* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

So happy orlando matched for JJ. We are still intact aside from barnes (wish him the best) and J-will. Orlando might be way over the luxury tax but it shows they are committed to winning NOW!!!!
Originally Posted by NobleKane

magic should try and sign and trade matt barnes to a team out west not named lakers or warriors. that way they get him outta their conference.

Not sure if he's that much of a problem.
CP1708 wrote:
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Pritchard would be a great pick up for any team. if he wasnt the GM for portland the old man wouldnt say anything negative about him

Dude traded with MINNESOTA to get B Roy.  Does that really count? 
  I guess you guys give Mitch Cupchak a lot of credit then yes? 

Pro, Dude joined the team when they were garbage, they got lucky and added a couple of lottery balls that turned into pick #'s 2, 4, and 1.  He spent a billionaire's money and bought a ton of picks that added up to Bayless, Rudy, Sergio and Batum.  His biggest trade addition other then a bunch of pick swapping on draft days is Marcus Canby, he of 37 years on this earth.  He looks good cuz they were complete crap, and now they're decent, he is a product of great timing. 

And they still don't even make it out the first round. 

Come on. 

I get that there might some fears of Allan Houston, but Pritch ain't all that better. 

But hey, give the man all the credit for the lottery balls turning up 3 top 4 picks in 2 years, that certainly was brilliant work by the GM of a team.   I'm sure he woulda done just as well with picks 12, 15, and 11 right?   

so he turns around a team and its a product of great timing?

CP your better then this
Matt Barnes is a solid role player, but he's not going to be a difference maker between winning a title, and not... so if he goes to the Heat, good for them but THAT'S not putting them over the edge or a lock to win.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

anybody know what wade said that got mo williams mad?
Dwade on reference to Dan Gilbert:
LeBron's teammates didn't help him out that game and it made the way he played even worse. But he's not a quitter. He didn't quit."
Bigmike23 wrote:
CP1708 wrote:
Bigmike23 wrote:
Pritchard would be a great pick up for any team. if he wasnt the GM for portland the old man wouldnt say anything negative about him

Dude traded with MINNESOTA to get B Roy.  Does that really count? 
  I guess you guys give Mitch Cupchak a lot of credit then yes? 

Pro, Dude joined the team when they were garbage, they got lucky and added a couple of lottery balls that turned into pick #'s 2, 4, and 1.  He spent a billionaire's money and bought a ton of picks that added up to Bayless, Rudy, Sergio and Batum.  His biggest trade addition other then a bunch of pick swapping on draft days is Marcus Canby, he of 37 years on this earth.  He looks good cuz they were complete crap, and now they're decent, he is a product of great timing. 

And they still don't even make it out the first round. 

Come on. 

I get that there might some fears of Allan Houston, but Pritch ain't all that better. 

But hey, give the man all the credit for the lottery balls turning up 3 top 4 picks in 2 years, that certainly was brilliant work by the GM of a team.   I'm sure he woulda done just as well with picks 12, 15, and 11 right?   

so he turns around a team and its a product of great timing?

CP your better then this

Glad you pulled this in here, I thought about doin it too, but was too lazy I guess. 

Where did they have to go but up?  A Billionaire owner with a crap team?  Of course they were going to go up.  And while everyone loves to suck dude off about getting Roy, the rest of his stuff has been nothing but writing checks and that's it.  He paid for Batum, Rudy, Sergio, Bayless, etc etc etc. 

Look at what he HASN'T done.  He held so tight onto Sergio's contract, that he missed out on a chance to add an all star wing player that was being offered to him.  (rumor was it might have been VC, I do not have proof of that, I was also thinkin RJ, but I wouldn't call him an all star) This was reported by Quick, Canzano, all those guys that cover the Blazers, and they LOVE Pritchard, and even they were critical of why he held on to Sergio.  He screwed around with Roy and LA's deals, pissing them off, he asks for the moon any time another GM calls on one of his players and that pisses them off, I mean, damn.  Ya'll praise the @#$% outta this guy.

He whiffed on moving Raef Lafrentz's expiring, much like how Dallas did with Damp's contract, he offered cash left and right to Turk (deal falls thru) then he offers it to Milsap (for what reason?) and that gets matched, so then he offeres it to Andre Miller and the team promply gets into a war over having dude on the team. 
   I won't even mention Durant/Oden, we all have gone over that, so really, honestly, what has he done?  Add Marcus Camby at age 37 and make it to the first round.  Greaaaaaat, sign me up for that.  I wish he was my GM. 

He makes a ton of deals on draft night to add and move picks, but doesn't add any elite players, has he?  Has he added anyone franchise changing, other then getting Roy in a deal with the Wolves?  Would you even believe me if I told you that he desperately wanted to draft Adam Morrison but was denied by the Vulcan's/Paul Allen?  Again, reported out here that was who he wanted. 

What about Tom Penn?  He was the one that ran the salary cap for them, not Pritch, so other then make 57 draft night moves, what's he done?  Lose in the first round back to back years?  Congrats Pritch, here's another job. 
  John Nash and Steve Patterson ran this joint into the ground, they were horrible, so he came in, got a bunch of lucky lottery bounces, and they improved too a first round and out team, how special he must be at his job. 

So special, they got rid of him soon as they could.  But that don't mean nothin either I'm sure, I hate Portland, so nothing I say is even remotely true.  Right? 
Originally Posted by Big J 33

Matt Barnes is a solid role player, but he's not going to be a difference maker between winning a title, and not... so if he goes to the Heat, good for them but THAT'S not putting them over the edge or a lock to win.

Right, but he would be a nice addition IF he signs w/us

It's All Those Jazz! Bulls have their starting two guard as NBA sources say they agree to $12.5 million three-year deal with Ronnie Brewer
Nah, ya'll know damn well if this was the GM from New Jersey or Mil or some @#$% and i said the same exact things you guys would agree, but since it's Portland, I get called a hater for it. 
  No biggie, all that stuff I just typed out hasn't happened or isn't true or anything.  They went to the finals without me noticing, and they have tons of elite players now cuz of him and his brilliant trades and such.   

I hope he gets a job elsewhere so he can do the same stuff, still not win a God damn thing or make a great powerful deal and then I'll be laughin at everyone turn on dude.  Good times. 
Couple new teams just jumped n2 the game, so I'm sorry 2 say ima have 2 get back 2 you. Ill let yall know something with in the nxt few days

And there goes the Heat chances bcus someone will prob offer way more
"I don't see where you can get where he quit," Wade said. "He just had one bad game. It happens. Kobe had a bad game in the Finals. They won. It didn't matter. LeBron's teammates didn't help him out that game and it made the way he played even worse. But he's not a quitter. He didn't quit."


Originally Posted by CP1708

Glad you pulled this in here, I thought about doin it too, but was too lazy I guess. 

Where did they have to go but up?  A Billionaire owner with a crap team?  Of course they were going to go up.  And while everyone loves to suck dude off about getting Roy, the rest of his stuff has been nothing but writing checks and that's it.  He paid for Batum, Rudy, Sergio, Bayless, etc etc etc. 

Look at what he HASN'T done.  He held so tight onto Sergio's contract, that he missed out on a chance to add an all star wing player that was being offered to him.  (rumor was it might have been VC, I do not have proof of that, I was also thinkin RJ, but I wouldn't call him an all star) This was reported by Quick, Canzano, all those guys that cover the Blazers, and they LOVE Pritchard, and even they were critical of why he held on to Sergio.  He screwed around with Roy and LA's deals, pissing them off, he asks for the moon any time another GM calls on one of his players and that pisses them off, I mean, damn.  Ya'll praise the @#$% outta this guy.

He whiffed on moving Raef Lafrentz's expiring, much like how Dallas did with Damp's contract, he offered cash left and right to Turk (deal falls thru) then he offers it to Milsap (for what reason?) and that gets matched, so then he offeres it to Andre Miller and the team promply gets into a war over having dude on the team. 
   I won't even mention Durant/Oden, we all have gone over that, so really, honestly, what has he done?  Add Marcus Camby at age 37 and make it to the first round.  Greaaaaaat, sign me up for that.  I wish he was my GM. 

He makes a ton of deals on draft night to add and move picks, but doesn't add any elite players, has he?  Has he added anyone franchise changing, other then getting Roy in a deal with the Wolves?  Would you even believe me if I told you that he desperately wanted to draft Adam Morrison but was denied by the Vulcan's/Paul Allen?  Again, reported out here that was who he wanted. 

What about Tom Penn?  He was the one that ran the salary cap for them, not Pritch, so other then make 57 draft night moves, what's he done?  Lose in the first round back to back years?  Congrats Pritch, here's another job. 
  John Nash and Steve Patterson ran this joint into the ground, they were horrible, so he came in, got a bunch of lucky lottery bounces, and they improved too a first round and out team, how special he must be at his job. 

So special, they got rid of him soon as they could.  But that don't mean nothin either I'm sure, I hate Portland, so nothing I say is even remotely true.  Right? 

so we dont give GM's Credit for turning bum !$@ teams around?

i mean the clippers got a new GM and all they could do was go up right? and guess what happened? all they did was go backwards even more.
I mean, yeah, great point bringing up.......the Clippers.  Cuz you know, they buy all kinds of draft picks for their GM and everything. 

Paul Allen bought whatever Pritch asked for.  That's what you give credit to him for.

When it came time to make a trade, he couldn't pull the trigger EVER because he was asking for half the franchise just for a bum like Sergio. 

@#$% there was rumors out here that he wanted Granger for Bayless. 

When daddy could buy him something, he did fine, when it was time for him to make moves, he couldn't get it done. 

Does he deserve some credit for getting them straight again, yes, I never said he didn't. 

Is he some great magical all wonderful GM that should be pursued by all the crap teams in the league?  No, not unless they have filthy rich owners.  Jersey would be a good fit, New Orleans would not.  Does that make sense? 
Yeah D Wade needs to shut his mouth. It's one thing to defend your boy, but when EVERYBODY is saying the thing about LeBron, it appears where there's smoke there's fire, and LeBron is looking like the top of a volcano right now
Originally Posted by mYToAsterspeak

Yeah D Wade needs to shut his mouth. It's one thing to defend your boy, but when EVERYBODY is saying the thing about LeBron, it appears where there's smoke there's fire, and LeBron is looking like the top of a volcano right now
Still waiting for your story about what happened between LeBron and the Cavs during the Boston series.

I thought everybody knows LeBron caught his teammate Delonte smashing his moms before game 5 and that basically distracted him until free agency.
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