Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Those times when the Phantom Menace 3D commercials catch you offguard and you start to talk yourself into it.

The Guard

When I heard of this movie, I dunno what I expected. I thought it'd be something like The Station Agent with murder, which wasn't so far off.

I mean it's a buddy cop movie like an Irish 48 Hours. It is funny in some parts, especially Cheadle going door to door and Mark Strong's bad guy got me here and there. But there's just so much missing to it. The pace and plot feel so aimless and tired. And when things happened they either don't go far enough or were just a little too silly in everything. You don't wanna be in the middle. You get forgotten in the middle. I'm gonna forget I saw this by the time I'm done typing this.

The film this guy directed before, In Bruges, is a perfect example of knowing when to take it too far, when to get heavy, when to be silly and when to have small restrained moments. And it was much more sharply written, directed and acted. This is like a more serious Reno 911: Miami, but in Ireland. Shoot Em Up or Hot Fuzz without any of the action or momentum. It gets weighed down with Gleeson as 'the guy' but his character never gets heavy or strange enough to be a Bad Lieutenant.

It's fine for what it is, but it's more like a British TV show I wouldn't watch than a movie.

6.5/10 cuz Mark Strong's funny and Gleeson + Cheadle aren't bad
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Also, I say we should just do a collective screenplay category, both adapted and original. 
Just came back in here after a long absence and I thought this thread had descended into "shipping."

Not that it's a bad idea. I re-watched Pulp Fiction again for the umpteenth time and was just thinking how the Mia Wallace-Vincent Vega sexual tension would make for a great piece of fan fiction.
Saw 10 films in the last seven days.. too lazy to do a full review for each, but...
True Grit (2010) - 7/10

The Pixar Story - n/r (I figure all docs are 8+ and above anyways, and this is no exception)

Howl's Moving Castle - 7/10

Chronicle - 8/10

The Aviator 8/10

A Fistful of Dollars - 7/10

Midnight in Paris (third viewing) - 10/10

Perfect Sense - 7/10

No Strings Attached - 7/10 (don't even ask)

Super (second viewing) - 9/10
Low key, one of my favorite shows on network TV has become Shark Tank -- and I'm generally not a big reality TV guy. I think I like the business strategy aspect of it. Anyway, I don't know if anyone else watches it, but I find it entertaining.
I'm not a big Kevin Smith fan by any stretch of the imagination, but I have to consider Red State one of his better films. It's a hodgepodge of genre's and switches gears very abruptly (in a good way). Acting is solid (stars John Goodman, Melissa Leo & Michael Parks) and it's one of Smith's more ambitious attempts, straying from his comfort zone. Just to simplify any explanation regarding the film, it centers around a "cult" that closely resembles the Westboro Baptist Church. I don't want to really give too much away, but like I mentioned earlier, this isn't as straight forward as some of the trailers may set it out to be. If any of you decide to give it a shot, I have to give a warning, there is a seemingly endless dialogue by Michael Park (who plays the Pastor). You may want to turn back after a couple minutes, but keep I implore you to keep watching, it does get better. 
I've watched Real Steel (surprised by it), Drive and Midnight In Paris in the last couple of days... Drive and Midnight were Both really great.
BAFTA awards were today? Didnt even know. IMDB has the list of winners for anyone interested (I havent looked at it yet, gonna watch the show on BBC).
Anyone watch the Season two re-premiere of The Walking Dead?

I thought it was pretty good, in short...

Spoiler [+]
Glad to see Rick grow a pair, nice to see Renee from True Blood being a badass, was pretty interesting to see that both Carl/Laurie are both siding with Shane.
It was alright. The show is so real, it's almost too real. Too much focus on the human relationships, not enough zombie action. And I never feel that way.

Maybe it's because I hate every character on the show.
Even Daryl?

I know he's not on the show anymore, but Merle? Didn't like Duane and his father from the first episode?

Daryl was a little stale this episode, definitely though.

I watched Paul, Cowboys & Aliens, and Super 8 recently.

Paul I enjoyed, though I'm a fan of Pegg/Frost, so I am a bit biased. I liked all the little nods. I thought the CGI on Paul himself was pretty good. It's amazing how much I liked Seth Rogen without having to see his ugly, annoying face.

Cowboys and Aliens was pretty good for the first half, but after it started to be about an alien story, I just thought it became a little stale. It wasn't bad, just wasn't great.

Super 8 I enjoyed the HELLLLL out of. I loved the cast of kids, it's a love story to Spielberg. I thought the main kid was good, and I loved the fat kid too. It's one of those I'll come back to every few months I enjoyed it so much. I loved the set decoration too. Catching subtle (or sometimes not to subtle) cues to other films, I liked it. The adults were stale for the most part, which kind of bugged me.

Paul- 8/10
Cowboys- 6.5/10
Super 8- 9.5/10.
BAFTA awards were today? Didnt even know. IMDB has the list of winners for anyone interested (I havent looked at it yet, gonna watch the show on BBC).

I don't particularly care about the winners. Just looking to see if there are any different movies nominated that I would like to see.

Anything that beat Attack the Block for "Outstanding Debut" has to be good, right?
I know he's not on the show anymore, but Merle? Didn't like Duane and his father from the first episode?
Too small of sample sizes.

I just feel like all of them are flawed by their extremes. Too diplomatic, too tactless, too submissive, too trifling... something. If a zombie series is going to be character-driven, make them reasonably likeable characters. But like I said, it's so real. If T-Dog was a more prevalent character, he would probably be the one I would prefer the most.

I'm on another Hitchcock kick lately. Watched Vertigo again a few days ago, and Frenzy now. It's his second to last film. Much more explicit than any I've seen (nudity and language). Too bad ol' girl from North by Northwest didn't get her ******* out.
Honestly, I regret making the thread. It's painful watching anything outside of the last 5 minutes of any new episode. Excuses were cute last year when it was a hurry up surprise show, but now I just think it's never gonna get better. The writing isn't good and the actors aren't much better. People call the show slow, but that's fake hustle. AMC's cheap. They don't wanna spend money moving locations or having action set pieces or even too many zombies. I seen this before...in middle school...Dragon Ball Z.

The cinematography is really good and the zombies are very well done. But then what? Shane, who people only like because he's the only one trying to be entertaining and Daryl and Glen, who people only like because they're consistently unhateable and reasonable unlike everyone else on the show. But then I'll just keep watching, cuz I'm a sucker for zombies.

When does Game of Thrones come back?
But then I'll just keep watching, cuz I'm a sucker for zombies.

Pretty much.

Maybe I should start reading the comics.

Random question: What the hell is it with these weird codes at the end of NT links? I feel like I'm being tracked or something.
I stopped watching The Walking Dead because the characters were caricatures. The old dude pissed me off, embracing that cliche wise man role, telling stories of the day old.
I have so much to watch and haven't had the energy to sit thru and plow thru some stuff. 

Wife made me watch some stupid rom com, I assume we all have to watch some this week, but it was worse than usual.  Soon as I seen Kate Hudson I knew I was screwed. 

Then in honor of Whitney, I got roped into watching The Bodyguard.  I think that was Costner's last great movie until Mr Brooks.  Whitney played herself and was fine, but she showed out in Waiting to Exhale.  Too bad she met Bobby. 
I still don't mind Rick too much. Ive enjoyed watching his transformation as of late. It's just the show started off so well with I thought the first three or four episodes last season. Up until Rick reunited with his family and went up to find Merle. I thought up till then it was awesome. The characters were fine up until then.

More zombies would be appreciated. Take the Romero route and at least show us some zombies every once in a while off in the distance. He did that all the time in Night and Dawn.

Kev, which is your favorite Hitchcock? My cliche picks are Vertigo and Psycho but my favorite is probably Strangers on a Train.
Rick, Daryl, Glen, Maggie, maybe T-Dog, and like 3 other people who dont get a lot of shine but would always keep the threat of zombies around because they're disposable. That's all I want to see left after this season. Everyone else can split off and disappear, or die. Dont care. Just get them off the show.
Pretty sure I hate Kevin Costner. I've liked some of his roles, but on the whole I just don't like the guy.

Maybe I'm just annoyed he and Dances with Wolves robbed Scorsese and Goodfellas at the Oscars. Granted, that isn't the first bad decision and robbery of the Oscars, but it sticks out.

And I caught up on the Walking Dead before the new season started and I was hooked. Then I had zero desire to watch it for whatever reason. I see myself watching them all at once rather than tuning in weekly.
Originally Posted by Noskey

Rick, Daryl, Glen, Maggie, maybe T-Dog, and like 3 other people who dont get a lot of shine but would always keep the threat of zombies around because they're disposable. That's all I want to see left after this season. Everyone else can split off and disappear, or die. Dont care. Just get them off the show.
I think I'm the only person that kind of likes the old dude.

Andrea is starting to pick it up, if she keeps up her no %@$%+$%%, badass attitude I won't mind her staying around.

But I agree, I have no interest in following Shane, Lori (Laurie?), or anyone else.

If it were Rick, Daryl, Merle, Glen, and T-Dog for the rest of the shows duration I'd be a happy camper.
Kev, which is your favorite Hitchcock? My cliche picks are Vertigo and Psycho but my favorite is probably Strangers on a Train.
Strangers on a Train or North by Northwest. I've only seen six or seven in full.

Frenzy was definitely not a contender. I was kind of distracted watching it today, but it was still pretty apparent that he lost his touch in the later years.
What movies have you guys intentionally not finished because it was so bad? Either by walking out of the theater or taking the disc out in disgust at home, whatever.

Reason I ask is because I just did that for the second time a couple days ago with Grown Ups. That joint was terrible.

First one was Conspiracy Theory. Left the theater back when it came out.
After watching Salo the whole way through, nothing else seems so terrible that I'd care enough to turn it off. Except 'Knowing.' I turned that off after 30 minutes.

I almost walked out of Hostel 2 because it was just so bad, but decided to stick it out. Regretted it, but whatever, it was in theaters and I already sat through 90% of the movie so I wasnt getting my money back.
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