Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Finally saw Skyfall...I have only seen like 2 Bond movies ever (Die Another Day & The World is Not Enough)

Watch Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace ASAP. Those are the only other 2 you should have ever seen.

For context, if you seen Die Another Day and World is Not Enough, then I suggest you go back and watch Goldeneye. That's the only Brosnan film I allow.

Then jump on Royale and Solace.

Man, I gotta know, how, HOW did you get started with Die Another and World? That don't eeem make sense.
Woke up this morning and the first thing I hear on tv is "and has a bigger rap sheet than most rap stars and athletes"

They were talking about lindsy lohan lol. Kind of an odd comment for NY1. Girl got a bigger rap sheet than most criminals. The **** happened to that sweet ***?
Quantum of Solace is some ****. Don't waste your time. 

Casino Royale is 

People are so hard on Solace, I don't understand that. I thought it was fine, it was just "different" than the world that was created in Royale, less colorful, bright and shiny, etc. Skyfall gets back to that, and makes Solace look even more gritty and dirty which to me made it a nice contrast.
:lol: I just remember seeing those two in the movie theater. No one guessed the # correct yet for the Dark Knight Blu :nerd:

Finally hit over 200 Blu's :pimp:
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Quantum of Solace is some ****. Don't waste your time. 

Casino Royale is :nthat:  though
Even if it is trash, and it's not, he should watch it for context within the other 2 films. Plus, Olga Kurylenko. Can never go wrong with Olga Kurylenko.


People are so hard on Solace, I don't understand that. I thought it was fine, it was just "different" than the world that was created in Royale, less colorful, bright and shiny, etc. Skyfall gets back to that, and makes Solace look even more gritty and dirty which to me made it a nice contrast.
:pimp: Well, that and the villain sucked.

Oh and Land of the Dead is cold trash. Forgot how much this movie made me want to hate the zombie genre all together after I saw it :x
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Oh and Land of the Dead is cold trash. Forgot how much this movie made me want to hate the zombie genre all together after I saw it :x

I'm biased because I love GAR and I could accept a new film from him and missed his films. It was definitely the weakest of his first four zombie films. Fortunately enough for him, he made new zombie films that continually got worse. :lol:

One could argue that his films started at it's best, and continued to worsen. Night of the Living Dead is debatable whether it's better than Dawn, it's close for me, but Night>Dawn>Day>Land>Diary>Survival isn't too farfetched. Although I enjoy a lot of his early stuff as well. I'm personally one of those that really enjoyed Day of the Dead, and I know it turns a lot of people away. :nerd:

Also, if anyone is interested in getting the Indiana Jones Complete Adventure's set, it's the cheapest it's ever been @ Target right now, at 44.99. There's also a ten dollar coupon, making it 34.99. :pimp:


Looks like the deal is dead, it was only live for one day. Sorry guys. :smh:
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I would usually give someone like GAR a pass for his trash, but Romero just doesnt give a **** anymore. Dude created his best works, Night and Dawn, then said "**** it! Time to see how much worse I can make each of my next films!" And it's not like he wouldn't get the budget from a major if he wanted it, but the guy just doesnt try anymore. We need another good zombie movie; there hasnt been one since, like, 28 Weeks Later, depending on what you count as zombies. I really wish World War Z didnt get ****** up and ruined :frown:
I would usually give someone like GAR a pass for his trash, but Romero just doesnt give a **** anymore. Dude created his best works, Night and Dawn, then said "**** it! Time to see how much worse I can make each of my next films!" And it's not like he wouldn't get the budget from a major if he wanted it, but the guy just doesnt try anymore. We need another good zombie movie; there hasnt been one since, like, 28 Weeks Later, depending on what you count as zombies. I really wish World War Z didnt get ****** up and ruined :frown:

Zombieland was good, don't you think? [REC] also was enjoyable. Have you still not seen The Dead? I thought that was one of the better ones I've seen in recent memory. It's acting is poor at best, but it's still a good film IMO.

I enjoy Martin, Creepshow, and Monkey Shines, but yeah, it's sad that he is so pivotal in the advancement of the horror genre yet has so little to show outside of key films. At least Carpenter had a solid string of like 6-8 films that were all great. Halloween, The Fog, Escape from NY, The Thing, Christine, Starman to an extent, Big Trouble in Little China, Prince of Darkness, They Live. That's a damn admirable line-up of films.
Ah, forgot about Zombieland and [rec], and probably a few more :lol: The effects of dead week, man. And I still havent seen The Dead :lol: :smh: My list of 'need to see' keeps growing apparently.

John Carpenter put together a damn good list of movies. Like, DAMN GOOD. And even though he's fallen like Romero, and he cant seem to make good movies anymore, I can forgive him since he created so many classics.
Woke up this morning and the first thing I hear on tv is "and has a bigger rap sheet than most rap stars and athletes"
They were talking about lindsy lohan lol. Kind of an odd comment for NY1. Girl got a bigger rap sheet than most criminals. The **** happened to that sweet ***?
cue the bb thread about the evils of hollywood. ole girl must have gotten it something sad.
Ah, forgot about Zombieland and [rec], and probably a few more :lol: The effects of dead week, man. And I still havent seen The Dead :lol: :smh: My list of 'need to see' keeps growing apparently.
John Carpenter put together a damn good list of movies. Like, DAMN GOOD. And even though he's fallen like Romero, and he cant seem to make good movies anymore, I can forgive him since he created so many classics.

I agree. Carpenter hasn't made anything good in the past 20 years but that doesn't deny the fact that he made some great films.

Romero on the other had made many poor films.

Horror directors seem to suffer the most. I can't think of a horror director that stays relevant today.
Finally got around to watching Prometheus. Loved it :pimp: ...now I have to watch all of the Alien movies (another set of movies I have never seen :smh: :lol:)
Dog.. The Walking Dead.

Won't go into spoilers until more people post, but what a way to build up for the second half of the season, and what a cliffhanger.
Welp, Dexter has jumped the shark this season for me or maybe it has seasons ago and I didn't want to admit it.

This **** is way too cyclical. It was one thing for previous things to happen again that was pointed out by Big J; Dexter finds somebody he connects with, tries to change, etc. but this is some bs. He was already on that **** the code **** I'm gonna be a killer and realized that doesn't work the same way not killing doesn't. It was cool for him to realize his dark passenger is childish but ditching the code was pure bull ****. I mean that was part of the hook of the show. Just watching a show about a guy who kills ppl he doesn't like isn't all that compelling. Killing other serial killers was interesting.

I aint even gonna talk about him becoming a simp at the end of last week's ep or how the arson killer was dropped fast to go back to Deb trying to arrest this chick Dex is simping over. Quinn not dying and continuing to be a dirty cop was even worse. Kill that idiot already.

Just :stoneface: overall
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