* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by JPZx

As everyone knows, I reported last week on my morning drive show on Fox Sports Radio that LeBron James would join Dwayne Wade in Miami and take Chris Bosh with him to join the Heat.
So everything that follows that sentence should be taken with a grain of salt, right?

Why would you take actual possible scenarios with a grain of salt? Cleveland aint getting nobody as it appears and Wade won't stay in Maimi if Riley doesn't get him a high quality 2nd option. At the very least SAS has appropriately stated the difficult situation Bron has ahead of him especially if Wade makes the first move.

Even if Wade and Bron stay all that happens is the Knicks and Chi get better.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

quiet frankly SAS makes more sense than 90% of these other "experts"
Because it's positive towards the Knicks?
Originally Posted by Master Zik

At the veryleast SAS as appropriately stated the difficult situation Bron hasahead of him
Dude admitted in the first sentence that what he previously SAID would happen didn't happen. Supposedly all these dudes have sources but what they're saying isn't even coming close to true. So if the journalist in an article admits in the first sentence of his article that he was dead wrong about his previous prediction... why the hell are all y'all in the Knicks thread feeling positive all of a sudden about what he said in his latest "prediction"?

Makes zero sense to me.
The greed of Chris Bosh?
Seriously, Screamin' A? Because he's not an idiot and wants to max out the earning potential of the prime years of his career? If you're gonna ring chase, you don't do it at 25 or 26. If he can get max dollars and get into a good situation where he'll have a shot to win, that's what he should do.

Taking less money to ride Wade or Bron's coattails? At 26? g.t.f.o.
Man listen, the only person who really needs to make a decision is Bosh. Who cares if Stat and Johnson goes to NY (Johnson would be a fool to pass up all that money from Atl), that team would play no D and be a bunch of chuckers and have the bad karma of the Knicks organization so they would still suck. Bosh goes to Miami, and so what, they've raped their roster and would have to fill it with second rate bums. Bosh goes to Chicago, ok this might be a good choice because he gets to play with Rose and Noah. Accept a sign and trade to Cleveland, ahhhh now you talking. Team up with Lebron and now you have the east version of Kobe and Gasol. But wait, you say LeBron and Bosh can go to the Chi, yeah this is true, but guess whhaaaat, Rose will be due for a big contract in 2 year annnddd and, it's close to Noah to re-up, not enough money for all four of them. Sooooo, I think Bosh would be better off coming to Cleveland. You could have a young core of Andy, Bosh, and Bron. Makes a lot of sense to me and I'm not even speaking as a Cleveland fan
^You are definitely speaking as a Cleveland fan

Do you not know what Bird rights are? Rose and Noah can definitely be resigned, sans salary cap restrictions. I'm not saying it's happening. Don't try to feign objectivity.

FTR: LeBron is staying Cleveland in my opinion.
^^^ You still need to explain how does Bosh get to Cleveland? What do the Cavs have that Toronto would want? Mo Williams? Delonte West? Hickson? That is laughable for Toronto, when they could find much better S&T packages for Bosh. Sure Bosh could (I do not believe he will) tell Toronto he wants to go to Cleveland, but I think Toronto would rather let Bosh walk than to take back anything the Cavs have to offer.
Originally Posted by antoekneeo

^^^ You still need to explain how does Bosh get to Cleveland? What do the Cavs have that Toronto would want? Mo Williams? Delonte West? Hickson? That is laughable for Toronto, when they could find much better S&T packages for Bosh. Sure Bosh could (I do not believe he will) tell Toronto he wants to go to Cleveland, but I think Toronto would rather let Bosh walk than to take back anything the Cavs have to offer.
why not deplete the cavs roster so they cant contend?
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by Master Zik

At the veryleast SAS as appropriately stated the difficult situation Bron hasahead of him
Dude admitted in the first sentence that what he previously SAID would happen didn't happen. Supposedly all these dudes have sources but what they're saying isn't even coming close to true. So if the journalist in an article admits in the first sentence of his article that he was dead wrong about his previous prediction... why the hell are all y'all in the Knicks thread feeling positive all of a sudden about what he said in his latest "prediction"?

Makes zero sense to me.
So you seriously didn't read the article?
SAS isn't saying anything is going to happen in it. He's laying out what can happen in regards to Bron, Wade, and Bosh. SAS previous prediction being wrong or him no longer believing it will happen has nothing to do with the article. If anything he's learned from making that bad prediction and has written an article stating facts, suggesting possible scenarios supported by common sense.

Bosh: wants the max, probably only getting it in a S&T. Looking at Houston, Toronto right now. If he doesn't want the max(negotiates something a lil less) or wants to win then he goes with Wade to Miami(maybe if Riley got nothing left he gives him the max or he heads to Chi (they give him the max if NY already lands Bron). He's shown no interest in a S&T with Cle.

Bron: stay and suck in Cle, go to Chi possibly chance of winning it all now, go to NY w/Amare or w/Amare & Joe ( max for all 3 after getting rid of Curry or the unlikely paycut scenario) or w/Amare & Joe and possibily getting Melo next season (after Curry's off the books) and win for multiple seasons.

Unless Wade doesn't wait makes the move to Chi for obvious and personal reasons forcing Bron to make the choice of staying and sucking, going to NJ and sucking for a couple years or going to NY.

These are the options unless you really feel he's going to the Clippers or unlike SAS believe the 3 max in Miami has a chance.
Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

quiet frankly SAS makes more sense than 90% of these other "experts"
Because it's positive towards the Knicks?
Yes. Anything negative against the Knicks that one of these experts post ya'll are all for it, agreeing in every manner. All of a sudden an article pops up that in someway supports us OMG! let the hate come flying in. It seems like any move or any team we'll end up with even if its a championship contender someone is always gonna find something negative to say about us and how we got there.
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Originally Posted by JPZx

Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

quiet frankly SAS makes more sense than 90% of these other "experts"
Because it's positive towards the Knicks?
Yes. Anything negative against the Knicks that one of these experts post ya'll are all for it, agreeing in every manner. All of a sudden an article pops up that in someway supports us OMG! let the hate come flying in. It seems like any move or any team we'll end up with even if its a championship contender someone is always gonna find something negative to say about us and how we got there.

Well we got cap space for two max and still had Douglas, Chandler, Bill Walker, & Gallo and they laughed.
Miami got cap space, could re-sign wade and have cap for probably another two and its OMG.. But who are they gonna play with?
Originally Posted by Ballinsam23

Yes. Anything negative against the Knicks that one of these experts post ya'll are all for it, agreeing in every manner. All of a sudden an article pops up that in someway supports us OMG! let the hate come flying in.
You don't think that's a bit hypocritical?

This off-season, any time something negative is written against the Knicks y'all take it personal and lash out at the reporter. Any time something positive is written y'all praise it and say "yeah that makes a ton of sense!". Just take a stroll over to the NYK thread if you're not convinced.


Broussard posts an article. Reaction: "Who the hell even cares what that guy says anyway? Dude's a certified idiot!" (Al and Blackmagnus)
Adrian Woj posts an article. Reaction: "Wow this dude HAS to have something against New York!!!!" (ehh and PauliePeppas)
Stephen A writes the positive article. Reaction: "Stephen A Smith thinking clearly
(Zik)" "Stephen A making a lot of sense actually
" (UrboysAris)

Just sayin. And I'm not trying to generalize the entire NYK fanbase because a lot of you over there are level-headed and know what you are actually talking about.
Originally Posted by h3at23

#NBA Breaking News(rumor has it)FA's Wade/Bosh hv made up their minds to play AGAINST Lebron so don't expect all 3 to play 2gether! WOW.

so much collusion..

first part of that tweet is an epic oxymoron

bron + stat in NY vs. those two lovers in miami is what i expect

drose and wade together wouldn't work AT ALL
can u imagine a team of amare, lebron, and carmelo next year? now THAT is what you would call an unbeatable team.
Originally Posted by JPZx

I got people at my house. Stephen A clown suit will have to wait til tomorrow...his report was bogus about 1 hour ago via Echofon

Twitter? Okay let me see




But I'll wait till he actually has a rebuttal proving why SAS' report was bogus. I'm curious to what angle he's going to appriach it to say it's bogus. The report at the most makes it look good for Chi and NY and bad for Cle.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

can u imagine a team of amare, lebron, and carmelo next year? now THAT is what you would call an unbeatable team.

melo coming off the bench? because he sure as hell aint a 2
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