Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I like that all around idea.  Clooney, Pitt, Hardy, and Gosling is an absolute unbelievable group for the award.  They did major work last year.  I would be ok with either of Clooney/Gosling or Hardy.  I think Pitt comes in 4th, even as good as he was in Moneyball, I just don't see him being better than Hardy in Warrior, Gosling in Drive or Crazy Stupid, or Ides for that matter, and Clooney would beat Pitt of Descendants alone, add in Ides and Pitt stays 4 to me. 

Now to rank the other 3. 

BTW, Fassbender's year, X-Men First Class, Haywire, Shame, and Dangerous Method. 

Speaking of, I watched Method last night.  BORING as @#$%, however, Keira Knightley really caught my attention in the first 10 minutes.  She is a nutjob to start, and damn it if her mannerisms were not on par with Leo in Gilbert Grape. 
  She literally looked and acted like she was not all there.  She was terrific.  But then the story got lame, the whole Jung/Freud dynamic was not as interesting as I hoped and though Fassbender and Viggo was solid, I would rather they were squaring off in Eastern Promises 2 or something like that.  Having them debate why every single dream in their life makes them horny was a waste of what they can do.  But for the purposes of seeing the 3 main performances, it's ok if you can get thru it.  Hour and 40 minutes, and you can wake up and go onto something else. 
So, the noms for All-Around Actor of the year are:

Ryan Gosling (Drive, Ides of March, Crazy Stupid Love)
George Clooney (The Descendants, Ides of March)
Brad Pitt (Moneyball, Tree of Life, Happy Feet 2)
Tom Hardy (Warrior, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
Michael Fassbender (Shame, X-Men First Class, A Dangerous Method, Jane Eyre)

Right? Anyone that we've missed?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Speaking of, I watched Method last night.  BORING as @#$%, however, Keira Knightley really caught my attention in the first 10 minutes.  She is a nutjob to start, and damn it if her mannerisms were not on par with Leo in Gilbert Grape. 
  She literally looked and acted like she was not all there.  She was terrific.  But then the story got lame, the whole Jung/Freud dynamic was not as interesting as I hoped and though Fassbender and Viggo was solid, I would rather they were squaring off in Eastern Promises 2 or something like that.  Having them debate why every single dream in their life makes them horny was a waste of what they can do.  But for the purposes of seeing the 3 main performances, it's ok if you can get thru it.  Hour and 40 minutes, and you can wake up and go onto something else. 

saw it today, and I enjoyed it at times.
Fassbender is great, but Knightley stole the show. At times her jaw movements and over acting was a bit much but she was superb for 90% of the film. I also loved Vincent Cassell, wish he was in the film more. The film at times I felt got too smart for itself and got convoluted in the story telling. 
Watched The Big Lebowski last night...man the movie never gets old...its hilarious to me

Walter Sobchak: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't $%$@%%$ ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as #*%* *don't $%$@%%$ roll*!

Mr. Lebowski, this is Fred Dynarski
with the Southern Cal Bowling League.
I just got a, an informal report,
uh, that a uh, a member of your team,
uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a loaded
weapon during league play--

Hobo With A Shotgun was THE best genre film outside of Attack the Block, last year.

It should get in...

I'm sure I'd love it if I watched it, but I really wish more people would have seen Straw Dogs. It's not a reviewers kind of film, but it's a damn good genre film. I know I been yappin for weeks about that one, and maybe it's my bias for my fandom of Skarsgard, but I loved the damn film.

Also, if anyone wants to see a pretty good zombie film, check out The Dead. It's coming in a week or two. Don't buy it, rent it. It's one of those you'll never probably return to watching, but will really like that you rented it. It's not like any other zombie film, and I've seen pretty much all that the genre offers. It's not Shaun of the Dead, Zombieland, or Return of the Living Dead. It's not Dawn of the Dead, Night of the Living Dead, Zombi, or 28 Days Later.

It's unique in that it's a cinematographers film. There's very little dialogue compared to what you'd expect out of a zombie film. It's very atmospheric. It was shot and takes place in Africa, and it follows a man who survived an airplane crash, and a soldier trying to find his son. The zombies in it are what make it one of the best zombie films I've ever seen. They make the film. It's been a LONG time since zombies have been "scary," to me. They were here. The script isn't the best and the actors are a bit off in their performances, but this isn't the kind of film that leans on good acting.

Lots of films to review...

The Descendants

Clooney was outstanding
... it was the first role I've seen him in where he wasn't that guy filled with confidence, always knowing what to do next and what move to make. He much resembled a man who's life wasn't completely in his control. They never fully explained why his wife felt the need to cheat on him, and I'm almost glad they didn't elaborate on that. We just were given a tiny window to look through at this family's life, and the reason for her cheating on him was a mystery to him, so it had to be a mystery to us.

The kid that played Sid was AMAZING
... he added the comic relief you needed in a movie when there wasn't much laugh-out-loud comedy from the other kids and where the storyline was supposedly melancholy from beginning to end. The scene where he and Clooney were talking during the middle of the night at the hotel was superb. In fact, all the kids deserve a share of applause. I feel like it was a little robbed for "Outstanding Perfomance By a Cast" in the SAG awards last Sunday.

Other scenes that stood out to me: Clooney's daughter crying in the pool, and Clooney letting loose at his wife in the hospital before his kids walk in fro their final farewells.

Overall, I think this film is neck and neck with Midnight In Paris in regards to Best Picture.

The Help

The acting performances are what I'll take from this one... Viola Davis was gripping, Bryce Dallas Howard was PERFECT in the role of snooty, entitled woman who thinks she's had a pedestal built for her since birth.
The best acting in this film came from Octavia Spencer, who played Minny. She played and fit that character to a tee, and really displayed everything she had in the tank.

I probably won't watch this film again. Not because it wasn't well-done, but I just didn't enjoy it all that much. Not really my kind of movie I guess... but my goal is to see all the "Best Picture" nominees, and this was one of them (and I can see why it was).
I can't see it bringing home the award, but it was a solid flick that will be remembered for years to come if it's your thing.

I know Emma Stone was essentially the lead, but she really wasn't tested in this role. I don't know if the script limited her or what... but I wanted them to a little better job at explaining WHY she was so much more partial to "The Help" than the rest of them all were. I mean, yeah... Constantine was awesome to her, but I'm sure all of them, Emma Stone's mom, Hilly, all of them all had good maids or whatever. So why was Stone's character so distinct to the rest of them? I wish they had explored that a bit

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

Did anyone else catch the homage to Hitchcock's Rear Window? When Hardy's character was watching the lady from his window, and how the people in the window went from room... to room... to room. That was without a doubt a Hitchcock reference from Tomas Alfredson.

Am I the only one that wonders why Gary Oldman was nominated for "Best Male in a Leading Role"? What did he do that was so spectacular? Did he test the limits of his acting ability? No. Did he play a character that you feel like NO ONE else could have played? No. Hell, we've seen him show more versatility and variety in past roles. Why was this one so special?
He was good, but not Oscar-nominee good for sure.

Plot was a little confusing, but it all comes together. Definitely one of those ones that you can't take a bathroom or re-fill break during.

Colin Firth was awesome, as was Tom Hardy. Also noteworthy was Benedict Cumberbatch, who basically played Oldman's second-hand man. He was terrific.

*I still have to review City Lights, City of God, and a few others.
I agree about Tinker. It feels like he got nominated, because that movie had that pedigree and this was their 'catchup' nomination.

So I finally watch the new The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Rooney was so damn good, disappeared into it. Craig did his thing with what he was given too, but this movie is kind of an unwatchable abomination to me.

I haven't been so disappointed by a story I already knew since Watchmen, which ironically this reminds me of a lot. I get that same emotionless, tongue in cheek feeling from it, and I never expected that. I mean I saw Let The Right One In for the first time a little while before I saw Let Me In in theaters...loved them both. And Infernal Affairs was fresh on my memory when The Departed rolled through, but this...CP was right, this is a pointless, terribly unneeded film.

Knowing the source material well enough (the original films) gives you a different kind of expectation. Let The Right One In didn't have nearly as much to improve, but Let Me In was a worthwhile film. What made me have such high hopes was that the original's movie plotting wasn't good. The main parts of the story were, but the plot, point for point was whatever. The pace of the story was off. The original's dialogue (translation?) wasn't that good. The male lead added very little. The cinematography... *ye shrug* The rush conclusion to the end was underwhelming...then shocking and anticlimactic at the same time.

So you've gotta think...THIS...with an amazing character like Lisbeth...this director?? That's just leaving it hanging over the plate.


From the beginning, the opening credits are amazing and promise a film you never really get. All the clarity and white noise problems from the og are right there again. I know there's a lot of Swedish corporate/political/prestige information to get across, but they already made that film where it was hellbent to put you to sleep before that scene happened. But that movie had subtitles you could read and already exists.

I mean, this is where I thought Fincher would kill it. Son, you made The Social Network and Zodiac. How can't you improve the waspy elite getting investigated about murder for an hour? Even if you did care, this movie will give you every opportunity to stop. It's just faceless family member after faceless family member. Are we supposed to admire how clean and well lit the shot is? Or how good Craig's accent isn't? Or how beautiful those outside shots of Sweden are?

This movie is about Rooney Mara's character, Lisbeth Salander and she's barely in the first half of it. And her scenes are edited in so badly. Something big and character defining will happen one scene, completely unrelated Craig scene will happen, then she's back and over it. And to make things worse nothing she does in the first half has anything to do with the second half.

There's no pace and barely even any initiative or drive. It's as slow and boring as a real 40 year old cold case missing person would be. And there's no perspective. No one to help us enter this world (Craig's character for damn sure ain't it). We learn nothing. Throughout the whole film...a 'murder' mystery...we gain almost nothing. There's just this inherent feeling that there are only a couple characters with faces in the whole movie, but even then you wouldn't care if they did something 40 years ago. It's a cold case. And you never get the feeling like the danger's really still there, EVEN AFTER HE GETS SHOT. Nothing feels like it's important today and why should it?

When I saw Swedish Dragon Tattoo...I just heard that it amazing. I thought it was about some Veronica Mars type chick solving crimes.

Is there anyone who doesn't know there's a rape in this movie?

Knowing for myself is one thing, but I watched it with someone who never saw the Swedish movies and it was just obvious when it was gonna happen. Hell, whether you knew or not, this movie is so much less suspenseful and sensational that the original. It's just cold and matter of fact about everything.
And %$*!!# up as I feel about it. They tamed down the scene enough that it's not violent enough to get a deep emotional response out of you or as bad as the original's or as bad as they hype it up to be or really worth showing at all? If you're gonna show it uncut, then it has to be terrible. If you're not than find an artistic way to imply it. I don't know what to say.

And Sweden. Sweden is my next biggest problem with this movie. If you're gonna remake it, why the hell would you still set it in Sweden with all the same places and plot points? That movie already exists. Why wouldn't you move it to the Hamptons or something? Do you understand how affected and stupid it feels after a while. Everyone talking with a Swedish accent in English in Sweden in a direct American remake of a Swedish movie from 2 years ago...

And Daniel Craig... I'm the idiot who thought the Mikael from the original was almost worthless and schlubby and didn't have much to him or the character. They didn't change the character much at all except now he's played by Daniel Craig. That changes most of the dynamics of the film, but they don't take advantage of any of them. The best interactions he has are with his cat and when they gave him like 45 minutes of the first hour...he accomplished nothing. But at least as that schlubby journalist, you get why he's helpless and in over his head. You get why he's so emasculated and desperate that Lisbeth isn't uncomfortable around him. And when he argues with her in the Swedish film, you can tell he's trying to overcompensate. In this...that's just Daniel Craig playing it cool with a bad accent.

What made Let Me In work so well was that it made a point to improve on every failed scene from the original. It was like Blade Runner: the Final Cut, but with a better boy actor, better old guy, better cop and more inspired plot and staging in parts. This movie.
They didn't fix, change or improve anything besides the cinematography, some acting and a few lines here and there. Other than a couple trivial things, this is the same movie, but more disappointing.

I get why the hype died so quick and the Oscars looked this movie off. If being a remake wasn't enough, it's a remake with everything going for it that wasn't as good as the original. It's technically very well directed and only really well acted by Rooney, but not well written, plotted, paced or edited. It's just there.

That said, that quick, new adventure, last 10 minutes was better than the whole movie before it.
And I didn't realize I typed that much til just now...
Must be how JapanAir feels.

Must be how JapanAir feels.

Hey man, when you're passionate about something, it's easy to keep typing.

I wonder how much an effect seeing this one first over the Swedish one has, because that's actually how I saw them, and I quite like the American version, though I'm a sucker for Fincher, no doubt. Did you see it in theaters MrON?
Tree of Life left me seriously underwhelmed. The cinematography kept was the most interesting part, because it was in fact shot beautifully, but the pacing was a little too slow. The acting was great all around, and Young Jack did a great job as he was the focus of the film. Sean Penn was really underutilized; I thought going into this he'd have about half the screen time based on the movie descriptions, but it didn't kill the film for me. In the end, I think what left me disappointed was that the story was just not substantial enough. Even experimental films need to have a solid story behind it, the cinematography and relationship study cant carry a 2+ hour movie.

Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Must be how JapanAir feels.

Hey man, when you're passionate about something, it's easy to keep typing.

I wonder how much an effect seeing this one first over the Swedish one has, because that's actually how I saw them, and I quite like the American version, though I'm a sucker for Fincher, no doubt. Did you see it in theaters MrON?

I saw the Swedish one in theaters, almost saw the Fincher too, but we decided it was too depressing for a Christmas movie and saw MI4.

I'm sure it had a big effect, because that character Lisbeth is so strong, distinct and different that you can ignore how bad the well shot movie around her is in those little snapshots of her until things finally get going.

Another thing I forgot was how terribly the detective work was handled. A whole movie of just flipping back and forth between jpegs. The Good Wife always blends modern tech in really well. Steven Moffat with that BBC Sherlock show is a master of expressing tech in a cinematic way and that's TV. I mean Moneyball was able to show advanced metrics and tactics in baseball in an entertaining way and sometimes kinda profound way...but this...this made me wish Ghostwriter would just fly through, solve it all and get any sign of life into the movie.

But yea JA...I can get liking this movie if you focused on understanding this strange, new character Lisbeth, but already knowing what her deal was, I was just focused on how they'd improve everything around her and looking at how Rooney would handle the role and make it her own.

and I saw that movie The Dead, I think on your recommend.
It's low budget, but that doesn't matter. Creepy, but honest and straightforward film. Is there such thing as a kindhearted zombie movie? Makes you feel so claustrophobic though...even if there's only 1 of them within half a mile.
First 30 minutes of Tree of Life I thought it was on pace to literally be the greatest film ever. Next twenty it got too slow and I stopped caring and turned it off. I have to watch the rest before I give a well rounded opinion but I'm really hoping it isn't as slow as the 40-50 minute mark for the rest of the film.
Originally Posted by MrONegative
Bro, I hope that Illmatic PM'd you about something.  Serious.  That review you just gave is top #*#%!$% notch. 

Man, I have Tinker/Spy at home for like a week, and still haven't sat down and watched it. 
  JPZ convinced me I need to do that tonight, Hardy, Firth, and Oldman. 
Originally Posted by jrp44

Watched The Big Lebowski last night...man the movie never gets old...its hilarious to me

Walter Sobchak: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't $%$@%%$ ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as #*%* *don't $%$@%%$ roll*!

Mr. Lebowski, this is Fred Dynarski
with the Southern Cal Bowling League.
I just got a, an informal report,
uh, that a uh, a member of your team,
uh, Walter Sobchak, drew a loaded
weapon during league play--

One of my favorite random quotes is "I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos."
Gets me every time.
Best Picture shortlists
Spoiler [+]
NT Film Awards Prestige Films


NT Film Awards Popcorn Films


*is getting in Nos
On the other side of it are the movies we either didn't see or didn't care that much about.
If anyone wants to try and convince people to check one of these out and give it a chance...by all means.
But if you haven't seen it, and heard great things...get on it quick.

Prestige dumpster


Popcorn trash pile


And then the tricky ones:

Prestige Watchlist


Popcorn Watchlist


Someone has tried to keep them in the running...so why?
Give a good reason to keep any of them on the final list.
Quote yourself on what you've already written, or compare it to something that got in.
Hell...give a good reason to keep them off the final list. Go Ska on it.

But if you haven't seen it and heard great things...it's about that time.

We'll do final nominations after the Super Bowl, but for now...watch em and write something.
Best All-Around Actor nominees (The Chris Paul Award)
Ryan Gosling (Drive, Ides of March, Crazy Stupid Love)
George Clooney (The Descendants, Ides of March)
Brad Pitt (Moneyball, Tree of Life, Happy Feet 2)
Tom Hardy (Warrior, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy)
Michael Fassbender (Shame, X-Men First Class, A Dangerous Method, Jane Eyre)
Christopher Plummer (Beginners, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo)


Best All-Around Actress nominees...

So Jessica Chastain for Tree of Life, The Help, Take Shelter and Coriolanus is automatic...who else?

Marion Cotillard was great in Midnight in Paris and my favorite part of Contagion.
Rose Byrne for Bridesmaids, X-Men: First Class and Insidious
Carey Mulligan for Drive and Shame

then...the reaches
Kate Winslet was ok in Contagion and Carnage. Respect for Mildred Pierce?

Paula Patton was
and surprisingly good in Mission Impossible 4 and I liked Jumping the Broom
Best All-Around Actress nominees...

So Jessica Chastain for Tree of Life, The Help, Take Shelter and Coriolanus is automatic...who else?

Marion Cotillard was great in Midnight in Paris and my favorite part of Contagion.
Rose Byrne for Bridesmaids, X-Men: First Class and Insidious
Carey Mulligan for Drive and Shame

then...the reaches
Kate Winslet was ok in Contagion and Carnage. Respect for Mildred Pierce?

Paula Patton was
and surprisingly good in Mission Impossible 4 and I liked Jumping the Broom
for now...Aly Michalka>Emma

but sure Emma Stone for The Help and Crazy, Stupid, Love.

Gonna try and check out The Descendants and Take Shelter.
Rose Byrne EASY for me.  That girl is freaking smoking hot, and she won the award the moment she decided as an FBI agent it was a good move to go undercover by sneaking into a bar by taking her clothes off.   Crazy I know, but that earns my vote.  And, she was in one of the 3 best movies of the year in Bridesmaids, and one of thee most unexpectedly good movies in X-Men, and Insidious isn't bad for a third film of the year. 

And Paula Patton, how I never knew of this chick til like 4 weeks ago I will never truly know, but my gosh she is stunning.  Agreed, Jumping the Broon wasn't terrible, wife made me watch it a few days ago, course all I could do was laugh at De De being absolutely perfect in his role as the comedic relief, but then I seen her and was like
  And Mi4? 
  Her acting isn't enough to take it away from Byrne though, looks only get you so far. 

If Emma could put Easy A in 2011 with Crazy Stupid and The Help, she'd win easy over Byrne, but I can't give it to her just off the 2 flicks.  Not that she isn't fantastic, just needed one more solid role/movie to edge me up for her. 

Cortillard, Mulligan, Emma, Winslet, isn't like half that list all Kev favs? 
  Big year for you brother.  Nice. 
Originally Posted by MrONegative

for now...Aly Michalka>Emma
Well... yeah, obviously.

I see 13 Assassins is on the watchlist. Ugh
Here we go:
A group of assassins come together for a suicide mission to kill an evil lord.
Take a rag-tag group of 12 samurai, a lone wanderer through the forest, an evil lord poised to take over the nation and lead it into chaos if he isn't killed, and a 13 vs. 200+ person, 45-minute battle to end the film; crush all that together in a 2 hour movie and then add a legendary Japanese director in Takashi Miike. If this is considered a popcorn film, it is without a doubt the best written and acted film in the group, with the largest scope, while not getting bogged down in its own $@+* like so many other epic time pieces.

As a Youtube comment said: Seven Samurai meets 300.

A small sample of the awesomeness, which you cant really appreciate as opposed to watching it properly:

Take the time to run to Best Buy or go to Amazon to download, or somewhere else to get it, or something, you wont be disappointed if you havent seen this.
So you convinced to finally watch 13 Assassins again.

I had to rewatch it cuz I guess I saw the shorter one the first time. And that time, knowing Miike's reputation I was thrown off  at first. He's just hiding in plain sight, laying in the cut like, acting like it's a modern Kurosawa or a lowkey Red Cliff...But then 10 minutes in...it's a Miike film and he stops giving a %%## every chance he gets.

Nos says it's like Seven Samurai meets 300 and I gotta disagree. 300 is flashy and loud and comic book-y, and that'd oversell this movie's style and pace. No, you have to look at the director. Miike is infamous. The Japanese started torture porn films, but they always took it further than us. So if you made your name in that crowd...Tension building and seriously disturbing and quirky +$!! is what Miike does. He's the Japanese Tarantino.

There's so much skill and restraint put into this. It's so well casted and acted and directed. In some ways it doesn't feel like a Miike at all, but you'll see his fingerprints ever chance he gets to %%## with you. No this movie is Miike being forced to play it straight and honest and tame the more ridiculous quirks of his style into a proper, traditional, big budget war film where he could really create something a bit more mainstream, but still twisted toward his brand of cinema. If this movie is anything it's Miike's Inglourious Basterds, which was just about the same circumstances.

The style isn't sweeping and noble like The Last Samurai or poetic like Hero. It's brutal and it's grounded to where the blood just feels real. And if it wasn't for a couple scenes this movie could be from 1970 and I'd believe you. And the fact that it's constantly challenging the ideas and stereotypes of war, samurai and honor...it's more than just a battle scene waiting to happen. And the dudes they want you to get to know all work. The battle is bigger and better than you think it'll be. And it's head and shoulders above any horror, war, gore or epic that came out last year.

It's Inglourious Basterds set in feudal Japan.


and then I checked out The Descendants

When I heard about this movie I figured it'd be some kinda indie family drama like that Julianne Moore/Annette Bening movie or something, but that was not what I got.

To be honest indie family dramas all blend together for me. Most of the time they're great while I watch them, but I forget em a couple days later. All I remember is oh damn, they're still alive? that's cool. Shoulda known that dude could do comedy. That chick has great *******. Shoulda known that dude could do drama. I mean Cyrus, Dan In Real Life, We Don't Live Here Anymore, City Island...all of those movies never stay with me long after I watch them, but I really liked them when I did.

Now, for my tastes, Descendants might be a little too sweet and pop with some of those heavy scenes. Like there was that effort to keep a ray of light on or stop the characters run going too far, but Clooney owns this movie. I kept waiting for Burn After Reading Clooney to ham it up or Up In The Air Clooney to handle his +$!! or Michael Clayton to drop the hammer on someone, but he keeps it so in check and understated and like JPZ said humble.

Maybe as far as keeping a really difficult tone goes, I get why the director got an Oscar nom. And that tone that goes to some pretty heavy places, but keeps it light without making a joke out of it...makes me think this woulda been a really good movie to see in theaters.

I'm never gonna watch it again, but wouldn't mind if a friend wanted to see it. And it might not stay with me long, but I really liked it. And the daughter.


There was this small, Brittany Murphy film called The Dead Girl that The Descendants reminds me of in pieces. Especially this scene when the dead girl's mom and girlfriend breakdown together. I recommend it.
yeah I thought Cyrus would have been much better

sucks to hear that tinker tailor sucked so bad. my friend came back saying fell asleep. sucks to hear about girl with dragon tattoo but i had a strong feeling it wouldn't be that great. book was though

I just got mad max trilogy. I haven't seen it before
I'll get around to writing a pitch to add Beginners and X-Men to the final lists later today...
Why Beginners should be on the final list of nominations. I'll be succinct.
Beginners greatest strength, to me, is its ability to tell three stories that build on each other and influence the overall narrative of the movie. Ewan McGreggor in present time, McGreggor and his father (played brilliantly by Christopher Plummer) at the time of his father's coming out and subsequent battle with cancer, and then flashbacks to McGreggor as a child and his relationship with his mother. Beginners addresses the impact of a father's decision to reveal his homosexuality and his incredible embrace of his new life. The impact of this on his son, who had struggled to find happiness and love, affects McGreggor and establishes one of my favorite on-screen pairings in recent memory. Melanie Laurent's performance was perfect. Vulnerable, understated, charming, and fit perfectly within the flow of the movie. McGreggor, Laurent, and importantly the dog Arthur were incredibly entertaining and it was emotionally satisfying to watch their relationship develop and grow. The biggest flaw of Beginners is it all can seem a little too neat and tidy. The romance between McGreggor and Laurent isn't without its problems, but largely it seemed a bit easy. With that in mind, it doesn't distract from the charm and celebration of life and love that Beginners achieves by film's end. Technically, it's quite satisfying as well. Time-shifts, editing of reoccurring events, and other elements of clever storytelling make it worth a watch in addition to the story and performances by its three stars. One extra note that I very much appreciated... it didn't present McGreggor in a "poor thirty-something white guy who can't find love and has family issues" for the entire movie. It told the story without a lot of the pretentious elements that this movie could have been filled with.

For X-Men... come on.

I'm not suggesting every superhero/comic book movie deserves to be nominated, but arguably the best one of the year warrants a spot on the final list. Fassbender stole the show, Rose Byrne in lingerie, Betty Draper with the most robotic performance of all-time (which was hysterical), quality action, and an origin story set during the height of the Cold War.... come on.
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