Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

It happened when she learned the language. They talked about some real scientific principle early in the movie about how when you learn a new language, it can rewire your brain. Obviously, the movie took it to the next level lol.

That life altering pain, also offers life altering joy.

My wife knows this feeling in a way.

Her parents lost a son at age 3. They were despondent. Dead inside. Soul crushing. And then found out they were pregnant.....My future wife.

Lost a child, soon after found out another on the way. Imagine that swing of emotion in life.

Utter despair.

Utter joy.

Can't have one without the other.

That's Life.
Would choose no love ever > love then despair. Monotonous emotions > extreme high/low emotions

That's just me.

That's not living tho.

Choosing not to have that baby means she never got her time on Earth, ever. Never received that love from her mother, ever.

That's selfish. That little girl beniffited from her short time on Earth. Not ever having her does nothing for her.
There's living life and then there's just existing. There's a difference between the two.
What about the emotions that aren't associated with love and attachment to other human beings?

Achieving goals, dreams, success etc
Maybe she was hoping something would change. Like she can fix it. Now has she always had this ability or did it just happen once the aliens made contact.
On top of what Amel said about learning a new language rewiring your brain....do you remember when Ian (Renner) asked her if she Dreams in other languages?

Well some of the flashfowards that she saw were in her dreams.

And because she was understanding the language, she was also dreaming in the language, which meant she was seeing everything to come, in her dreams, even before the Heplatods showed her what they showed her.

There are several scenes in the Film, where she was dreaming and seeing what was to happen.

We thought they were flashbacks, but it as we learned it wasn't, but she was able to see the future all because of the new language and her understanding of it. It wasn't until the end though, that the audience learns that they weren't flashbacks.
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Yea I just can't cosign that 'marrying someone and having a kid with them is selfish' thought process.

It was going to be that, so the selfish part would be changing that and robbing Hannah of her short time on Earth.

Selfish would have been to not proceed according to History so that they could avoid the heartache and pain.

She made the tough choice.
She always made the tough but right choice.
Her character is a Beast.
She made the choice and didn't tell him until after the fact. That's selfish.

She didn't tell him when they were dating or when he proposed or when she got pregnant. She kept him in the dark and robbed him of his choice. Then it was incredibly cruel to tell him after the child was born. How you put a man in that situation? Son was so distraught he couldn't even be with a chick like that anymore.

If robbing the daughter of her life is selfish that's just part of a person's right to choose like any abortion. Besides it's pretty arrogant to say she was robbed of her life. She never asked to be born. An unborn person does not know what they're missing. Even though she experienced those 15-18 years with her she doesn't know if her daughter felt she lived a happy life.
It's selfish to want to be happy? She sees happiness in her future and she can't want that? Yall want chick to just go her whole life single?

Y'all cold bruhs [emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji][emoji]128557[/emoji]

When your happiness directly leads to the unhappiness of others and you do it anyway you are in fact being the definition of selfish.

There is no spinning that scenario.

Yall just want to look at it one way and ignore anybody else involved.


That life altering pain, also offers life altering joy.

My wife knows this feeling in a way.

Her parents lost a son at age 3. They were despondent. Dead inside. Soul crushing. And then found out they were pregnant.....My future wife.

Lost a child, soon after found out another on the way. Imagine that swing of emotion in life.

Utter despair.

Utter joy.

Can't have one without the other.

That's Life.
Would choose no love ever > love then despair. Monotonous emotions > extreme high/low emotions

That's just me.

That's not living tho.

Choosing not to have that baby means she never got her time on Earth, ever. Never received that love from her mother, ever.

That's selfish. That little girl beniffited from her short time on Earth. Not ever having her does nothing for her.
So what? Just cuz she chose not to have that child doesn't mean she can't have children altogether. She can still live life and love other children she has no foreknowledge of with another dude.

You guys talking like this the one daughter she'll only have. The character didn't spend a whole lot of time jumping to different periods later in life. By simply not getting with Hawkeye she could find some other dude and have children or adopt. That's life. Just cuz a chick has one abortion doesn't mean that's it she's selfish end of story.

Also still not buying the daughter benefited from being born compared to non-existence. Nobody is in that girl's head and aint nobody can comment on non-existence.

Plus when you think of the variables what would've been your view if she had a daughter but she was clinically depressed and suicidal or worse? If there were no happy moments shown, no fun times, no smiles, just dread and depression? Is it okay not to have the child then? That's selfish. Making a sweeping absolute one sided decision that deeply affects 2 lives and you don't think twice to involve the one other person who has a say.

The more I think about it, who benefited actually? The daughter or the mother? She clearly felt it was worth it for her but there really doesn't seem like there was any co moderation for her husband. What if son offed himself the day after his daughter died?

If we talking life there are so many scenarios that can make that act lead to worse consequences.
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There was no "alternate reality".

They showed her what her reality was going to be. There were no forks in the road, turn left instead of right, this is what your life will be.

They showed her future, and that of her child.
I'm not saying there was an alternate reality.

You're basically saying she made the right decision and these other choices are selfish.

I'm just saying consider what if things were slightly different with the child is it still selfish?

As far as changing it, they didn't show her anything. They gave her the language, it rewired her thinking and then she began to perceive time nonlinearly like them. The scene where she convinces the Chinese leader not to nuke the aliens was obviously a change of events. She had to recall a memory in her future in order to do something in the present to make that future possible. They're literally telling us the only reason she knew something she couldn't have known is cuz she gained the knowledge in the future. If that's not changing the what happened then it's a paradox.

If the Chinese leader doesn't repeat his wife's last words at the anniversary gala/ceremony she wouldn't have been able to to tell him in time.

With that in mind, she easily could've informed her husband about their daughter before they had her. I'm not buying a scenario where she did tell him cuz there's no way he puts his penis inside her with that in mind. Whether it's cuz she didn't tell him before or that she told him at all that led to the divorce is a wash. She should've done so earlier.

Now if it's your stance that her future is set in stone and it can't be changed I don't know how you can explain the wife's last words scene. That aside if the future is set in stone then she's just an a-hole for not telling dude before she was pregnant knowing full well what would happen.

That comes down to free will and determinism though and from what the movie showed there's enough free will where you can change events. Peep the whole reason the aliens even showed up.
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I straight got stuck in the Animal Kingdom marathon.
5 episodes later and I'm still trying to get back to The Crown. :rofl:
They showed up and gave her the ability to hear/know the wife's last words.

There was never going to be nuclear war/attacks, she was always going to prevent it, same as she was always going to have that child.

Maybe she was always destined to be the one to meet the aliens and learn their language. The future set in stone theory. Remember, they could have chosen the other language expert. They didn't, they came back for her.

Which brought her to Renner, etc etc.

Was always gonna happen that way, or the aliens coulda simply met with someone else. They knew the outcome before they landed.
If that's how you think it went down then it was the aliens that made the change then. That view doesn't change that the only way she knew the wife's last words is because she had to recall a future event in order to say it in the present.

And again if she was always going to do all that she was always a selfish a-hole for not telling Hawkeye their daughter would die before they got together. At that point it's not some it has to happen this way situation. She knew something would happen and kept her mouth shut until after the fact.
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That's not what the Film is about.

She even asks Ian(her future husband) the same question that she is faced with(if you could see your whole life laid out in front of you would you change anything) and even then, when asked, he confirms the choice she eventually makes, I think she realizes at that point he wouldn't change anything either, his answer was "I'd say what I feel more", and then he does say what he feels right then and what he says is "you know I've had my head tilted up to the sky for as long as I can remember, and you know what surprised me the most, it wasn't meeting them it was meeting you. That's where Hannah's story begins, at that moment. He might disagree with it later and leave her but that too is kind of the point of the story. Her choice was always what we eventually saw, to have Hannah and tell him she'd die before she actually died. If she changed that future, than it wasn't her choice to begin with, and as she says, she embraced what was to come. It'd be a cop out to the audience and to herself, not to mention undermining the Story itself, if she decided not to hold true to what was to come.
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The Coronation scene at the end of episode 5 of The Crown is so well done, and brutal. Such a sacred moment that is having the ungliness and Delusions of Grandeur narrated by the Brother who was abdicated, all the while a husband whose heart is being ripped apart by having to kneel at the feet of his wife (now the Queen)on National Television, a part of the Coronation that was his doing, looks like he wants to spit on her. She wouldn't even look him in the eyes. A whole lot of 'ouch' in that scene. I felt all of that hurt. :pimp:
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That's not what the Film is about.

She even asks Ian(her future husband) the same question that she is faced with(if you could see your whole life laid out in front of you would you change anything) and even then, when asked, he confirms the choice she eventually makes, I think she realizes at that point he wouldn't change anything either, his answer was "I'd say what I feel more", and then he does say what he feels right then and what he says is "you know I've had my head tilted up to the sky for as long as I can remember, and you know what surprised me the most, it wasn't meeting them it was meeting you. That's where Hannah's story begins, at that moment. He might disagree with it later and leave her but that too is kind of the point of the story. Her choice was always what we eventually saw, to have Hannah and tell him she'd die before she actually died. If she changed that future, than it wasn't her choice to begin with, and as she says, she embraced what was to come. It'd be a cop out to the audience and to herself, not to mention undermining the Story itself, if she decided not to hold true to what was to come.

there was a little line of dialogue I caught last night that makes me wonder if the line was ad-lib'd by renner. The government dudes are pissed that they took off their suits and are saying he could have become contaminated with radiation or whatever and he's like "so what. Everybody dies eventually right?" Then he goes and gets all butt hurt about his wife "making the wrong decision" to have a child she knows is going to die. Makes me wonder if that was written in, or he let some of his Hawkeye wise cracking slip out and they just ran with it
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there was a little line of dialogue I caught last night that makes me wonder if the line was ad-lib'd by renner. The government dudes are pissed that they took off their suits and are saying he could have become contaminated with radiation or whatever and he's like "so what. Everybody dies eventually right?" 
I can see it being adlib for sure now that you mention it.

You ought to ask him and see what he says.
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That's not what the Film is about.

You back?

That is not what's being discussed. We're discussing a specific decision that happened in the movie and whether it was selfish or not.

That's not what the Film is about.

She even asks Ian(her future husband) the same question that she is faced with(if you could see your whole life laid out in front of you would you change anything) and even then, when asked, he confirms the choice she eventually makes, I think she realizes at that point he wouldn't change anything either, his answer was "I'd say what I feel more", and then he does say what he feels right then and what he says is "you know I've had my head tilted up to the sky for as long as I can remember, and you know what surprised me the most, it wasn't meeting them it was meeting you. That's where Hannah's story begins, at that moment. He might disagree with it later and leave her but that too is kind of the point of the story. Her choice was always what we eventually saw, to have Hannah and tell him she'd die before she actually died. If she changed that future, than it wasn't her choice to begin with, and as she says, she embraced what was to come. It'd be a cop out to the audience and to herself, not to mention undermining the Story itself, if she decided not to hold true to what was to come.

there was a little line of dialogue I caught last night that makes me wonder if the line was ad-lib'd by renner. The government dudes are pissed that they took off their suits and are saying he could have become contaminated with radiation or whatever and he's like "so what. Everybody dies eventually right?" Then he goes and gets all butt hurt about his wife "making the wrong decision" to have a child she knows is going to die. Makes me wonder if that was written in, or he let some of his Hawkeye wise cracking slip out and they just ran with it
I said it before but it's not explicitly clear if he's mad she had a child that was going to die and didn't tell him until after the fact or if he's mad that she told him at all.

If he didn't know at all who is to say he would divorce her?
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Reluctintly watched Hidden Figures.

Surprisingly enjoyed it.

All three did they thing and very little "white knight" t the rescue 
That's not what the Film is about.

You back?

That is not what's being discussed. We're discussing a specific decision that happened in the movie and whether it was selfish or not.
Oh I know what you're discussing.

The post I was responding to was worth responding to which is why I responded, not because I was "over" some "saltiness" or something.

You got the short "cool" from me on the other one not out of saltiness, but you started talking about "we don't know if the daughter benefited from being born and living or if she was happy because we weren't in her head and don't know how she was feeling and then something about abortion and us acting like she couldn't have any more kids after this one or if she decided to have an abortion instead of having it and about he might have got depressed clinically after she broke the news to him or possibly even killed himself because he was so distraught and upset" and I was just like

Like you quoted me and replied with something so far out there as far as potential actions from her or him after it was or wasn't told and honestly, all I had for you was a "cool"

You got some way and called me salty and limited, because you didn't like my answer I guess. 

Then I just said cool, again.

I wasn't down to debate or address my saltiness or any of that maddness that was in your post.

That's all. 
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slight change of subject................

This is difficult but I was thinking about the best shootouts of all time and am gonna try and come up with a top 10. This is REALLY hard, bu off the top of my headt, here goes.....

  1. HEAT: The bank heist shootout. nothing really comes close to this in my opinion.
  2. John Wick: Night club shootout
  3. The Matrix: Corporate building destruction (including the helicopter unloading)
  4. Leon(The Profesional): Apartment SWAT raid shootout
  5. Tombstone: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
  6. The Way of the Gun: Final shootout scene
  7. Boondock Saints: "THERE WAS A FIRE-FIGHT!!" scene.
  8. Enemy at the Gates: Final sniper duel
  9. Django Unchained: Candyland Shootout
  10. The Terminator: Police Station Shootout

I know I'm missing a million but I seriously can't think of any more off the top.
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