Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

The future couldn't be changed tho. It was going to happen, they showed her. It wasn't gonna be altered.

I guess I'm not understanding. She keeps having visions of her daughter, who is dying, and she later understands that it's her future yes? So she knew before she was ever married with kids, that her daughter was going to die of some disease. So knowing this info, couldn't she decide to never get married and never have kids? Or am I missing some part of the info? She only can see this future because that's really the choice she's going to make and wouldn't see it if deep down she would never make that choice?

She also saw the happy years no?
It goes down to the old saying 'it is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all'
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Idk what you guys saw in Magicians but I listened to your suggestions and gave it a shot and I stopped after 3 episodes.

Wack AF for me.
As goofy as Magicians already was this season is way over the top. Can't do it anymore.
I waved the white flag.

Watching an episode a week isn't nearly as digestible as binging it. 

I will watch it though, just not weekly.
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I thought it as gonna be whack but I gave the first ep a chance and it's really capturing the teen drama shows from back in the days of the WB and UPN and a few hs/college movies.

I read somewhere online this was Berlanti crossing Archie with Twin Peaks :lol:

Most of the women are hot, my boy Luke Perry is in it, I like the mysterybfor the most part and how it's digging in to more ****. Its CW so it has a nice mix of minorities and sexualities.

Ms. Grundy a child predator :evil: You saw that look in her eye before she left? :lol:
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The future couldn't be changed tho. It was going to happen, they showed her. It wasn't gonna be altered.

I guess I'm not understanding. She keeps having visions of her daughter, who is dying, and she later understands that it's her future yes? So she knew before she was ever married with kids, that her daughter was going to die of some disease. So knowing this info, couldn't she decide to never get married and never have kids? Or am I missing some part of the info? She only can see this future because that's really the choice she's going to make and wouldn't see it if deep down she would never make that choice?

She married and got kids because that was the future she wanted. She was willing to accept all of the future, good and bad. Like she felt the good moments was worth the pain.

I understand that, I'm saying if you expand that power to an entire race of humans, I don't think it works. X person sees X bad event and decides they want to change it based on whatever desire they have.

The aliens did it no? "We saw some extinction type bad event in our future, let's teach these humans how to think like us so we can stop X bad event from happening."

Now give Fidel Castro, adolf hitler, whoever else that type of premonition, how does the timeline change? It's an awesome story but it makes me mad at the same time.
I thought it as gonna be whack but I gave then first so a chance and it's really capturing the teen drama shows from back in the days of the WB and UPN and a few hs/college movies.

I read somewhere online this was Berlanti crossing Archie with Twin Peaks

Most of the women are hot, my boy Luke Perry is in it, I like the mysterybfor the most part and how it's digging in to more ****. Its CW so it has a nice mix of minorities and sexualities.

Ms. Grundy a child predator
You saw that look in her eye before she left?
i hear so much about Twin Peak, never laid eyes on it a day in my life.  I was looking at the cast list and I see that the lady the plays Betty's mom was on the original series and in the new one.  
It goes down to the old saying 'it is better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all'


That life altering pain, also offers life altering joy.

My wife knows this feeling in a way.

Her parents lost a son at age 3. They were despondent. Dead inside. Soul crushing. And then found out they were pregnant.....My future wife.

Lost a child, soon after found out another on the way. Imagine that swing of emotion in life.

Utter despair.
Utter joy.

Can't have one without the other.

That's Life.
The future couldn't be changed tho. It was going to happen, they showed her. It wasn't gonna be altered.

I guess I'm not understanding. She keeps having visions of her daughter, who is dying, and she later understands that it's her future yes? So she knew before she was ever married with kids, that her daughter was going to die of some disease. So knowing this info, couldn't she decide to never get married and never have kids? Or am I missing some part of the info? She only can see this future because that's really the choice she's going to make and wouldn't see it if deep down she would never make that choice?

She married and got kids because that was the future she wanted. She was willing to accept all of the future, good and bad. Like she felt the good moments was worth the pain.

I understand that, I'm saying if you expand that power to an entire race of humans, I don't think it works. X person sees X bad event and decides they want to change it based on whatever desire they have.

The aliens did it no? "We saw some extinction type bad event in our future, let's teach these humans how to think like us so we can stop X bad event from happening."

Now give Fidel Castro, adolf hitler, whoever else that type of premonition, how does the timeline change? It's an awesome story but it makes me mad at the same time.

That's a different argument than what I addressed in the post you're replying to. But I did touch on this in another post on this page.
I can't with Magicians. As far as teen shows go I think I like Sweet Vicious more lol
I wouldn't compare the 2.

I did just finish Sweet/Vicious and it was good. Of course let's not pretend it isn't a vigilante/superhero lite action show with serious college drama issues. Its basically a version of The Punisher.
I like the magicians because I like magic and the fantasy genre. Not many shows like it around and it has enough lit moments for me.

As far as the knowing the future talk, it's extremely inconsiderate and selfish to enter a relationship with someone knowing that it was going to end in heartache and tragedy. You know the ending of the story but your partner is oblivious. You've already experienced it and know it's coming and continue on knowing your partner will be devastated. You keep that major secret from them and they have no idea. But I do understand you've already met your child and continue towards that path because you love them. You would rather have had them existed and be with you a short time than never have been created at all.
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Y'all got me to watch Arrival as well :lol:

Dope movie. Who were the ines to put the bomb up there, though?

Aliens just shrugged that off :lol:
Yea I just can't cosign that 'marrying someone and having a kid with them is selfish' thought process.

It was going to be that, so the selfish part would be changing that and robbing Hannah of her short time on Earth.

Selfish would have been to not proceed according to History so that they could avoid the heartache and pain.

She made the tough choice.
She always made the tough but right choice.
Her character is a Beast.
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It's selfish because you know what will happen to your kid and you keep it from your partner and the person who is providing the other set of chromosomes. His reaction seems normal to me.
It's selfish to want to be happy? She sees happiness in her future and she can't want that? Yall want chick to just go her whole life single?

Y'all cold bruhs [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]
No. But before you even get with the guy you keep a major secret like that from him? How is that not a scumbag move? She probably didn't tell him until she got sick.
Seems like part of the decisions in her personal life is why she was trusted by the heptapods. Hell of a responsibility to live life non-linear. To actually live and not curl up in a corner in fear of what you may already know. Not like it would stop it anyways.
Sweet Vicious was pretty good. It was better when it tried not too hard to be funny. It was a little hard to believe though that the two main girls could go from not knowing any self defense to being good enough to take down 7 men by themselves in less than a yr.

But I like it enough to want a season 2 lol
Watching iboy on Netflix right now. I like vigilante movies but don't understand how dude can get a phone stuck in his head because of a shooting [emoji]128517[/emoji][emoji]128517[/emoji][emoji]128517[/emoji] The doctor in the movie doesn't even explain how it could've happened lol
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That life altering pain, also offers life altering joy.

My wife knows this feeling in a way.

Her parents lost a son at age 3. They were despondent. Dead inside. Soul crushing. And then found out they were pregnant.....My future wife.

Lost a child, soon after found out another on the way. Imagine that swing of emotion in life.

Utter despair.
Utter joy.

Can't have one without the other.

That's Life.
Would choose no love ever > love then despair. Monotonous emotions > extreme high/low emotions

That's just me.
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Maybe she was hoping something would change. Like she can fix it. Now has she always had this ability or did it just happen once the aliens made contact.
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