Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

Mean Streets - 7.5/10

Loved the characters of Charlie and Johnny Boy.
I thought Keitel gave an extremely well rounded performance and DeNiro's entrance was fantastic.
Thought Charlie's character development was great to see. Watching him spiral into being self destructive and basically an @%+ to most people was good to watch.
Never liked the ending.
I've always paralleled Entourage to Mean Streets for the mere fact that the music captures the scenes perfectly IMO.
I thought they depicted Little Italy to a tee.
I love the rawness and overall grit to the movie.
Mean Streets - 7.5/10

Loved the characters of Charlie and Johnny Boy.
I thought Keitel gave an extremely well rounded performance and DeNiro's entrance was fantastic.
Thought Charlie's character development was great to see. Watching him spiral into being self destructive and basically an @%+ to most people was good to watch.
Never liked the ending.
I've always paralleled Entourage to Mean Streets for the mere fact that the music captures the scenes perfectly IMO.
I thought they depicted Little Italy to a tee.
I love the rawness and overall grit to the movie.
I know some of y'all don't visit General so:


Stole this from an interview posted on MetsBlog in regards to Moneyball:
Rick Peterson: Well yeah, absolutely. The irony of that whole situation was that Steven Soderbergh was the original director of the movie. And in February of 2009, I sat out that year, and I had a call from Steven Soderbergh, and he said, “Hey Rick, I would like to offer you the opportunity of being the technical director of Moneyball.
I know some of y'all don't visit General so:


Stole this from an interview posted on MetsBlog in regards to Moneyball:
Rick Peterson: Well yeah, absolutely. The irony of that whole situation was that Steven Soderbergh was the original director of the movie. And in February of 2009, I sat out that year, and I had a call from Steven Soderbergh, and he said, “Hey Rick, I would like to offer you the opportunity of being the technical director of Moneyball.
Mean Streets - 6.5/10.

Stopped it about 45 minutes in Thursday night. Definitely wasn't feeling it. Gave it a second chance last night and watched the whole thing - it was better than I expected, even though the ending sucked.
Mean Streets - 6.5/10.

Stopped it about 45 minutes in Thursday night. Definitely wasn't feeling it. Gave it a second chance last night and watched the whole thing - it was better than I expected, even though the ending sucked.
its been obvious that moneyball will be trash

i dunno what everyone hated about the mean streets ending. don't pull a gun out on somebody if you aren't ready to use it. how else was it gonna go after that?
its been obvious that moneyball will be trash

i dunno what everyone hated about the mean streets ending. don't pull a gun out on somebody if you aren't ready to use it. how else was it gonna go after that?
I've seen every MI film in a theater and have been thoroughly unimpressed after each viewing, yet I come back wanting more for some reason.
Ghost Protocol will be no exception. Cast looks very solid, but no Ving Rhames?

Also, looks like Cruise wasn't able to drag Abrams into directing for this one. 

Right now I'm halfway through the X-Men Anime that just wrapped up in Japan a couple days ago. So far, everything I love and hate about Anime are fulfilled in this one. I'll hold off my final thoughts once the series is over (which should be by weeks end).
I've seen every MI film in a theater and have been thoroughly unimpressed after each viewing, yet I come back wanting more for some reason.
Ghost Protocol will be no exception. Cast looks very solid, but no Ving Rhames?

Also, looks like Cruise wasn't able to drag Abrams into directing for this one. 

Right now I'm halfway through the X-Men Anime that just wrapped up in Japan a couple days ago. So far, everything I love and hate about Anime are fulfilled in this one. I'll hold off my final thoughts once the series is over (which should be by weeks end).
Forreal...where the %!$# is Ving Rhames? He's more Mission Impossible than Tom Cruise.

I'll see it for Paula Patton
, Simon Pegg and Sawyer and cuz Incredibles/Iron Giant dude made it.

If there was a chance, last minute, dudes could talk me into paying for Moneyball...that interview killed it.
Forreal...where the %!$# is Ving Rhames? He's more Mission Impossible than Tom Cruise.

I'll see it for Paula Patton
, Simon Pegg and Sawyer and cuz Incredibles/Iron Giant dude made it.

If there was a chance, last minute, dudes could talk me into paying for Moneyball...that interview killed it.
Couldn't get into Mean Streets at all.

Put on Factotum. Enjoyed it. I love Bukowski, but never knew about it. My life is heading down a concerningly Chinaskian path.

I guess the Franco brothers own the rights for a Ham on Rye adaptation.
Couldn't get into Mean Streets at all.

Put on Factotum. Enjoyed it. I love Bukowski, but never knew about it. My life is heading down a concerningly Chinaskian path.

I guess the Franco brothers own the rights for a Ham on Rye adaptation.
Damn, forgot about Factotum. One of those fav movie for a month first time I saw it. Made me really respect Matt Dillon...and drinking.
Damn, forgot about Factotum. One of those fav movie for a month first time I saw it. Made me really respect Matt Dillon...and drinking.
Transformers 3 was terrible. I don't even understand how anyone is sticking up for this steaming pile of failure.

It seriously followed nothing that makes a "summer blockbuster" a "summer blockbuster." You go into these movies to turn into a vegetable for a while and enjoy the ride. Explosions, action, etc. You expect to laugh. You expect to be entertained.

This movie was not entertaining. It felt entirely TOO LONG.. The action scenes were filmed at such a speed and at such horrible viewing angles (too close, etc) that it was hard to tell where one robot started and the other ended. No intensity in them, either - completely boring. I hadn't yawned that much since I read the NBA legacy thread.

The new girl might as well have been a mannequin. Completely useless. I can't really blame her, though - the dialogue in this film makes Transformers 2 look like Casablanca.

Those two %*%%#+% robots might as well be named "Jar Jar" and "Binks" because they do absolutely nothing but annoy anyone over the age of 6.

More unfunny sex jokes than the General forum during summer.

The autobots were... somewhere in the movie. I think?

Terrible pacing. Cut the entire first half of the movie out, and you wouldn't notice. The ending was the only saving grace - thank goodness that Michael Bay is done %@%+@#@ up the Transformers universe.

I'd say that it was slightly better than the absolutely abysmal Transformers 2, but not by much, if at all.
Transformers 3 was terrible. I don't even understand how anyone is sticking up for this steaming pile of failure.

It seriously followed nothing that makes a "summer blockbuster" a "summer blockbuster." You go into these movies to turn into a vegetable for a while and enjoy the ride. Explosions, action, etc. You expect to laugh. You expect to be entertained.

This movie was not entertaining. It felt entirely TOO LONG.. The action scenes were filmed at such a speed and at such horrible viewing angles (too close, etc) that it was hard to tell where one robot started and the other ended. No intensity in them, either - completely boring. I hadn't yawned that much since I read the NBA legacy thread.

The new girl might as well have been a mannequin. Completely useless. I can't really blame her, though - the dialogue in this film makes Transformers 2 look like Casablanca.

Those two %*%%#+% robots might as well be named "Jar Jar" and "Binks" because they do absolutely nothing but annoy anyone over the age of 6.

More unfunny sex jokes than the General forum during summer.

The autobots were... somewhere in the movie. I think?

Terrible pacing. Cut the entire first half of the movie out, and you wouldn't notice. The ending was the only saving grace - thank goodness that Michael Bay is done %@%+@#@ up the Transformers universe.

I'd say that it was slightly better than the absolutely abysmal Transformers 2, but not by much, if at all.
Good to know the movie I was never gonna see does indeed suck as bad as I thought it would.
Good to know the movie I was never gonna see does indeed suck as bad as I thought it would.
I went into the 2nd one thinking "it's a stupid Michael Bay movie, give me some action and a few laughs and that's all I want"

Instead I got served a big stinking plate of failure, robot heaven was the closest I came to walking out of a theater.

I'm still on the fence about seeing the 3rd one, if I'm going to see a crappy CGI fest, I might as well see it in the theater to get the full package.
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