started talkin about Argo bein his next project. Right after The Town came out. :nthat:
^ :pimp: Argo is probably my favorite movie of the year thus far. His beard tho, the entire movie looked really bad...
hey guys.

Finally got around to watching Prometheus. Loved it :pimp: ...now I have to watch all of the Alien movies (another set of movies I have never seen :smh: :lol:)

After you've watched Alien and Aliens, you should probably stay away from Prometheus and just hold onto that good memory of it.

Welp, Dexter has jumped the shark this season for me or maybe it has seasons ago and I didn't want to admit it.



finished watching the first season of homeland

I'm sold.

However I have a strong feeling the longer this show goes on the worse it will be. This story is not made for the way Americans produce television. It's impossible for this type of story to go on for 6 plus seasons and retain any realism whatsoever.

2 seasons and a movie British style is what this should be. But money talks

Yes. I love the show, but understand that this is to Showtime, what a boy band was to Lou Pearlman. :smh: And there's an SNL skit that'll make you never look at the characters the same again. :lol:
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Watched Argo last night.

Agree with all of that.

I love the composition of Argo. I hate when these movies drop the period piece-ness in about 5 minutes or are inconsistent. It's like having a shaky accent. This thing is solid as hell.

Ben Affleck is kinda the only weak link. He's pretty charisma-less, so every time he's on screen alone, you're looking around for something other than him to be interesting. That doesn't matter, though. He gets a pass because he directed it and casted really, really well.

I don't get it.

Ben from Gigli? Ben from Bennifer? Daredevil Ben? Jersey Girl Ben? That guy just went 3 for 3 in the directing game? I don't get it. This is my favorite film of his and short of a couple moments at the end that were a little corny, but not even that big of a deal, this was basically perfect.

Alan Arkin went hard and his sidekick John Goodman was nice too. And it's crazy how much these actors all look like the real people. I was worried that this would be Charlie Wilson's War 2, where it's well done, but I never really have the urge to ever watch it again, but the editing and pacing are so good that you could trip into this movie at any point and get caught til it's over.

And yeah...it was crazy how identical the cast looked to the real people. Although, I hear the Canadians did a lot more than the movie shows, but America, **** yeah, so there.

a cool 9/10 ... and please don't direct a comic book movie
Got a bad feeling "Zero Dark Thirty" is going to be the hurt locker status
get awards for a political statement and never be thought of again.

It's going to be better.

National Board of Review gave Zero Dark Thirty best picture also.

Seeing it tomorrow, can't wait.
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