Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

RIP to Billy Bob from Varsity Blues aka Ron Lester. :frown:

Only 45. Passed of kidney and liver failure.
Watched Last K ights with Clive Owen and Morgan Freeman. It was cool, not bad. I totally understand why it got such a poor RT score but I dug it.

The story was straightforward and had a nice twist to it although it was predictable. Still liked how it was executed.

Fight scenes were cool but could've been better and the fight scenes overall could've been shot better.

Dug the themes of loyalty and honor and how it was portrayed.

The Duff was good enough.

11:14 really wasn't all that good given how highly rated it was. Especially since its one of those several different ppl are all connected kind of movies. Rachel Leigh Cook was hot in it despite her character being a 2 timing ho in it.
I'm watching the 2000 John Singleton directed Shaft remake and it is not very good. But its kind of amusing. Christian Bale plays the young douchebag villain and completely overacts through the whole thing. And I spotted Elizabeth Banks in a very minor role. There is no doubt whatsoever that Singleton peaked with his first major movie.
Saw Sleeping With Other People. It was really good. Funny and entertaining. They balanced the drama and hilarious parts real well. 6.5/8

Loves Alison Brie in it and Jason Sudeikis was really funny. Just a whole lot of funny lines and scenes.

Dude who plays Rafi and his wife Andrea Savage were also really funny.
Rafi or the actor that plays Rafi plays the same character in everything and I love it

Parks and Rec was another.
Mean Streets 5.7/8. Clearly not Marty's best but it has a lot of the elements his future classics would have. The potential is all there.

Its a real 70s period NYC crime flick/day in the life of some criminals living life and one major **** up.
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Mean Streets 5.7/8. Clearly not Marty's best but it has a lot of the elements his future classics would have. The potential is all there.

Its a real 70s period NYC crime flick/day in the life of some criminals living life and one major **** up.
Just started this one. Saw it posted on HBO.
I should add Keitel and DeNiro were both really good as expected.

The role DeNiro plays is one that reminds me of another actor you wouldn't expect to play that kind of character but it fits due to his youth at the time.
Way I look at it, we've been given a gift.  And I get nervous about doing anything that would cause us to lose it, ya know?  Hell I have "quietly" gone and PM'd folks that I notice talk about movies in different places and invited them in.  We have seen 2-3 of them come thru over the months.  But certain ones I worry about that they would cause a problem and I keep quiet about it even if they would bring info in here, they could also cause us an issue too.  And if some Mod did decide to come thru here and nail us, we can't really go and ask another Ska to stick his neck out for us and open it back up ya know? 

Hell, I'm already worrying about the size of the thread could catch eyes at some point, and I don't know if that's good or not. 

  So for now, no title changes, if people ain't payin any attention to this after this long, then good.  Those who need to know, know, we doin just fine. 

  Thanks to JPZ for his ideas on things to do in here like the fantasy drafts, or movie a week stuff, Venom for his reports on movie info, all the regulars that come in with reviews, Dirk for his spending of my money with all his blu ray sale finds. 

  Kev for findin stuff on TV and when it will be on so we can all catch it on DVR.  This thing is bigger than I ever thought would be possible.  200 and something pages. 

Great work ya'll. 

Mean Streets.

I might be alone in this, but to me, I didn't really like it that much.  Now, when I say that, I mean it in terms of a stand alone movie, it was not good.  But in terms of showing me what was to come, and the progression of Scorsese and DeNiro, sure I can see why it would have appeal.  Their first project together, etc etc.  But this part right here really really bothered me.  This damn movie played more stupid music than Sucker Punch did. 

  Every 8 damn seconds another crappy song would come on for no friggin reason, it was infuriating to be honest.  And I don't ever notice music much in movies.  In fact, I would tell you that in Casino, that is one of the few movies that I did actually notice the music and it was FLAWLESS in that movie.  So like I said, maybe Scorsese simply honed his craft, and by the 90's everything was perfected.  So in that regard, I could see how Mean Streets helped pave the way so to speak. 

The audio was garbage, voice overs were choppy, the sound when up and down, just scene after scene of mistakes so to speak, it was almost like it was his first big film or something.  Certainly I understand he won't be as polished as he was 20 years later, but come on.  Car hits a fire hydrant, and the sound goes off. 


Best way I can describe the film is Raw.  It was very raw.  Good ideas, a point to the movie, some direction, just very very "raw"  Almost like they were shooting it like those kids in Super 8.  Show up and shoot some footage, and then put it all together so to speak.  So much of the story was pointless, the weird scene cuts, one scene to the next scene with no real rhyme or reason. 

Now, on the plus side......Robert DeNiro.  WOW.  I know it's no secret the guy can act a lil bit, and I know it's cliche to speak on his talent, but @#$% that, this dude was incredible.  There were a couple scenes, I wasn't sure if he was acting or not.  If ANYONE in the world can look a gangster in the face and tell him to go @#$% himself and still be breathing 11 seconds later and make you believe it, it's gotta be DeNiro.  It was great watching him.  The scene where he says "what" about 19 times in a row was so great, I swear that was adlibbed or something. 


Keitel was great too.  If I understand right, he was the main character, but DeNiro sort of just stole the show so to speak.  I'm not really sure the point of what they were all doing, or why, they seemed to just wander around doin nothin the whole movie and act tough, but clearly Scorsese got his act together years later.  So if Mean Streets gets by on the notion that this is where it all started, I'm fine by that.  But as just a single film, on it's own merit, naw, this movie wasn't good to me.  If they took the same story and put it together today, then I think you could have something.  Clean it up, polish it a lil bit, sure.  I'm sure I'll be told I missed something, or it's supposed to be gritty, raw and all that, that's fine, but you don't have to have issues with the actual picture itself.  Words shouldn't rise and fall in volume.  Voice overs should be the same voices, etc etc. 

My fav scene was the bar "fight"  That scene was really good, and I loved the camera work in there sort of chasing the action, that's one of those scenes that points to him going to be good someday at his craft.  I especially loved how after they all calmed down, they start up again. 

I want to give it a 6.5, but DeNiro alone makes me bump it up, so I'll go 7/10.

Big J is correct, we all watched and reviewed Mean Streets in here a few years ago.

:smh: The old rating system.

:lol: at the hiding in plain sight in S&T days. :pimp:
:lol: Yeah I noticed some of the annoying songs that played. It needed to be layered right but I figured he was trying to capture the noise of the city. Music in the spring/summer time is constantly playing.

I definitely noticed all the flaws but I looked pass that enjoying what I could see Marty was going for. Plus as said the acting really shined through and the simplicity of the plot lends to that. I would say they did draw out scenes to establish relationships but given where it ended in not sure how necessary it was.

I still kinda see the potential and with the right rewrite I wouldn't even be mad if somebody did a remake :lol:
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Damn, I always like him and thought he had potential to be a great actor.

The Star Treks, Alpha Dog (underrated), Fright Night, and Green Room were all films I really enjoyed him in.
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