* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Only things that could stop Miami are interior size, injuries, ego and women.
ALL of which, are possible. 

People on their knees worshiping the Heat are funny to me.  Not Heat fans, those guys are fine, that's their team, but non Heat fans with their "oooooooooooh, Lebron + Wade, OMG"  That @#$% is funny as hell to me.  

It takes a lot more then just talent to win.  ALOT more.  Luck, hard work, sacrifice, and maybe most importantly, heart.  Only guy on the Heat I know that has heart is Wade.  Rest of those guys never shown me heart in their entire lives.  But of course, they have talent, so their's noooooooooooo way they won't dominate the league for the next 5 years. 


@ Detroit being the only team willing to give TMac a shot.

If it's more of the same, he should just retire after this year.
Originally Posted by franchise3

@ Detroit being the only team willing to give TMac a shot.

If it's more of the same, he should just retire after this year.
Seriously.  Pathetic.  Damn, i didn't want to have to get league pass this year so i was hoping he'd be on a contender.  Guess he'll never get out of the first round.  A damn shame.

The Heat's bench is worse than Boston's, the Thunder will win a title before the Heat, the Heat don't have heart except for one guy, the Heat's Haslem, Miller and House aren't scaring anyone, the Heat will have chemistry problems early.

Did I miss anything CP? Can we officially grant you the title as "#1 Heat Hater"?
.... honestly man it's getting past ridiculous. You can't convince any of us that a lot of these things aren't stemming from your favorite team, the Los Angeles Lakers, all of a sudden being pushed in rearview mirror that is not temporary, but possibly permanent? This isn't like when people called the Celtics or Cavs pre-season favorites, this is different, and you know that, and consciously or subconsciously it bothers you.

No one's "sippin any Kool-Aid" (stupidest phrase ever by the way). People are looking at three stud players, a good bench, and a proven coach (if he comes down from the front office) and making a proper assessment. It is hilarious to me that you think that it is such an absurd opinion.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Only things that could stop Miami are interior size, injuries, ego and women.
ALL of which, are possible. 

People on their knees worshiping the Heat are funny to me.  Not Heat fans, those guys are fine, that's their team, but non Heat fans with their "oooooooooooh, Lebron + Wade, OMG"  That @#$% is funny as hell to me.  

It takes a lot more then just talent to win.  ALOT more.  Luck, hard work, sacrifice, and maybe most importantly, heart.  Only guy on the Heat I know that has heart is Wade.  Rest of those guys never shown me heart in their entire lives.  But of course, they have talent, so their's noooooooooooo way they won't dominate the league for the next 5 years. 


Wait what?...So you're telling me Bron and Wade in their PRIMES on the SAME team is NOT a big deal?  WOW! 

Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Only things that could stop Miami are interior size, injuries, ego and women.
ALL of which, are possible. 

People on their knees worshiping the Heat are funny to me.  Not Heat fans, those guys are fine, that's their team, but non Heat fans with their "oooooooooooh, Lebron + Wade, OMG"  That @#$% is funny as hell to me.  

It takes a lot more then just talent to win.  ALOT more.  Luck, hard work, sacrifice, and maybe most importantly, heart.  Only guy on the Heat I know that has heart is Wade.  Rest of those guys never shown me heart in their entire lives.  But of course, they have talent, so their's noooooooooooo way they won't dominate the league for the next 5 years. 


You're bitterness rivals Skip Bayless's

The one thing LeBron has shown time after time on the court is his unselfishness.  He has routinely passed up shots in the open second word to Donyell Marshall.  They have already spent time playing together on the Olympics squads, an invaluable experience.  And at the end of they day, they have the league's two best player's.  I don't want the heat to win, but you're just grasping at straws.
Originally Posted by JPZx

The Heat's bench is worse than Boston's, the Thunder will win a title before the Heat, the Heat don't have heart except for one guy, the Heat's Haslem, Miller and House aren't scaring anyone, the Heat will have chemistry problems early.

Did I miss anything CP? Can we officially grant you the title as "#1 Heat Hater"?
.... honestly man it's getting past ridiculous. You can't convince any of us that a lot of these things aren't stemming from your favorite team, the Los Angeles Lakers, all of a sudden being pushed in rearview mirror that is not temporary, but possibly permanent? This isn't like when people called the Celtics or Cavs pre-season favorites, this is different, and you know that, and consciously or subconsciously it bothers you.

No one's "sippin any Kool-Aid" (stupidest phrase ever by the way). People are looking at three stud players, a good bench, and a proven coach (if he comes down from the front office) and making a proper assessment. It is hilarious to me that you think that it is such an absurd opinion.

I didn't say they'd have chemistry issues early, but the rest of that I did say.  I would believe they COULD have chemistry issues at some point, early, middle, late, never, that I don't know, I just wouldn't be surprised.  But I never said early as a fact or anything. 

Do I have too? 
  I mean, if you want me to wear that hat, I don't care, I can, no biggie to me.  I don't think of it that way, or look at it that way, but if that's how you guys want to view what I say, I don't have issue with it.  When I'm right, ya'll will just laugh it off and say wait til next year, when I'm wrong I'll expect several PM's and Tweet's tellin me to go @#$% myself. 

And I honestly could care less about rearview mirrors or being pushed anywhere.  Give me a break.  I'm a little more then sure that the Lakers history of being on top, getting knocked down, coming back on top, getting knocked down, back on top, back down, etc etc etc etc will go on and on long after we're all gone.  If we get knocked down, congrats to who did it, we'll come back another time.  Been that way for 60+ years.  So please, relax with why I give the Heat sudden followers crap.  The fact that you guys jump up and down about me speakin out on the Heat, but FOR the GOD DAMN BOSTON CELTICS is rather stupid, don't you think?  I mean, really guys?  REALLY?  As was said all last year, when all of you people were laughing in my face when i said Cleveland wasn't even a contender (who's laughing now? ) and I said all year, watch out for Boston, I still see Boston, they look good, here they come, but yeah, it all stems from hate.   
  I've seen enough basketball in my life to feel pretty good when I see some things. 

I honestly don't get why it's so far fetched to believe what it is I have witnessed.  Allen loves bringing up the 08 Celts, a team that went to game 7's in both the first AND second rounds.  They could have EASILY gone down.  But the pros that Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and KG were, they came together, and got it done.  With the help of some vets like Posey, Brown, and Cassell.  BUT THEY DAMN NEAR WENT DOWN TO THE HAWKS PEOPLE.  So you guys get all shocked when I say, well, it won't just be all easy, and plums and sugar for the Heat?  You guys question me for saying something like that? 
  You all are so POSITIVE that Bron and Wade and Bosh would come together in a moment like that, yet, 2 of those dudes never been able to overcome the adversity when it's stuck before.  And without seeing EVEN ONE PRESEASON GAME, you all just assume that these guys will be so great, so dominant, that NO TEAM has even a shot to beat them?  But I'M the crazy one? 
   Damn people, I'm not over here saying that LA will kill the Heat, and the title is ours forever, or ANY of that.  I said teams IN THE EAST would find a way to punch a hole thru the Miami roster and defeat them in the postseason.  No crime.  Just an opinion.  And as I said, i ain't mad at any Heat fans whatsoever.  That's their squad.  But all the "followers" that have developed, yeah, I'm laughin at those people.  They all just assume it's over for everyone else.  They think that 3 great players + primes will just automatically equal up to more then what Boston has been able to get done.  Cuz they're younger then Ray, Paul and Kev were. 
  Like Wade can't take another injury.  Like Bron won't get his first.  Like South Beach couldn't possibly cause a problem for some of these guys work ethics.  It's just impossible, hand them the titles.  Meanwhile, Orlando guys are angry and hungry for it.  Boston guys want to prove everyone they have one more shot in them.  Those Bulls are getting stronger.  But yeah, cuz the Heat are in their Primes, and Pat Riley MIGHT, (MIGHT!!!!!!) come coach them, it's a wrap for the East.  I'm sorry for not just falling in line with the rest of the sheep.  I'm a hater, I don't look at all the scenarios in any sort of objective manner at all, cuz you know, I'm used to rooting for the @#$%^& Boston Celtics. 

  I get the feeling that even this post will be viewed as more hate. 
  I can't win.  Hell with it, I switch to ya'll's side, Heat will rule all year, now I can post in peace around here.  Go Heat!  Sign me up for the bandwagon, I am a true believer.  

the heat will dominate. i'm disgusted by it but c'mon now stop lying CP. championships are another story. depends how the referees treat them and i don't trust lebron or bosh mentally.

i dont know why ppl think Big Z is going to be an asset. he's done. But the regular season and most of the playoffs the heat will be destroying teams. The media will drill it in your head that this is the best team ever assembled. The lakers will get no love. CP will be pissed all year
CP, i have NO problem if you don't believe the Heat will win it all or whatever.  Hell, i don't even believe it yet until i see them actually play a few games BUT when you typed out the "oooooh wow...Lebron and Wade together, OMG" as if that ISN'T a big deal, sounds like straight up hate.
Originally Posted by DubA169

The lakers will get no love. CP will be pissed all year

You are forgetful aren't you?  You think I care AT ALL about the regular season?  AT ALL? 

  Come on, how many times we talk about this last year, teams can win whatever games they want, I care less then zero.  Come May, then I get thirsty.  Even first, sometimes second round games don't mean anything to me.  So the media can hype teams Oct thru May, I won't care one bit.  I don't stress over HC all year, because two years in a row we didn't have it, and still ended up with it in June.  I'm not sayin I wanna win 43 games in the reg season or anything, but gimme 50+ and I'll be just fine. 

Come on man. 

Trust, I was mocking some of the people on here that lost their minds once they united.  Like all of a sudden the NBA was locked up for the next 2 decades or something.  That's why I put that comment in there.  Not hate. 
  If I wanted to hate, I have plenty of ammo to use. 

well i would be pissed if my team just won 2 straight championships and gets shown no respect or love

just kind of annoying
Originally Posted by DubA169

well i would be pissed if my team just won 2 straight championships and gets shown no respect or love

just kind of annoying

Dub how u feel about Boston picking up Shaq? U think he'll block the lane for Rondo? Help or Hurt?
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by DubA169

The lakers will get no love. CP will be pissed all year

You are forgetful aren't you?  You think I care AT ALL about the regular season?  AT ALL? 

  Come on, how many times we talk about this last year, teams can win whatever games they want, I care less then zero.  Come May, then I get thirsty.  Even first, sometimes second round games don't mean anything to me.  So the media can hype teams Oct thru May, I won't care one bit.  I don't stress over HC all year, because two years in a row we didn't have it, and still ended up with it in June.  I'm not sayin I wanna win 43 games in the reg season or anything, but gimme 50+ and I'll be just fine. 

Come on man. 

Trust, I was mocking some of the people on here that lost their minds once they united.  Like all of a sudden the NBA was locked up for the next 2 decades or something.  That's why I put that comment in there.  Not hate. 
  If I wanted to hate, I have plenty of ammo to use. 

Yeah i feel you.  I won't believe it until they actually win a ring but on paper it does look pretty impressive.

Originally Posted by DubA169

well i would be pissed if my team just won 2 straight championships and gets shown no respect or love
Naw, I don't worry about it at all.  Champs are forgotten one year to the next.  It's always about the "next" team. 

Legacy is what matters.  When time passes, and dust settles, and people think back.  I watched the Robert Horry game 4 game last night, they were all excited about the Kings in the first quarter, they were jumpin up and down, dancin, havin a great time, Webber and his scowls, havin a good ol time, then the game got tight, and serious, and suddenly they looked like 10 year old ushers in a Catholic church, you could SEE it.  At the time, the Kings were all the rage, the media loved them, hyped them, they were fun and loose and fast and all that, but when it mattered, the true them showed thru. 

Whereas, look at how Shaq, Kobe, Horry, Fish, Fox, even B Shaw are looked at after those 3 years.  Clutch guys, glue guys, even lucky to an extent, but never panic, never folded, just went and played hard.  I care more about that, then I do pub or ESPN riding our @#$%^ or any of that.  Hold the trophy at the end of the year, and let people say what they want, hell, just look at Laker fans having to defend Kobe after game 7 this year.  None of that will matter when it's all said and done.  People love to get caught up in the moment, they don't look big picture.  I'm a big picture guy. 

Originally Posted by CE0 Mal

The Kings should've won that year, though. -cough-


Have they repaired that backboard yet from all those rockets they were throwin up in clutch time?  Mortars couldn't have done that much damage.  Webber woulda had about 50 assists if they actually made shots with as many times as he passed it back out.   

Oh damn, schedule is out today ain't it?  Forgot about all that. 
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by DubA169

well i would be pissed if my team just won 2 straight championships and gets shown no respect or love

just kind of annoying

Dub how u feel about Boston picking up Shaq? U think he'll block the lane for Rondo? Help or Hurt?
all i know for certain is that i give doc rivers more of a chance at making it work than mike brown

i really dont know what's going to happen with shaq though. its a good look at the least until perkins is 100%. if boston faces miami i think shaq can help. we all know how he feels about Bosh.
lol CP the celtics were never close to gettin beaten by the hawks in the first round

that was the most lopsided seven game series ever

all the 4 games boston won were blowouts

and all the 3 games atlanta won were close as hell

so yea boston was never close to losing
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