Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Ya when a girl accepts your proposal she’s yours, hit her, shoot at her, frame people, whatever you need.
Ya when a girl accepts your proposal she’s yours, hit her, shoot at her, frame people, whatever you need.
Fr. Some real Andrew Tate logic floating around in this thread all because of a very mid movie.

(not even sure how many of you are srs with your He Man Women Hating posts, but hopefully none of yall)
Caught The Last Boy Scout on tv. Man, Tony Scott was on something. :lol:

The opening scene with the football player and gun.
Assassin getting shot down and chopped up by the helicopter.
Dude getting blown up with his two dogs.
What am I watching tonight?
The Man With the Iron Fists
Uncut Gems

Haven't seen any of them. Have all of them on disc.

What am I watching? What's your pick? 👀

First response...
Uncut Gems
Thank you, sir...


Anyone see this? I thought I knew all Val’s movies, but don’t remember hearing about this one at all.
I’d talk about Titanic all day but never thought I’d have to take the prosecution side on Cal vs the beta boyz.

The Flash - 5/8

I feel like they burnt all the wood the Justice League had with this multiverse :lol:

Affleck, Keaton, CLOONEY (loved that), Reeve, Reevegirl, Reeve’s dad, Man of Steel Zod.

I don’t think any of those are back, which I wish Clooney was but based on his comments about his experience as Batman this had to be more closure for him than anything else. :lol:

I can do the metaphorical worlds colliding, I always get sick of about 4/5 through some of these movies where worlds are literally colliding.

Hard to believe Ezra is he who he is, based on who Barry feels like. Got choked up at the part with his mom in the supermarket at the end but held it and no one knew. :lol:

The Eric Stoltz/Back To The Future Part

Just a little too-spent on the tangents and inclusion for me. It was enjoyable.
I’m watching the OG Bad News Bears and have two observations: (1) the 1970s were even worse than the ****-storm last few decades we’ve had to deal with; and (2) Walter Matthau was a human muppet.
Ok,.what's the appeal of Uncut Gems?
It was a one-time watch for me, even as one of the biggest KG and Sandler fans out there.

The intrigue was the anxiety I felt when he was sneaking peeks at the games he was betting on and causing riffs with his family if they knew he was betting, because I’ve been there. :lol:

Stopped betting a year ago outside of NT, voluntarily, and I’ve loved sports more as a result.

When we have a big movie discussing point-assist-rebound props, that’s right up a sports bettors anguished alley.

Then the scene with the locked door as he wins the bet, and lets them out thinking it’s cool. Shocking, but a lesson if you were a big timer in Vegas with potential to go down a blackhole. :lol:

Also was Julia Fox’s 15 minutes. She’s dropped off.
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