* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by JD617

Melo traded to the Suns

Originally Posted by Al3xis

Homerism aside, if Roy Hibbert can learn to stay out of foul trouble, he's gona turn into a very wealthy man here in the next year or 2.

believe he dropped 4% of his body fat this summer. Jim O'Brien said he had the best off-season he's ever seen a player have.

I'm not on the Evan Turner bust bandwagon, but things have not looked good. Are they really trying to have him handle PG duties at times? that's just dumb. put him on the wing, run some things through him. but actually bringing the ball up? no.
You and I have always agreed with big Hibb, the upside on this guy is HUGE.

I've always thought he has the potential to be an elite Center in this league, and that's really the only thing holding him back, foul trouble.

And yeah, it's pretty much general consensus that Turner has a crapload of work to do.

Turner at PG is just straight dumb though, go get a guy like Earl Watson (I know he signed with the Jazz, but they coulda signed him).
^ I am infatuated with Hibbert as well........... But I can't quite wrap my head around his rebound woes. It bothers me.
Hibbert is going to have to rebound more if he wants to be an elite center (yes I know he grabbed 10 rebounds tonight).
^Thats how I pretty much feel as well! I just didn't write it out
His minutes get cocked around so much that I'm not really worried about his rebounding numbers.

When he's IN THE GAME, he rebounds alright.

PER 48, he's not great, he's not terrible. He's just under 11.

If he got consistent minutes and didn't screwed around with his PT I think he would get about 8-9 a game.

That's with about 32-35 minutes a game, I'd say.

But staying on the court has always been a problem with him.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

 If he got consistent minutes and didn't screwed around with his PT I think he would get about 8-9 a game.

That's with about 32-35 minutes a game, I'd say.

But staying on the court has always been a problem with him.
Thats the thing though, the guy us 7'2 and I would expect him to easily grab/dominate on the boards at say 10 rpg in 30 minutes a game. Idk, maybe my expectations of him are too high
Well Hibbert's not going to play 48 minutes a game so that's a moot point. 

It's just a combination of him not being able to stay on the court (due to conditioning and being foul prone) and he doesn't have a nose for the ball (also lacks the mobility). Some guys are rebounders and some guys just happen to get rebounds, Hibbert falls into the second category.

But hey, maybe he changes all that this upcoming season.
Yeah I definitely agree, he doesn't have a knack for grabbing boards like Dwight (lacks the athleticism and mobility) or Love (just damn good at grabbing boards).

I really want to see him succeed, and I really think that starts with him getting consistent minutes.
Originally Posted by Al3xis

Homerism aside, if Roy Hibbert can learn to stay out of foul trouble, he's gona turn into a very wealthy man here in the next year or 2.

believe he dropped 4% of his body fat this summer. Jim O'Brien said he had the best off-season he's ever seen a player have.

I'm not on the Evan Turner bust bandwagon, but things have not looked good. Are they really trying to have him handle PG duties at times? that's just dumb. put him on the wing, run some things through him. but actually bringing the ball up? no.
yea i've been keepin up w/ him since he's been in the nba.....he def has the potential to be one of the top big men in the league 
So I'm mindin my own damn business yesterday, I'm at work, just let me get thru my day whatever whatever, and I turn around, boom, some dude in my face.  "The hell do you want?" 
"You see the Blazer game last night?"

"You see Wes Mathews, he looked pretty good."

Dude walks away........one problem, 'nother fool right behind him. 
"You see the Blazers last night?"

Jesus.  So I look around, people started comin up to me left and right, looked like a damn line at a kissing booth.  @#$% outta here you idiots. 

Time to go home, jump in the car, yup, radio is all ablaze.  "Lamarcus Aldrige has turned the corner"  "Wes Mathews was sensational last night, that's what this team needs"  Rudy Fernandez is playin hard, hittin shots......" 

So I get fed up, start callin folks, "hey great, Wes Mathews is the deal huh, where he startin at, 2-guard?" 
"Uhhh, what?" 
"Oh yeah, Roy, so he startin at the small forward spot then?"
"On, no, Batum is there.  Ok, so Wes Mathews is the key, and he sits the bench, makin 34 million dollars, ok great"  "Next subject, Rudy, how many points he have last night?"
"How many 3's he hit?"
"aaaahhhhh, ok, that tells me all I need then, Rudy didn't cross the 3 point line all night, he won't go to the bucket in the first preseason game of the year, against the Clippers no less, then he ain't goin to the bucket in the playoffs, you're done"

And you people on NT think I make this garbage up. 
   These @#$%^%$#@#$% were in the middle of a playoff no hitter, they have the #3 ranked college football team in the country, and they were wall to wall phone call after phone call, can't get no damn work done at work because of them, Blazers talk after ONE GOD DAMN PRESEASON GAME VS THE CLIPPERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Give me a damn break.  Then I find this, from Rudy's agent........
First of all, I don't think anybody has the right to make fun or joking about a human being wishes and desires, and nobody can evaluate how fine or how sad a human being is being far from home, friends and culture. Nobody can blame any little thing about Rudy practice and attitude. He has been playing in every practice that he could.

He apologize to the staff and to the owner if anything he said hurted them during the summer... Also, as he said, is not getting used to the NBA system, he likes the European style of game better.

In my personal opinion, NBA and the Union have to find new rules that adjust the relationships between NBA franchise and the rest of the world.

Ya see, Rudy, misses mommy.  He wants to go home.  Oh, and the NBA is too hard for him, he gets hit if he crosses the 3 point line, Rudy no likey. 


The entertainment I get from these morons is top notch.  But sometimes I just wish they would get a clue.  Then you guys wouldn't call me a damn hater so much, like it's my fault they come up with this stupid stuff.  I honestly, on my life, had a dude ask me if I thought they Blazers could win the championship this year.  He was dead serious.  And when I laughed in his face, he had hurt feelings or something.  These people just do not understand.  They have no idea.  They probably don't even know who the Heat got this year. 
  I wish ya'll could come hang out with me here for a day and just watch the people, then maybe you would see. 

End rant. 

JA, later on I'll comment on what you said about Sheed.  I agreed with you for the most part.  He coulda been one special player imo.  I'll get to it in a while. 
CP1708 wrote:
Then I find this, from Rudy's agent........
First of all, I don't think anybody has the right to make fun or joking about a human being wishes and desires, and nobody can evaluate how fine or how sad a human being is being far from home, friends and culture. Nobody can blame any little thing about Rudy practice and attitude. He has been playing in every practice that he could.

He apologize to the staff and to the owner if anything he said hurted them during the summer... Also, as he said, is not getting used to the NBA system, he likes the European style of game better.

In my personal opinion, NBA and the Union have to find new rules that adjust the relationships between NBA franchise and the rest of the world.


Spoiler [+]
Hes a cancer, they should just get rid of him.

I agree that Dirk is the better player over Pau, but Pau really is the perfect fit for the lakers imo. Dirk being so far away from the rim at the end of the game has always made me cringe like someone said earlier. He should call Hakeem, he could really use some of that footwork stuff below the freethrow line. Regardless, hes a hall of famer, and Pau is not.
Originally Posted by Proshares

CP better watch out before he ends up like the dude from The Wicker Man.
What happens to the dude from the Wicker Man?  What is the dude from the Wicker Man?  This went way over my head, fill me in here.....

it's this old movie (haven't seen it in a while) where I believe a girl goes missing on this island town and they bring in an outside agent to find the girl. But, the townspeople killed her or something and the manhunt for the girl is a farce. Dude finds out but they trap him there and burn him alive in a big !*+ straw wicker man that they built

Basically it's you amongst a bunch of angry Blazers fans like the agent amonst the community conspiring to kill him
What happened with Rudy besides gettingi that huge extension? Sorry i havent been keeping up

And Roy Hibbert is going to be something this year. With Murphy gone, he'll have a lot more opportunities due to Murphy gone, although they were never really on the court together. I expect big things this season from this guy.
Originally Posted by Proshares

it's this old movie (haven't seen it in a while) where I believe a girl goes missing on this island town and they bring in an outside agent to find the girl. But, the townspeople killed her or something and the manhunt for the girl is a farce. Dude finds out but they trap him there and burn him alive in a big !*+ straw wicker man that they built

Basically it's you amongst a bunch of angry Blazers fans like the agent amonst the community conspiring to kill him

Naw man, you remember Shaun of the Dead when he tells other dude to just act like Zombies and blend in, so they start waddling around slow and moaning and @#%^, thas what I'd do.  Just walk around lookin stupid and yell go Blazers every once in a while for no reason and I'd blend in, they'd never be able to locate me.  They too dumb. 
Originally Posted by Proshares

it's this old movie (haven't seen it in a while) where I believe a girl goes missing on this island town and they bring in an outside agent to find the girl. But, the townspeople killed her or something and the manhunt for the girl is a farce. Dude finds out but they trap him there and burn him alive in a big !*+ straw wicker man that they built

Basically it's you amongst a bunch of angry Blazers fans like the agent amonst the community conspiring to kill him

and they are all pagans. that movie is amazing. so weird. i heard the remake with cage sucked  
It's not Oregon, it's just that they have this guy influencing them:

Spoiler [+]
The Blazers aren't taking over a damn thing...

It's like the Mavericks for so many years, except they haven't even done that much.
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