Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Love Eastbound but Bored to Death is my favorite HBO comedy. Pothead Ted Danson is one of the best characters on tv.
Love Eastbound but Bored to Death is my favorite HBO comedy. Pothead Ted Danson is one of the best characters on tv.
I watched Strangers on a Train and Transformers 3 in the last 24 hours, I'll review on Tuesday. (Not from phone then)
I watched Strangers on a Train and Transformers 3 in the last 24 hours, I'll review on Tuesday. (Not from phone then)
Damn. Really? I saw the first ep of Bored...kinda lived up to the name for me. And then I heard it didn't really get better. Might have to throw that on the pile too.
Damn. Really? I saw the first ep of Bored...kinda lived up to the name for me. And then I heard it didn't really get better. Might have to throw that on the pile too.
I really thought I was the only one who enjoyed Bob's Burgers.

If Fox gives it a chance, the show has the potential to be very good.

I've watched Ugly Americans off and on since it's debut.

I wish I wasn't so sporadic with watching the episodes.

On another note, Nowitness, Pro and anyone else interesting in the new Batman game.

Here's a gameplay video I came across today.


Game looks amazing.
I really thought I was the only one who enjoyed Bob's Burgers.

If Fox gives it a chance, the show has the potential to be very good.

I've watched Ugly Americans off and on since it's debut.

I wish I wasn't so sporadic with watching the episodes.

On another note, Nowitness, Pro and anyone else interesting in the new Batman game.

Here's a gameplay video I came across today.


Game looks amazing.
Completely forgot about Bored to Death as well, very funny show.

It might have some slower parts (the detective stuff) at times, but Danson, Schwartzman, Galifianakis, are all terrific together
Completely forgot about Bored to Death as well, very funny show.

It might have some slower parts (the detective stuff) at times, but Danson, Schwartzman, Galifianakis, are all terrific together
Yeah Blood Type, once you get past the first ep or two it really picks up (the 2nd season is gold).
And anyone on the fence of Ugly Americans just watch the Treegasm episode. So perfect
Yeah Blood Type, once you get past the first ep or two it really picks up (the 2nd season is gold).
And anyone on the fence of Ugly Americans just watch the Treegasm episode. So perfect
Originally Posted by DubA169

i tried watching portlandia but i didn't like it. too hipster for me i think. That new show on ifc about the local commercials looks funny though

It's supposed to be a satire and parody of hipsters (among other demographics). And I love it. But I also live in Portland, so maybe it's just cool seeing someone rip apart various parts of the culture out here. I can see how someone could get tired of the constant hipster themes, though.

Archer's the best comedy on TV, too. Community's 2nd and Parks & Rec is 3rd. IMO, of course.

Strangers on a Train.
Short review, I'm tired as hell. I watched this Friday, but I've been out of town the past few days with no internet.

Great movie. This was the first Hitchcock movie I've seen in a long time, and this lived up to my expectations and then some. Great acting by the leads, kept me guessing what was gonna happen, and had a certainly interesting mother-son relationship in there. The ending got a little ridiculous, which was quite a contrast from the rest of the movie, so that brought down my overall grade a little.

Overall: 8/10
Originally Posted by DubA169

i tried watching portlandia but i didn't like it. too hipster for me i think. That new show on ifc about the local commercials looks funny though

It's supposed to be a satire and parody of hipsters (among other demographics). And I love it. But I also live in Portland, so maybe it's just cool seeing someone rip apart various parts of the culture out here. I can see how someone could get tired of the constant hipster themes, though.

Archer's the best comedy on TV, too. Community's 2nd and Parks & Rec is 3rd. IMO, of course.

Strangers on a Train.
Short review, I'm tired as hell. I watched this Friday, but I've been out of town the past few days with no internet.

Great movie. This was the first Hitchcock movie I've seen in a long time, and this lived up to my expectations and then some. Great acting by the leads, kept me guessing what was gonna happen, and had a certainly interesting mother-son relationship in there. The ending got a little ridiculous, which was quite a contrast from the rest of the movie, so that brought down my overall grade a little.

Overall: 8/10
I like how all the villain really wanted was an eternal bond of brotherly friendship...unfortunately however,the everlasting memory he chose was perverse, outlandish, and demonic.
I like how all the villain really wanted was an eternal bond of brotherly friendship...unfortunately however,the everlasting memory he chose was perverse, outlandish, and demonic.
Strangers on a Train

First off, this was COMPLETELY different than what I was expecting.  I thought that this story was going to be about 2 fools meetin on a train and the entire movie would take place on that train, crimes and all.  But that wasn't the case.  I almost wish that would have been the route Alfred went though, to me that would have been more intriguing. 
As for how it actually went down, the opening 2 minutes was amazing to me, watching feet moving and walking their paths, without a single shot of anyone's faces or where they were headed, just a pair of shoes goin one way, another pair of shoes goin another.  I don't know why, but that was funny to me, such a unique way to say here's your 2 main characters. 
Now, I felt that Bruno kinda rushed his whole idea of double murder a little quick there.  You meet a guy for a few minutes/hours, come on, let his food digest before you start askin him to kill folks. 
  This is kinda why I thought it would have been better had the whole movie taken place on the train, could have given more time for dialogue like that to develop. 
The actual plan itself, is indeed pretty smart.  2 unconnected strangers taken care of business like that would be damn hard to track, and I'm pretty surprised some Hollywood writer hasn't scooped in and stole that idea to "re-make" this movie, maybe with some changes though. 
I liked how Guy was sort of trapped once Bruno actually did commit the crime, he was couldn't simply go to the police, but he also didn't want to kill dudes dad either.  One question though, about Miriam, even back then in the 50's, girls were really runnin around gettin knocked up by other folks and then extorting money from their own husbands? 

No wonder they say Alfred was ahead of his time. 
  If I were Guy, I might have actually thought about returning that favor for Bruno, and I actually thought he might after the scene they had at Miriam's job or wherever in that glass booth. 
Overall, the movie was solid, I really didn't give a damn about Guy, or Bruno really, they played the roles well but I think I was just disappointed that they spent 11 minutes on the train together (screen time wise) and went about their ways.  I think that sort of messed me up, but I did love some of the scenes Alfred put together.  The tennis scene where the players are hitting the ball back and forth and the shot of the crowd's heads turning back and forth back and forth all except Bruno who sat there staring right at Guy, that scene was cool as hell.  And maybe the best scene was the final one, when dude asked him if he was that famous tennis player, Guy, and homie got his girl and got the hell up and outta there. 

The Carousel scene, if he had today's technology for that, that scene would have been a lot better.  My biggest complaint was Bruno not coming clean in the final moments.  Dude, the @#$%^& lighter was in your hand stupid, you was dyin, just give it up already.  I didn't like that end at all.  In fact in all that chaos, he shoulda just thrown the damn thing while it was spinning at 9 miles and hour or whatever it looked like. 

Overall, I say 8/10, but if it would have been the whole 2 hours on the train like I hoped, it could have easily been a 9.5

Now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, I saw Transformers 3 this weekend as well.  And to be honest, I went in slow thinkin it was gonna let me down like 2 did, but I actually thought it was done pretty well.  Still a little too much "Bay" in it, but he was slightly more toned down, and the movie flowed better.  It just needed 20 minutes shaved off it.  That's his problem, he tries to put too much out there.  Too many needless jokes, too many wasted scenes, he gets the new hot girl to replace Megan and her very first moment on screen for all time is.........a shot of her waling up the stairs in her panties.  Really Bay?  You can't just keep your casting couch footage private?  Don't get me wrong, thank you for the shot, yes, but damn dude, blend that @#$% in better will ya? 
They brought in new actors to help out, Malkovich, Ken Jeong, Frances McDormand, and Patrick Dempsey and really, the only one that I thought was wasted was Malkovich, the others played perfect bit parts. 
I remember U of Nike said it was boring, and the action scenes were terrible and couldn't tell one robot from the next, but I didn't see where he was comin from there, hell for one they had damn slo-mo actions scenes fighting the robots, it was faster paced after a slow opening, in terms of vegging out for 2.5 hours, it was perfect imo.  The crowd I was with loved it, they laughed at all the stuff Bay wanted laughs at, really the only thing that got on my nerves was Shia's girlie screams over and over.  The first 6 were fine, but when he hit double digits I was ready to rip out his vocal cords. 
  Optimus was even more gangster in this one, Bee had his moments, but they didn't give any of the others much shine.  That shoulda been adressed. 
One thing Bay does do well though, imagery.  My goodness at those scenes of Chicago. 
  That stuff was bad @#$.  The Decepticon ships, Sentinel, and even the model talkin to Megatron was all very nicely done.  And I don't even gotta bring up those flyin dudes do I? 
  He knows how to put cool images out there, alot better than he does putting decent dialogue together, so I can't fault him for that.  Very few can put both ya know? 
I was entertained the whole time, needs a tweak here and there, but overall I was happy.  I am curious to see if Speilberg takes over and does a 4 though, and how that would look and feel. 
I'll give it an 8/10 as well, for much different reasons than what Strangers on a Train was.  One is serious business, one is summer entertainment. 
Strangers on a Train

First off, this was COMPLETELY different than what I was expecting.  I thought that this story was going to be about 2 fools meetin on a train and the entire movie would take place on that train, crimes and all.  But that wasn't the case.  I almost wish that would have been the route Alfred went though, to me that would have been more intriguing. 
As for how it actually went down, the opening 2 minutes was amazing to me, watching feet moving and walking their paths, without a single shot of anyone's faces or where they were headed, just a pair of shoes goin one way, another pair of shoes goin another.  I don't know why, but that was funny to me, such a unique way to say here's your 2 main characters. 
Now, I felt that Bruno kinda rushed his whole idea of double murder a little quick there.  You meet a guy for a few minutes/hours, come on, let his food digest before you start askin him to kill folks. 
  This is kinda why I thought it would have been better had the whole movie taken place on the train, could have given more time for dialogue like that to develop. 
The actual plan itself, is indeed pretty smart.  2 unconnected strangers taken care of business like that would be damn hard to track, and I'm pretty surprised some Hollywood writer hasn't scooped in and stole that idea to "re-make" this movie, maybe with some changes though. 
I liked how Guy was sort of trapped once Bruno actually did commit the crime, he was couldn't simply go to the police, but he also didn't want to kill dudes dad either.  One question though, about Miriam, even back then in the 50's, girls were really runnin around gettin knocked up by other folks and then extorting money from their own husbands? 

No wonder they say Alfred was ahead of his time. 
  If I were Guy, I might have actually thought about returning that favor for Bruno, and I actually thought he might after the scene they had at Miriam's job or wherever in that glass booth. 
Overall, the movie was solid, I really didn't give a damn about Guy, or Bruno really, they played the roles well but I think I was just disappointed that they spent 11 minutes on the train together (screen time wise) and went about their ways.  I think that sort of messed me up, but I did love some of the scenes Alfred put together.  The tennis scene where the players are hitting the ball back and forth and the shot of the crowd's heads turning back and forth back and forth all except Bruno who sat there staring right at Guy, that scene was cool as hell.  And maybe the best scene was the final one, when dude asked him if he was that famous tennis player, Guy, and homie got his girl and got the hell up and outta there. 

The Carousel scene, if he had today's technology for that, that scene would have been a lot better.  My biggest complaint was Bruno not coming clean in the final moments.  Dude, the @#$%^& lighter was in your hand stupid, you was dyin, just give it up already.  I didn't like that end at all.  In fact in all that chaos, he shoulda just thrown the damn thing while it was spinning at 9 miles and hour or whatever it looked like. 

Overall, I say 8/10, but if it would have been the whole 2 hours on the train like I hoped, it could have easily been a 9.5

Now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, I saw Transformers 3 this weekend as well.  And to be honest, I went in slow thinkin it was gonna let me down like 2 did, but I actually thought it was done pretty well.  Still a little too much "Bay" in it, but he was slightly more toned down, and the movie flowed better.  It just needed 20 minutes shaved off it.  That's his problem, he tries to put too much out there.  Too many needless jokes, too many wasted scenes, he gets the new hot girl to replace Megan and her very first moment on screen for all time is.........a shot of her waling up the stairs in her panties.  Really Bay?  You can't just keep your casting couch footage private?  Don't get me wrong, thank you for the shot, yes, but damn dude, blend that @#$% in better will ya? 
They brought in new actors to help out, Malkovich, Ken Jeong, Frances McDormand, and Patrick Dempsey and really, the only one that I thought was wasted was Malkovich, the others played perfect bit parts. 
I remember U of Nike said it was boring, and the action scenes were terrible and couldn't tell one robot from the next, but I didn't see where he was comin from there, hell for one they had damn slo-mo actions scenes fighting the robots, it was faster paced after a slow opening, in terms of vegging out for 2.5 hours, it was perfect imo.  The crowd I was with loved it, they laughed at all the stuff Bay wanted laughs at, really the only thing that got on my nerves was Shia's girlie screams over and over.  The first 6 were fine, but when he hit double digits I was ready to rip out his vocal cords. 
  Optimus was even more gangster in this one, Bee had his moments, but they didn't give any of the others much shine.  That shoulda been adressed. 
One thing Bay does do well though, imagery.  My goodness at those scenes of Chicago. 
  That stuff was bad @#$.  The Decepticon ships, Sentinel, and even the model talkin to Megatron was all very nicely done.  And I don't even gotta bring up those flyin dudes do I? 
  He knows how to put cool images out there, alot better than he does putting decent dialogue together, so I can't fault him for that.  Very few can put both ya know? 
I was entertained the whole time, needs a tweak here and there, but overall I was happy.  I am curious to see if Speilberg takes over and does a 4 though, and how that would look and feel. 
I'll give it an 8/10 as well, for much different reasons than what Strangers on a Train was.  One is serious business, one is summer entertainment. 
Totally off topic but still somewhat relevant.

Just got back from a few weeks in Southeast Asia and spent a good portion of it going through the Mekong. Ho Chi Minh City (what was Saigon) is rapidly changing, but the Delta areas are still very rural. I know there's a few Apocalypse Now heads on here and I would highly recommend it if you want to feel like these guys:


Other than that, I'm shocked at the reviews of Mean Streets. I love that film, but then again, I'd rather watch The King of Comedy instead of Casino.
Totally off topic but still somewhat relevant.

Just got back from a few weeks in Southeast Asia and spent a good portion of it going through the Mekong. Ho Chi Minh City (what was Saigon) is rapidly changing, but the Delta areas are still very rural. I know there's a few Apocalypse Now heads on here and I would highly recommend it if you want to feel like these guys:


Other than that, I'm shocked at the reviews of Mean Streets. I love that film, but then again, I'd rather watch The King of Comedy instead of Casino.
Feel like I'm in Apocalypse Now? Nah man, I'm good. Dont feel like having arrows shot at me and %$%%.
Feel like I'm in Apocalypse Now? Nah man, I'm good. Dont feel like having arrows shot at me and %$%%.
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Completely forgot about Bored to Death as well, very funny show.

It might have some slower parts (the detective stuff) at times, but Danson, Schwartzman, Galifianakis, are all terrific together
I really like Bored too.  I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone though.  But as someone else said, the Schwartzman, Danson, Galifinakis combo really works well together.  I was glad to hear it was coming back for a 3rd season.  I was worried that they'd stop after two, like Flight of the Conchords. 

Originally Posted by Big J 33

Completely forgot about Bored to Death as well, very funny show.

It might have some slower parts (the detective stuff) at times, but Danson, Schwartzman, Galifianakis, are all terrific together
I really like Bored too.  I can see how it wouldn't be for everyone though.  But as someone else said, the Schwartzman, Danson, Galifinakis combo really works well together.  I was glad to hear it was coming back for a 3rd season.  I was worried that they'd stop after two, like Flight of the Conchords. 

Flight disappointed me the 2nd season, they used all their pre-written material on the first season so I feel like they couldn't capture the magic when they tried for the 2nd.
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