* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

It was Uber boring.

I was put on picking movies probation for 2 months for choosing that movie for movie nite 
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Proshares

BTW Dirk, doing the same thing took your recommendation and started LOST all I have to say is
so far.

dont do it to yourself. it goes nowhere. watch the wire, mad men or breaking bad. seriously it went from top 3 show to top 5 shoe to top 30 show that makes u pull your hair out. 

I couldn't get into Mad Men... Just felt like a soap opera to me... Granted, I only gave it a few episodes. Maybe I need to ride it out?

Season 1 of The Wire was great. Just finished Season 2 and didn't like it much... I've stayed up on Breaking Bad from Day 1... The first three seasons of Dexter were pretty decent, but Season 4 = huge payoff...

And Public Enemies... CRAP. How do you make a movie about chasing one of the baddest criminals of all-time boring?
keep watching the wire. alot of people don't like season two. it all connects though. season 4 is my favorite

The last season of Dexter is really good

mad men is slow as hell but i really got into it. season 3 it starts to pick up.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

Which show you talking about?
The Wire.
Season 3 goes back into the Stringer Bell/ Avon Barksdale story.....
Then I'll like it... The Greek and the Stevadores just didn't do it for me. Coming right off Season 1 it just felt like a little bit of a letdown.  
Originally Posted by h3at23

It was Uber boring.

I was put on picking movies probation for 2 months for choosing that movie for movie nite 
Michael Mann made John Dillinger and Miami Vice boring... I'm out.
GOD DAMN, ya'll speakin my language up in here today. 

Dexter.  Pure filth. 

Public Enemies killed me.  I mean, come on.  I was sooooooooo damn ready for that, and it made me sleepy. 
Thor preview yesterday was
  and I don't know nothin about those bums.  Iron man I'm down with, Hulk, you got it, but CA and Thor, naw, but when I seen that preview (along with Natalie Portman
) I was in. 
Need to check out Clash/Titans this weekend maybe, or even Inception if I can get time.
Check the trailer for The Town, the new Affleck movie, this damn movie lookin like Heat 2. 
Entourage is doin it so far, but I'm not good with this Ari buyin an LA NFL team.  Stay in your realm ya'll.  And for the love of God, please hire that chick back Ari and stuff her under your desk, I would. 

I heard True Blood was good, but call me burnt out on emo vampires.  Anna gettin naked is nice and all, but damn, when did vampires become such @#$$^%s? 

I just hit the Pyramid last night, but already Simmons is annoying me, he mentions Melo, D Rose, Al Jefferson, Kevin Durant, ............*screaching sound*  Al Jefferson? 
  Come on you @#$%^& homer, I know you like the kid cuz he used to be a Celtic, and he got you KG, but damn it, knock it the @#$% off already. 
  Everytime I really start to enjoy what he's sayin, and where he's goin, he says stuff like this.  Then he wants to relocate the NBA Hall of Fame in Larry Bird's hometown.  
  Which btw, he wants to re-do the hall of fame?  Sound familiar to anybody in here? 
  Dude stole my work from last summer.  (hmmm, the book came out before then though huh?  Damn it.   To be honest though, I wish we could fast forward about 6-7 years to see him have to update his list, and put Kobe ahead of Larry Bird, which will kill him instantly. 

Soooo, anything happen in basketball yesterday? 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Thor preview yesterday was
  and I don't know nothin about those bums.  Iron man I'm down with, Hulk, you got it, but CA and Thor, naw, but when I seen that preview (along with Natalie Portman
) I was in. 

Need to check out Clash/Titans this weekend maybe, or even Inception if I can get time.
Check the trailer for The Town, the new Affleck movie, this damn movie lookin like Heat 2. 
Entourage is doin it so far, but I'm not good with this Ari buyin an LA NFL team.  Stay in your realm ya'll.  And for the love of God, please hire that chick back Ari and stuff her under your desk, I would. 
The Town...
Affleck is so god damn whack though.

Inception MUST SEE... Forget Clash of the Titans. Inception is great.

They better not blow Thor or Captain America... But I can't believe they dropped Ed Norton from Avengers...

Entourage sucks now IMO... Just wore itself out.
Agreed on losing Norton. 
  The plan to use actual "actors", real good ones, is great, to then let one of the best go cuz he's a pain in the @#$, dumb. 

Yeah, everyone been on me about Inception.  I'll find time to get to it.  I just know the wife can't stand 3 hours in the theatre. 
Originally Posted by DubA169

Originally Posted by Proshares

BTW Dirk, doing the same thing took your recommendation and started LOST all I have to say is
so far.

dont do it to yourself. it goes nowhere. watch the wire, mad men or breaking bad. seriously it went from top 3 show to top 5 shoe to top 30 show that makes u pull your hair out.

Who you telling man, I been on those 3 shows.  Wire is one of the best shows I've ever watched, hands down.

But yea, Season 2 was weak.  Season 3-5 makes it allll worth it.

Public Enemies was garbage but I think it was cast completely wrong.

Dexter is fantastic

CP, I'm a big comic book kid so Thor has me HYPED along with the rest of these movies.
Clash of the Titans was a POS and Inception was great but a tad bit long.  Also, a lot of similarities with Shutter Island that I didn't really like.

Entourage has turned me off completely this season.  It's God awful now.  I'm a kid from Queens so I used to relate to the characters a lot, now it's just about rich people and their problems.  I don't give a %@+% about that.
Then I'll like it... The Greek and the Stevadores just didn't do it for me. Coming right off Season 1 it just felt like a little bit of a letdown.  
A lot of people felt that way about season 2 intially (myself included), but after you watch the entire series you'll realize how pivotal it was for shaping the rest of the series. Season 2 is very underrated.

I'm fiending for the new season of Dexter though.
Texas summer heat is frying your brain my friend, maybe 2.5 seasons but the last half of this season when Jack went on the killing rampage was sick

I told my boss one day that when I make it to DEA all 8 seasons of 24's torture scenes will be my blueprint to confessions
Shutter Island was alright imo, but I can see how it would be frustrating to see almost the same movie. 

I am hyped that Nolan could do something solid with Superman. 

I know jack @#$% about comics, the actual books themselves, but the movies I have been all over, and Prime1984 (he doesn't post too much on here, but he lurks plenty) is ALL ABOUT the comics, so he always fills me in on what I need to know ahead of time.  In fact, he and I fight every day, he's still pissed about Transformers 2, he won't even watch it again to give it a second look. 

When the third batman comes out, I might just go ahead and die at that moment.  @#$% is gonna make me cry. 

Leo is puttin together a resume that only Harrison Ford and DeNiro gon be able to touch. 

Speakin of, ya'll ever see that write up Simmons did on DeNiro and Pacino breakdown style?  It's an awesome read.  Should be in his archives, I got it on my CPU here at work somewhere........
Maaaaaaaan you better include Pacino and my man Clint with DeNiro and Ford. Speaking of Clint, he's directing Leo's next film (I believe it's next or right after that) about J. Edgar Hoover. He's rumored to be in Aquaman, a Roosevelt biopic, an upcoming Twilight Zone movie and a new Michael Mann movie. Doing huge things.

I think Nolan is only the producer of Man of Steel and directing the next Batman movie (which coincidentally are both coming summer of 2012). Leads me to think that if he's on both they'll segway it in to a collaboration film. Hopefully, they do the story where Superman works for the gov't and fights Batman.

I'm getting way too excited just thinking about it.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Maaaaaaaan you better include Pacino and my man Clint with DeNiro and Ford. Speaking of Clint, he's directing Leo's next film (I believe it's next or right after that) about J. Edgar Hoover. He's rumored to be in Aquaman, a Roosevelt biopic, an upcoming Twilight Zone movie and a new Michael Mann movie. Doing huge things.

I think Nolan is only the producer of Man of Steel and directing the next Batman movie (which coincidentally are both coming summer of 2012). Leads me to think that if he's on both they'll segway it in to a collaboration film. Hopefully, they do the story where Superman works for the gov't and fights Batman.

I'm getting way too excited just thinking about it.
I know Pacino can make the cut, I'm not a big Clint guy though.  I know he's done good work, I actually do like a few of his movies, just overall not one of my favs. 

Back up a sec tho........Aquaman?  Twilight Zone?  Roosevelt AND Hoover, and THEN a Michael Mann? 
  Jesus Leo, take a day off homie. 

Nolan "SAYS" there will not be a combo of Super and Bat, but you know how hollywood can change in an instant.  He knows damn well the hype that would be created just off a GLIMPSE of a shadow of Batman in a Superman flick.  It would have us all passing out. 

That's one comic I have been told about several times, something about a ring that Batman uses to beat the crap outta Superman, and then Super thanks him and all that.  Putting that on the big screen????? 

Originally Posted by HOOD17


I'll check back tomorrow then for any news.

  Last years thread was like 300 pages, and that was with all of us doin the imaginary drafts and what not.  This year we already at 270 and still have 2 months, we've done plenty of news.  It's Friday, I seen the word Dexter up in here, I'm checked out for the day, this is time to re-charge a lil bit. 

Especially when I read that Delonte West is being looked at by the LA Lakers. 

So please, forgive us this one day. 
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by Proshares

Maaaaaaaan you better include Pacino and my man Clint with DeNiro and Ford. Speaking of Clint, he's directing Leo's next film (I believe it's next or right after that) about J. Edgar Hoover. He's rumored to be in Aquaman, a Roosevelt biopic, an upcoming Twilight Zone movie and a new Michael Mann movie. Doing huge things.

I think Nolan is only the producer of Man of Steel and directing the next Batman movie (which coincidentally are both coming summer of 2012). Leads me to think that if he's on both they'll segway it in to a collaboration film. Hopefully, they do the story where Superman works for the gov't and fights Batman.

I'm getting way too excited just thinking about it.
I know Pacino can make the cut, I'm not a big Clint guy though.  I know he's done good work, I actually do like a few of his movies, just overall not one of my favs. 

Back up a sec tho........Aquaman?  Twilight Zone?  Roosevelt AND Hoover, and THEN a Michael Mann? 
  Jesus Leo, take a day off homie. 

Nolan "SAYS" there will not be a combo of Super and Bat, but you know how hollywood can change in an instant.  He knows damn well the hype that would be created just off a GLIMPSE of a shadow of Batman in a Superman flick.  It would have us all passing out. 

That's one comic I have been told about several times, something about a ring that Batman uses to beat the crap outta Superman, and then Super thanks him and all that.  Putting that on the big screen????? 


Yea and he's supposedly producing a couple of things too (I know I read somewhere about him being on board for Red Riding Hood).  I watched a lot of westerns growing up and AMC used to have those weekends where they'd show all Clint movies for 3 days, so I became a huge fan.

Nolan says that but once he sees how profitable and how great both movies turn out, I'm sure he can be convinced otherwise.

I haven't read those comics in ages but I believe that's the same story.  Lex Luthor is president or something and Superman is defeating and falls under gov't control and Batman develops a kyrptonite based weapon.  Something to that effect.  I'm sure someone can correct my errors

Ever since my girl moved in I had to make room and sent all my comics and old CD's to storage.
It's cool Cp.

Joey Graham agrees to a two-year deal with Cavaliers with terms undisclosed, his agent Byron Irvin tells Yahoo! Sports.-SpearsNBAYahoo
Leo > anybody out there right now. The dude's resume is nuts. And like yall ran down, he ain't stepping back any time soon...

I think Nolan is directing the final Batman flick. Believe it was the only way Bale was coming back... This triology is his baby and it's taken the entire series to another level...

I'm gonna need at least one decent Superman flick before I even concern myself with Superman vs. Batman... Superman ain't been worth a damn since Christopher Reeve's head fell off. Smallville and all the movies since have been CRAP. Gotta see something worthwhile before I even think about that. If Nolan puts his finger prints on it, it's probably gold like everything else he does. His name will be on it, but who knows how involved he'll be...

Am I the only one wondering what the hell DC is doing with SpiderMan? I don't give a god damn about SpiderMan's childhood.
Originally Posted by CP1708

Originally Posted by HOOD17


I'll check back tomorrow then for any news.

  Last years thread was like 300 pages, and that was with all of us doin the imaginary drafts and what not.  This year we already at 270 and still have 2 months, we've done plenty of news.  It's Friday, I seen the word Dexter up in here, I'm checked out for the day, this is time to re-charge a lil bit. 

Especially when I read that Delonte West is being looked at by the LA Lakers. 

So please, forgive us this one day. 
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