Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

I managed to make it to damn near 40years of age, without viewing.
I knew it would be a nice watch and a perfect time, one day.
Tonight, tonight is perfect.
(Nothing beats color of 80's credits, or the Incidental Music that is heavy with synthesizers)
I've been off of SNL for a while now but I recorded it tonight since Felicity was on.

Did they fire the whole cast?

It's only Beck Bennett in every Skit, and Baldwin doing Trump.
Only a short way in but wow..........they need to get it together.

sidenote: Always liked Cecily and Kate though Kate is too skinny now but, Vanessa Bayer, boy she is low key looking right with that woman weight. Ol' Hips and Thighs are looking RIGHT!
When was the last time you watched regularly? When Tina and Amy were running things or even further back? :lol:

The show is usually this bad and has been that way for a while minus the political opening skits. Didn't help the real funny ppl have left to make funny tv shows or movies.

This ep was worse than usual just cuz Felicity has no comedic presence. For such a good actor (yeah I know it's live so it's different) she was fumbling lines and seemed nervous and it messed up her timing.
No not that long ago actually. I'd say I watched regularly until about 2 seasons ago. 2011-12 I think. About the time Sudekis was completely done and Kate had finished her first Season and Mooney came on full time, I think, to be more precise. Yea Felecity did seem extra nervous in the voice. Dead on with the comedic presence not being there, and also super surprising to me, as well. They should give her another go soon, she will do much better I think.
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Lorne let go Jay Pharoah and one other person. The really funny ppl like Sudekis and Hader been leaving one by one each season.

The skits or the writing aren't focusing on the most funniest ppl left. The new ppl they brought on so far have brought nothing new to the show.

Its like they're not experimenting fast enough or worse they think this current stuff is really funny. Ignoring that they're relying heavily on the biggest guest/cameo stars and actors to bring the lulz (Baldwin, Larry David, etc.)

The joke about Keenan being here so damn long was telling :lol:
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Does anyone have a full list of all the top screeners from this season that are available? I'm not asking for the actual movies, I just have been so busy I don't even know what has become "available."

Anyone nice enough to give me any sort of compiled list of just the absolute best movies of the year (like award nominees) that are out there right now so I can go "get them"?

they must be cracking down on dvdscreeners because they've been trickling out this year

usually with a few exceptions everything of note is available before christmas.

iirc girl on the train, nocturnal animals and loving are in the wild ... screeners for la la land and arrival dropped in the last day or two .. and deepwater horizon and patriots day if youre into that sort of thing
yeah the last month or so its been picking up for dvdscreeners...was pumped to see jack reacher but it wasnt all that great.....read an article about the group hive-cm8 and they saying they waiting til movies are out in theatre or after christmas before dropping
yeah you dont wish that kind of thing on anyone....its one thing to go through all of that and take it as it comes but another situation entirely when you know youre going to make someone suffer
^ Since she knows their daughter is going to die, why can't she tell him beforehand?

Well, that would probably make him avoid shooting up the club and therefore change the future.

She's still selfish when she went through with it though.
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thats the thing though...with the aliens...they are looking for a way to change the future as their timeline isnt linear like we see it...and thus they are trying to stop what would happen 3000 years in the future with the help of humans in the present...so she could have said no, there was nothing stopping her from doing that...or maybe she thought that the future could be changed and things arent predetermined...kind of a mind****

the part that gets me though is the sequence with the chinese general and things happening in the future and present at the same time...how she was able to get everyone to work together by having visions of the future that helped her play that out in the present...so it seems like if things played out there then why wouldnt her visions of them and hannah be accurate as well...idk
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I'm really hoping Split is good. But it is M. Night Shamkjagfasvvbdvggb. Expecting the worst.
I'm really hoping Split is good. But it is M. Night Shamkjagfasvvbdvggb. Expecting the worst.

I'm truly curious about how the film ends. Curious enough that I'll watch it this weekend. Normally this genre of movie, I'll wait for it to hit rental but something about the trailer has me curious.

Given the director, there is going to be a twist. I haven't even seen the movie yet but I think I know what the twist is going to be. I'm hoping the twist is something else.
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^^^ Most people seemed to think M. Night's last movie The Visit was solid, so maybe he's out of his phase of complete suck.
I'm in the mood for a frightening twist. The details are blurry with his movies, but most of his twists have been lame, on some 'Oh that's it?' deal. I'm going to watch expecting a lame twist, but hopefully I get surprised.
hell yeah, its that time.

moonlight & arrival are the ones i was waiting for, hidden figures looks aiight but its not my thing.

screeners are heavily policed now, last year was a wake up call for the movie studios.

you had big movies out on the net before their theatrical release.

they're now putting the huge IDENTIFIERS on the entire screen, so these uploaders have a little bit more work to do.
I'm in the mood for a frightening twist. The details are blurry with his movies, but most of his twists have been lame, on some 'Oh that's it?' deal. I'm going to watch expecting a lame twist, but hopefully I get surprised.

The twist in Sixth Sense was legit. The lamest by far has to be Signs. Water? Really? LOL.
I don't remember much of the Sixth Sense anymore...outside of that I see dead people line. I'm fairly sure I can watch it tonight and it'd be like watching it for the first time lol

The movie I remember best is Signs. Yea that was pretty lame lol
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Arrival 6/8. I liked that twist. Started slow that first he though.

Only put it together during the zero-sum game part and your dad is the scientist line.

It was an interesting take on first contact sci-fi with those kind of aliens and that sort of perception of time.

Amy :smokin :evil:
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Silence was powerful af

The **** people go through for their faith |I

Probably in my top 2 of the year

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Hey Arnold is one of the GOAT cartoons of all time

It was way too ahead of its time. The topics covered are awesome and speak true today:

- Different religions

- Interracial relationships

- Racial diversity

- Politics and social classes

The jazz score is also incredible. 
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