* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by Al3xis

this just keeps getting more concise as we go on, huh? Now it can only be during the course of the game.
. Or is that cause Boston is the team that's supposed to knock off the "King Clown"? I guess a clown can't beat a clown or else this whole theory would be debunked.

At the root of this 'clown' topic is LeBron. And the double standards are there and will continue.
Like I have said, all teams have a clown.  Or two.  Fine.  But a roster full of idiots bumbling around?  No chance winning a title.  NONE. 
How about half of your rotation, that good enough? That's what the Celtics are working with right now (at a minimum). And two of them were at the head of the Cleveland circus last year.
you won't see them clowning and dancing around on the sidelines during games
they already have. And They'll continue to do so. We don't see it because it's not LeBron, therefore, it's not worth a story.

Have the Celtics thrown a birthday party, complete with fake pictures on the bench before tip off? 

Do they spend 18 minutes doing handshakes in a walk line?  

Do they take fake pictures on the bench before or during games? 

Do they dance all around the court during a game? 

Complain all you want, I don't give a @#$% I said two @#$%^& years ago that group of clowns wasn't gonna win jack @#$% running around jumpin in each other's arm for fake photos and clowin around before games and all that other BS.  PERIOD.  I said then, I say now, I say forever, you can do whatever in your spare time.  You and I both have jobs.  We go to work, we do our jobs, we act professional, we pay attention, we are respectful, we do what we need to do to get our jobs done, BOTTOM LINE.  When you go home though, you can run around in your underwear with a mic and a bottle of scotch and sing Bangles greatest hits for all I care, thas you, your place, your element, but when you at work, ON THE JOB, you ain't that way, right?  Right?  There ya go. 

Celtics wanna be clowns in the lockerroom during the preseason?  Good, good for them.  In 2008, were they clowns?  Or were they professionals?  KG, PP, Ray, Rondo, Perk, Cassell, Brown, Posey, those dudes were vet players, no nonsense, they came to WORK, to kick your @#$.  They didn't run around @#$%^& each other on the court and videotaping it with their hands and eyes.  If they want to add Nate, Shaq, West, add Baby Davis (who didn't play hardly at all in 08)  and start acting like fools AT THE GAME, well then I guess I can scratch them off my list of contenders, and if they don't win and yet another season goes by without clowns winning, how long you gonna keep searching?  Another 40 @#$%^& years like it's been already?  Quit getting mad I pissed on your boy, you and I both know damn well he was stupid actin like that, maybe he was just a kid and now he's an adult and now he'll be about his business out there, I hope he is, because he looked stupid as all hell out there dancin and fake photographin a bunch of bums and as soon as they got punched in the mouth, them fake pics stopped real fast didn't they?  They looked real damn stupid didn't they?  All those good time they was havin in the first and second rounds, was out the window once a team about business showed up huh?  But yeah, I'm off my rocker claimin they would never win nothin actin a fool out there.  So find every shread of comedy you can find, that don't matter, as long as it happens outside the job, it don't mean a damn thing to me.  When it happens ON THE DAMN COURT, then that team is worthless when it matters. 

(just so everyone is clear since I guess I have to spell it all out for the Bron defense team, you can celebrate a big shot to win a game, series, half court miracle falling down shot at the half, whatever, I'm speaking on having a disco on the bench, or team fake photographs before a game, or fake candles and birthday cakes on the sidelines when nothin's goin on.  8 minute handshake lines, things like that.  Hopefully people are smart enough to figure that part of the equation out, but somehow, I expect to be shown tons of clips of players celebrating after big shots this year.  I just know it.) 

Noskey, already know about 95.5, trust me, I know.  1080 ain't all that much better, but it is a little.  Either way, ugh.  Not very many around here that actually follow the league, not just Portland.  But maybe that's everywhere, I dunno. 
^^Thing is CP, something tells me that you and the other Bron haters won't be AS upset and make a HUGE deal out of it if it's ANY team other than Lebron's.  So IF the Celtics continue this "clown" act that y'all seem to be so "annoyed" about, you're telling me you are going to make a HUGE deal out of it and go in every Celtic thread saying how "lame" it is like you did with the Cavs? 

Guess only time will tell.
No worries, Celts keep that act up all year, I'll be done with them real quick.  But I suspect Ray and Rondo and Perk (even though injured) and them will settle KP and Paul down, and that will slow the others up a lil bit.  If not, good. 

But my interest is on whether Bron will keep that act up with the Heat.  I suspect he won't.  A, Wade and Bosh and Juwan, and some of the other vets don't strike me as clown arounds too much.  B, Bron should be real angry after the drama this year, my hope is he just comes in to kill everyone.  If he does that, I will give him all the credit you can ask for for knocking off the child play bull crap.  He can still do powder in the air, and pregame ritual hugs or whatever teammates do, but all that other stuff gotta go.  No player bowling on the bench, holding each other sideways, come on. 
  I think, THINK he will be more serious this year and that will help them out when it hits the fan later in the year. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

He can still do powder in the air, and pregame ritual hugs or whatever teammates do, but all that other stuff gotta go.  No player bowling on the bench, holding each other sideways, come on. 
Underline - Nice of you to give him permission to do these things.
Italics - You tell 'em Commissioner Stern!

And who stuck a stick up your @%# this morning bruh?

You seem ANGRY today.

I don't think Riles will tolerate foolishness, but then again he might not care if the team is on pace for a ring.
 naw, not angry, Allen still mad at me for making fun of his boy.  Ever since then, he tries to point out every single time a player does a clown thing to call me out.  For instance, Celts win game 5, are up 3 games to 2 and he posted vids of Nate with the Knicks, some dude named Bill Walker and was laughing hysterically about "clowns don't win titles huh?"........and then a few days later, um........no more vids were being posted. 

But I ain't mad Shuges, these guys are, I asked them to name me a team that won doing SNL skits on the bench, and they couldn't find one, so they out there searching for any comedic moment they can find.  It's been fun to watch really.  Today was just re-iterating the point again so they don't get more confused. 
Originally Posted by SHUGES

Originally Posted by CP1708

He can still do powder in the air, and pregame ritual hugs or whatever teammates do, but all that other stuff gotta go.  No player bowling on the bench, holding each other sideways, come on. 
Underline - Nice of you to give him permission to do these things.
Italics - You tell 'em Commissioner Stern!

And who stuck a stick up your @%# this morning bruh?

You seem ANGRY today.

Today? He's been angry EVERYDAY since right after LBJ said South Beach on 7/8/10. It comes with old age so it's not his fault
(j/k about the old age atleast lol)
Come on man, I been clownin Bron since post #1, the heck you talkin about? 
  I don't care where he signed, my opinion of him won' t change til he does.  That simple. 

Hey, Mike Vick got me to change my opinion, Bron can too.  (not by going to jail or anything, just mean he can change my opinion is all) 
Your opinion will change when the Heat beat the Lakers in the Finals.

But seriously, if the Warriors can't make it (99.9999999999999999999999999999999999999% they won't) I really would want to see that series. It would be pretty epic.
Honestly, the acting silly on the bench stuff has nothing to do with winning a title. For the Cavs it seems like that type of stuff brought them closer. At the end of the day they just stunk it up that Boston series it had nothing to do with throwing the powder, bowling ball, dancing, etc. He'll get a ring at some point in Miami and I'm sure it'll be the same antics, maybe even magnified with the clubbing nightly in MIA.
DaComeUP wrote:
Honestly, the acting silly on the bench stuff has nothing to do with winning a title. For the Cavs it seems like that type of stuff brought them closer.
And as soon as a team punched them in the mouth, ORLD, BOS, that closeness was done and gone.  No more games, no more pictures and smiles, just Losses.  Which is why I said it when I said it.  And have been riding with it ever since, much to the chagrin of Bron fans everywhere. 

Acid, agreed, series would be special, but either way I would be happy with LA/Mia or LA/Bos.  Win win either way to me.  (obviously others don't agree, I get that)  I gotta believe though that LA/Miami would be highest rated series, since, I dunno when. 

Rick Carlisle collapsed at practice today?  Dirk? 

How's Elton Brand looked so far?  He's 2 years removed from his injury troubles, correct?  So he should be back to "normal" now.   

Comment From Katelyn Faber:  Is Kobe done? His last 3 games he is 8-42, thoughts?

From ESPN chat. 
Right, so when LeBron and the Heat run through the league this year, you'll say he grew up. Figured as much. You'll never allow yourself to be wrong.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Right, so when LeBron and the Heat run through the league this year, you'll say he grew up. Figured as much. You'll never allow yourself to be wrong.
Uh, no, that is not what I said.  I said (I thought in plain english)


He goes out all year, and stops with the dancing with the stars sideline routine, and wins, I'll give him his praise deservedly so. 

But IF

He keeps on dancin and they still win, then you will have your example of a team full of clowns winning and I'll readily admit to it. 

But IF

He keeps on dancin and they lose, you gon keep comin at me with the dancing BS when I would have been right the past 3 years, on top the other 40 years before that (historically speaking, not my age ya'll funny dudes) 

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong Allen, I have no problem whatsoever of admitting it when it happens.  Just hasn't happened in this particular subject has it? 
^This is true, CP is gonna hate, be cranky and angry all he wants... but as soon as he realizes he is wrong he'll own up to it and let it be known
I got your back CP
We'll see what happens. That's the last on this subject I have to say for a while.
Gortat's mohawk 

Shard at the 3, Bass at the 4..... might be interesting. I can dig it, Bass needs to have a role on the team. Still wondering why ORL bothered signing Richardson and Duhon

Hibbert looking good, as much as I want to hate him and label him as sub par, he's showing out. The Pacers are just so meh though even Granger. Bleh, wouldn't be surprised to see them in the playoffs though... Collison picking up where he left off in NO's.
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