Oh I'm sorry, Did I Break Your Conversation........Well Allow Me A Movie Thread by S&T

So I finally saw Avengers earlier. I went to one of those nice Regal theaters. Decided to skip the 3d and imax 3d showings and just watch the regular version. The regular version was called the XP showing. I was wondering why the hell it cost $19 instead of the normal $10-12 ticket. They had some new leather seats with Regal embroidered on them. Suprised they don't charge you to use the bathroom yet.
So I finally saw Avengers earlier. I went to one of those nice Regal theaters. Decided to skip the 3d and imax 3d showings and just watch the regular version. The regular version was called the XP showing. I was wondering why the hell it cost $19 instead of the normal $10-12 ticket. They had some new leather seats with Regal embroidered on them. Suprised they don't charge you to use the bathroom yet.

whaatt where do you live that they charge $19 for a regular 2D showing? Especially a day time showing too :x

SF prices are already pretty expensive, but i can cop IMAX 3D tickets for $19
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$19 for no imax or 3d? It was 20 for me for Imax in 3D. **** a leather seat anyways, I'd be stuck to that thing from sweating too much after watching ScarJo and Elizabeth Olson run around for 2 and a half hours.
$19 for no imax or 3d? It was 20 for me for Imax in 3D. **** a leather seat anyways, I'd be stuck to that thing from sweating too much after watching ScarJo and Elizabeth Olson run around for 2 and a half hours.

I noticed, HEAVY, that ScarJo didn't do a single thing in the movie, AT ALL. :lol:

Watch her, only her, the entire time, she's covering her stomach in every single scene except like one, and even that's from an angle, and brief. The robe, the being carried, the being off screen for a while, the head shots only, she was pregnant as hell, and they covered her up the whole time.

Now SW however, baby girl got the whole theater pantin the entire time. :smh:
ScarJo in the robe had the upstairs pregger plumpness going for sure 

whaatt where do you live that they charge $19 for a regular 2D showing? Especially a day time showing too :x

SF prices are already pretty expensive, but i can cop IMAX 3D tickets for $19

I watched it in Long Island, NY. I read that article jpzx posted above, definitely real shady what Regal Cinemas did by putting the regular screening in that bs screen with leather seating and charging an extra $7-8. I dunno how new it is because I didn't see it last time I was there.
I'll think about it some more, but I probably like it better than the 1st. It immediately addressed my initial problem with the first Avengers, that it took far too long to get interesting. I know they had to bring the team together, but it was just so slow until that happens. Meanwhile we're immediately thrown into the action and that was an improvement. 

On the other hand, the concept of "bigger and better than the original" was a problem for this sequel. The first one had the battle of NY and that was epic and huge in scale. But you can only see "A whole city gets destroyed" so many times until it loses it's luster. I know it makes sense for that to be the threat, but they need to find another angle because it's grown tiresome. They improved on the characters as well... Thor actually looked powerful, Hawkeye got some story, and so on. It's a lot of story to put in to one movie and it suffered sometimes. I didn't need Wakanda to be honest, it was "important" to the story of course, but it just showed me of "This will be important later.." same with the Infinity Stones and Thor's realization. Again, build to it, of course, but it feels yet again like it's a Marvel movie setting up future Marvel movies rather than standing on it's own. 

The Avengers was the culmination of the prior movies and you felt that conclusion. Here? We're still leaving the hints and set ups for future movies when it should have been more of a focus on this  movie, not the future ones. It's great we got a little explanation of the Infinity Stones, but I don't care about that as much right now... we'll have an entire two movies for that. Planting the seeds for things is one thing, like the continuing Cap and Iron Man split that's coming from Civil War, but I want to see Ultron and this  story.

With that in mind, it was still entertaining as hell, looked great despite using far too much CGI, gave us those hype inducing moments you'd expect, but the charm is starting to wear off. There was just too much crammed into one movie. Bigger isn't always better. Cut out some of the Thor vision quest thing, mostly because it wasn't developed or explained well enough. Cut out the Wakanda bit. I liked the Hawkeye, Hulk/Black Widow plots so I don't want to touch those.. but you just needed more Ultron time. He could have been a bit more menacing too and maybe see some of this damage that didn't involve needing to level an entire city. 

I think Marvel had a slight misstep by throwing in too many hints and set-ups for future films. The rift between Cap and Iron Man is a great example of how you can hint to a future movie (Cap 3) without being so overt. It was done far more organically within the stories to show their differences and where it might lead. If you slim down those elements, you could focus more on this movie and the threat of Ultron, who I thought was done pretty well and Spader was excellent. 

Overall, I liked it a lot, it might crack my top 3 which is currently Iron Man, Cap 2, and GoTG in some order. I think it'll get a lot more replays than the 1st Avengers for me and while it doesn't capture the magic of the 1st one, it's slightly better if not equal for different reasons. 
Thoughts on Age of Ultron.

And obvious statement... but Olsen and Scarlett looked amazing.
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J, did you read my review at all, because you hit on a lot of the same stuff I did. Looks like we saw it the same way, pretty much.

Also, be careful if you use an 8 grading scale. :lol:
Seeing the movie made me miss the Avengers cartoon they cancelled a few years ago. It was awesome and a really good watch. Movie was good and I liked the fighting but them fighting hordes and hordes of the same enemy again just reminded me of them fighting the chitauri from the first movie. I'm ready for them to just fight a couple of overpowered villains for the majority of a movie.
I think where I'd disagree is The Avengers doesn't need the darkness to be elite, it just needs to be a little tighter with the story and how they go about it. Cut out some of the excess stuff and find a way to focus more on Ultron and the whole concept of AI, of wanting to trust something  with the protection of the world rather than the Avengers, etc. I know it was some of what they touched on in Cap 2 with the program taking out threats ahead of time and I know it'll be addressed in Civil War about choosing sides and the government's involvement... but the movie wasn't about much once they created Ultron... it was just about stopping Ultron. They touched on it a little at a time like with Cap and Iron Man chopping wood and talking, but that's where they're missing out.

The Dark Knight was able to weave the themes and messages throughout the movie a lot more smoothly, whereas in this one we had "Let's talk about our points of view and beliefs" huge action sequence... "Let's briefly talk about it again"... huge action sequence... easter egg for future films, action, more easter eggs, etc. It was there, just not fleshed out enough.

And with Tony's vision they did try to have that as his motivation, but it just went quick because they used that as the creation of Ultron. Fury and Stark talked about it, and other than a little more with it, I'm glad they didn't hammer it home. Because then it suddenly becomes the second Avengers movie to focus heavily on Iron Man.

All of that is to say, it would have been one of my favorite MCU movies if they just focused more on THIS movie. Avengers 1 felt like the culmination and the build-up was awesome, even if the movie had it's weaknesses too. This one felt a little too rushed and crammed for it to be THE AVENGERS THE SEQUEL. Still liked it a lot and I'll see it again in the theaters for sure.
I did once I saw the movie
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With ws and gotg now on cable, I've been checking each out a couple mins here or there whenever I see them on.. Or nothing else is on tv

As I said previously, I'm way higher on gotg than I initially was after seeing it in the theater (And I enjoyed it then)..

I got gotg over ws.. And it's right up there with ironman1 and avengers for my favorite marvel movies to date (haven't seen a2 in theaters yet).. WS is below that group and above the rest of the marvel movies
The first ep of Penny Dreadful season 2 was awesome. Setting things up nicely. Those weird looking, naked witches have me confused on how to feel. I like seeing how Malcolm is being a father to Vanessa.

They're already hinting at the doctor wanting the dead hooker and his ozzy osbourne / meatloaf emo monster falling for the blind girl and killing her parents.
bro, i watched independence day for the first time a couple of weeks ago and i did just that. Bro how the hell is Will Smith not in the first 20 minutes in the film? 
it's cause you from Toronto b

you ain't bout this life

"welcome to Earth"
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