Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

love milk in movies
Man, after Saints of Newark, I had to go back and visit Sopranos Season 1, which I’m half way through.

This was 90 F’ing 9, Jesus Christ.
I remembered the Pilot scene for scene but now that I’m on Episode 6, I’d forgot more than I remembered. When we talk greatest shows of all times, it’s a lot easier to mention recents like GOT and Breaking Bad, but this…this is some of HBO’s and TV in General, their finest work.

Episode 1 alone, explains everything that was touched on and worked up in Saints of Newark. I mean Saints really is a Masterpiece. What a nostalgic day. Probably my best day of 2022 so far, and I’ve had some way more memorable moments.
Got it done in under a month.
Such an easy rewatch.
I don’t think that I’ll watch anything New anytime soon.
SOPRANOS is a masterpiece, truly.
I remember quite vividly how upset folk were at the Finale. All of these years later man, it’s better.
A perfect ending.

HNL HI HNL HI if you can find the time, do it.
I realize DNA/fingerprints weren’t always particularly important in solving crimes BUT, in 2007?
There must be an explanation as to why every hitter dropped the gun at the scene of the Crime in the SOPRANOS. Starting in 1999 (start of the show)when DNA was probably less relevant-fingerprints however have been an important part of the conviction process since back before the OJ Simpson trial, no?

These dudes must’ve dropped 20guns at the scene of the crime from 99-2006.

I’ll probably find the answer on GOOGLE, I’d rather ask you guys.

Sidenote: only 2 episodes left and one of my favorite scenes just happened, Dr Melfi’s firing TONY, that **** was brilliant and intense. David Chase (if he wrote this all) really knew his audience and the contents of this Series infers he did his research throughly OR, dude did more than bump shoulders with this crowd in real life, like a mother F’er.
Being caught with the gun is far worse than possible fingerprints. Or they're wrapped up and finger prints are hard to pull or they're wearing gloves. Finger prints are also harder to get than movies and tv imply.
It's probably tough to trace and lift a finger print from a pistol grip, especially when said pistol is probably unregistered and has been passed around so many times that fingerprint evidence would be a tough play in court.

Less chance of pistol being linked to perp if it's not in his possession than if it were in his possession and it had to be linked to the murder using ballistics.

Remember Bird in the Wire? Omar says something about him being too attached to his gun and not smart enough to pass it off or get rid of it which led to his demise. On the other end of the spectrum Chris and Snoop are always throwing theirs down storm drains and what not.
Being caught with the gun is far worse than possible fingerprints. Or they're wrapped up and finger prints are hard to pull or they're wearing gloves. Finger prints are also harder to get than movies and tv imply.

This whole convo reminds me that “home movies” is one of the best episodes of the entire series.

And of course it’s about when tony ran from the feds when Johnny sack was getting arrested. He throws the burner in the snow. Kid picks it up. Feds get it. Tie the gun back to tony. Y’all know the rest.
When i came to "which is better debate" was a classic match up Goodfellas vs Heat? or Goodfellas vs Casino? or a three way debate? or H vs C? I swear I remember it being those and talked about on the medias
When i came to "which is better debate" was a classic match up Goodfellas vs Heat? or Goodfellas vs Casino? or a three way debate? or H vs C? I swear I remember it being those and talked about on the medias

All 3 are elite. I don't know if there is a greater, or whatever, to me they all family. I can watch all of them and be perfectly content, no matter where I pick any of them up at.

All are brilliantly portrayed, well acted, directed, all that. Two of them are based on real events, Heat is more storied. Heat has the iconic action sequence, Fellas and Casino maybe the better stories.....I wouldn't be too mad at any order 1-3. They are all elite to me.
This whole convo reminds me that “home movies” is one of the best episodes of the entire series.

And of course it’s about when tony ran from the feds when Johnny sack was getting arrested. He throws the burner in the snow. Kid picks it up. Feds get it. Tie the gun back to tony. Y’all know the rest.

One of my favorite episodes too. Monopoly game is legendary. Tony coming into Bobby’s room in the middle of the night to verify that it was a sucker punch :lol:
When i came to "which is better debate" was a classic match up Goodfellas vs Heat? or Goodfellas vs Casino? or a three way debate? or H vs C? I swear I remember it being those and talked about on the medias
Goodfellas and Heat are a tier above Casino IMO
I never saw it with casino don't get me wrong. It's good but I didn't think it was anywhere near Goodfellas Goodfellas is a perfect movie to me. It's a masterpiece. It's a top 10 movie of all time. Casino is fine, but it deserves a rewatch heat is a classic so Goodfellas heat and a distant third is casino. On a separate note, the unbearable way to massive talent is a masterpiece. It is so funny. So well acted meta enough without being obnoxious. It was incredible! Absolutely incredible. Also talking to my phone hence the punctuation or lack thereof Also talking to my phone hence the punctuation or lack thereof
Captain Nova was horrible not sure why I even watched it. In addition, I found it super creepy ...
towards the end she goes back to ger time and now she has a child and husband she doesnt know **** about. Like you just introduced this and try to make it normal. Lol oh well
Ok, does anyone find E.T the extraterrestrial a little… unsettling? Like the whole intro specifically just gave me the creeps. I don’t remember it perfectly but: The pitch black woods, John Williams’ eerie (but brilliant!) score, the crazy sounding high pitched screams by E.T as he’s being pursued. Also the moment when Elliot threw the ball at it got thrown back.

Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s an EXCELLENT film. But for a film about a loveable alien, it sure has its creepy moments. (But I love it)
When i came to "which is better debate" was a classic match up Goodfellas vs Heat? or Goodfellas vs Casino? or a three way debate? or H vs C? I swear I remember it being those and talked about on the medias
I really feel Heat doesn't even belong in the discussion.

Just never felt about it the same way I see a lot on here do any time it comes up.

I'd swap out Heat for The Departed or to keep with the similar themes, The Irishman. Basically Marty's mafia trilogy.
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I think Heat is excellent. A huge/deep cast. Even the small roles were known people.

The shootout scene needs no explanation.

The other heists were well done.

The first time De Niro and Pacino share a screen. :pimp:

The underworld life, similar to John Wick gold coin mystique. A crew taking down scores and fencing them thru Voight.

It's not perfect. Pacino went a lil extra, the love interest for De Niro seemed a smidge forced.

Easy 7/8 range.
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