* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Ok, Lebron says he's leaving, and Cleveland says, let's work out a S&T so we can recoup SOMETHING at least. A piece or two here, or, unload some contracts on the other team.

The question is...why? Bron has the option to sign to said team outright, thus preserving his new team's cap space/pieces that would go via trade, or, work out a S&T, and then bring over dudes like AV, Mo, whoever to his new team. Why would Bron decide to leave these dudes, only for them to be bunched up to his new team?

It looks great for Cleveland, Lebron leaves, hey, we want stuff back, or, take some bad contracts off our hands, but why would Lebron buy into all that?

Kobe was about to be a Bull, but once he found out Deng wasn't going to be there, it wasn't as appealing. Same thing here with Bron. Why mess up his new team's cap landscape, when he can just peace out, albeit, take 30M less over the course of the deal.

Finally, you have to take into account what pieces do these gutted teams even have to offer the Cavs? Unless Bron wants to go to Dallas or something, there's not much to take back to begin with.
Originally Posted by rayray3thousand

Here are my official predictions for this crazy free agent madness...

Dwayne Wade - max deal with HEAT
Chris Bosh - HEAT

Amare Stoudamire - CLIPPERS, yeah I said Clippers. Dude is young and dumb and wants to be in LA

Lebron James - KNICKS, ya boy! Curry coming off the books next year will bring Melo... just wait
Dirk Nowitzki - KNICKS

Joe Johnson - BULLS, very dangerous team
Carlos Boozer - BULLS

Rudy Gay - NETS
David Lee - NETS, not bad on paper now with devin, gay, lee, lopez and favors

MAVERICKS - clear cap and sign Durant next year

clippers won't even offer him a deal...they have blake griffin
OK, fair enough.  Then you think Bron is going thru all this crap, to SAVE money for his new team do you?  Couldn't Bron simply take 10 mil, allow Wade and Bosh to sign at their max deals, and guarantee himself a chance to win some things?  But he won't be doing that now will he? 

He don't give a @#$% what he saves his new team, in fact, by doing this sign and trade, he might even help a little with his image in that he tries to not completely nuke the Cavs franchise (even though we'll all see right thru that, least I will ) but he can at least SAY he tried to help his beloved Cavs as much as possible.  All of this as a way to also get that extra year/money that we all know he wants. 
The Dallas Mavericks' search for help to support star forward Dirk Nowitzki included inquiries about Minnesota Timberwolves center Al Jefferson prior to last week's NBA draft, according to sources close to the situation. Sources with knowledge of the Mavericks' thinking, however, told ESPNDallas.com that Jefferson is a "down the list" target for the team who is unlikely to be pursued further until after Dallas makes a series of sign-and-trade bids for top free agents. ESPN.com
CP, if he leaves, he's dead to Cle. Whether leaves outright or via S&T.

Again, a S&T sounds great for all parties involved, but we have to take a look at the possible teams. They have literally almost nothing to offer the Cavs, and while it'll doom the franchise if Bron leaves, I doubt Cle would want to tack on some contracts, just to say, "Hey, at least we got something in return." Beasley for example. The Heat can't give Beasley away right now, but say they do a S&T involving Bron, the Cavs get something back, but once his contract is up, then what does Cle do? Re-up him? Let him walk?

We can pretty much safely say, if Bron leaves, Cle, it's time to blow up the team. To do that, they shouldn't tack on contracts like a Beasley, or a Devin Harris, or a whatever it may be. (Unless it's a Brook Lopez, Noah, or something, but they're not available)
The Cavs would get no value in a sign and trade for LeBron unless a team is willing to take on Andy or Jamison, and Mo contract. No team is gonna do that and also no team will do star for superstar so it all will be pointless. And picks? Please, they will be at the bottom of the first round anyway, meaning they won't be worth a %%$*. It's a damn lose lose both ways. Personally I don't care what the %!+## do, I just hate that the NBA is now a circus and all these black athletes making themselves look like arrogant douchebags and the ring leader is Bosh. I don't think he's a max player either somebody will be dumb though, and I bet he's dumb enough to not take anything less than max money wit his country overvaluing hisself #%!. Only Wade and Bron are max players, these other cats are only pieces. Bosh couldn't even make the playoffs in the East, but yet he thinks he's a franchise player? %!+## please. Bron aint leaving Cleveland though, if he does he's a coward
Originally Posted by franchise3

What it's really about, is, Lebron, you want to leave us, and leave 30M on the table, then, go ahead, but we ain't doing you no favors.

When one of the biggest names in your sport, and the face of your city might walk away, you don't want to put it out there that they're going to accomodate him. It'd just give Bron incentive to walk away, since he'd get the max.

By saying what they're saying, the Cavs are doing the most they can do under the circumstances.

Toronto has come out and said they'd welcome a S&T with Bosh, because they feel he's probably gone. Lebron probably is gone too, but the difference is, Lebron has so many personal ties to Cle (plus the Cavs have been one of the better teams in the league winning-wise) that he might just stay. Therefore, no need to say they'd welcome a S&T concerning Bron.

@ dallas STILL trying to change players. they dont even let their team have time to mesh...didnt they just trade for kidd one year then sign marion and then trade for butler and haywood the next year??? who runs that team??? they really have no clue how to build a legit championship team there. this isnt a video game. you need chemistry...
Lee is not going to Utah because they already have Millsap. I don't know why the Nets would sign a PF like Stoudemire or Lee to a multi-year deal since they have Favors unless they trade Favors in a couple of years.

If Stoudemire gets shut out of Chicago or Miami, he should just re-sign with Phoenix. They did well this year and have young talent that is better than what the Knicks have to offer.
Never know with Lee. He wants to get paid first and foremost. Millsap signed with Portland even though they have Aldridge.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

@ dallas STILL trying to change players. they dont even let their team have time to mesh...didnt they just trade for kidd one year then sign marion and then trade for butler and haywood the next year??? who runs that team??? they really have no clue how to build a legit championship team there. this isnt a video game. you need chemistry...
When it's pretty clear you don't have the pieces to win a championship, what good does chemistry do?
They can change players all they want, until they get a second legitimate star it's all for not.
Damp for Al Jefferson Dirk? I couldn't tell if you were serious or not
but don't you think you could get more in a package with his contract and other players.

Unless I've lost count, that's the fifth scenario Chad Ford has posted on his predictions.
It'd be a shame if the Wolves don't get something good in return for Al.

Can't believe JJ is getting a max, but Rose, LeBron, and any other FA is a really nice core.
Besides Marc Stein, I'm officially not taking anything ESPN reporters say seriously. The worst of them all is Broussard aka Basura

Yahoo Boys (Wojo, Spears) FTW  imo

Just filed to ESPN.com: Celtics' Paul Pierce is opting out, too. Has notified Celts he'll become unrestricted free agent. Link forthcoming
Agent: Celtics' Pierce opting out

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By Marc Stein

Add one more marquee name to the most anticipated free-agent class in NBA history: Paul Pierce.

Pierce's agent, Jeff Schwartz, told ESPN.com's Chris Sheridan that Pierce has notified the Boston Celtics that he will opt out of the final year of his contract before Wednesday's deadline to do so, which will make Pierce an unrestricted free agent for the first time in his career.

"Pierce is opting out" said Schwartz in a text message to Sheridan.

By opting out, Pierce will forfeit next season's $21.5 million salary but becomes eligible to sign a new four-year deal with the Celtics worth a maximum of $96 million and can receive four-year offers from other teams worth a maximum $93 million.

Pierce's name has scarcely been mentioned in the buildup to the summer of 2010 free-agent bonanza because, as with Dallas' Dirk Nowitzki, most rival executives believe that the Celtics would never allow the go-to scorer of the 2008 championship team to walk.

Sources said that Pierce will begin free agency by talking first to the Celtics when the market opens on Thursday at 12:01 a.m., but the 32-year-old will field other offers.

External interest in Pierce is hard to gauge because there has been so little discussion in recent months about his potential free agency and because of the heavy load he has carried for the Celtics in recent seasons. Yet Pierce just played a pivotal role in helping Boston to reach the NBA Finals and take the Los Angeles Lakers to seven grueling games as a No. 4 seed in the East.

Asked recently to gauge the likelihood of re-signing Pierce, Celtics vice president of basketball operations Danny Ainge said last week on WEEI Radio in Boston: "I don't know because he may be able to get a long-term contract somewhere else. It may be better than what we have [to offer]."

Marc Stein is a senior NBA writer for ESPN.com.
hmmm so pierce most likely will be a clipper next year???
really though thats the one place i can see him signing to besides the celtics...
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