* Offiical NBA Off-Season Thread: I'll give one of my damn kidney's for these Melo rumors to stop *

Originally Posted by Kiddin Like Jason

Nobody cares, but Luther Head failed a physical so the Hornets won't be signing him.
I care, I thought it was a very good signing, it was pretty damn cheap, but to rescind the offer? Damn.
Could Roger Mason replace J.J. Redick?


Roger Mason may be an Orlando Magic option if the Magic don't re-sign J.J. Redick.

If the Magic decide that the price to keep shooting guard J.J. Redick is too steep, perhaps free agent Roger Mason could be a replacement choice.

Mason played with the San Antonio Spurs the last two seasons, but had an off year after a fine 2008-09 season.

Mason, 6-5, played in 79 games, backing up Richard Jefferson. He averaged 6.3 points after scoring at a 11.8 point clip the year before when he had a bigger role.

Known for hitting some key 3-point shots, Mason’s 3-point prowess slipped as well, from 42 percent in 08-09 to 33 percent last season. But many around the league believe that Mason, 29, is still a capable player and could thrive in a different situation.
"McGrady knows he's not going to get a huge deal at his age. But he's been eyeing South Beach and seems to be leaning toward taking a minimum deal for a chance to play with the Miami Thrice. The Bulls have some interest in McGrady too."
The thing with Lowry is this.

Lowry is one of these dudes who gets to the line a lot. Morey has been wanting. him since he became GM, got him, and now is going to match. Lowry has no jumpshot at all, be can attack the rim and get to the line. And he can defend points better than Brooks, and can guard 2's. That's why he was able to play along with Brooks at times last year. With Kev-Mart one of the higher FTA dudes in the league, along with Yao, that's what Morey wants to do with this team. Get to the bonus early, since most of the dudes can shoot pretty good FTwise.

3 years with a 4th being a team option, it's a little under 6M a year, pretty expensive for a backup point.

This is why, I think Morey is gonna ship off Brooks sooner or later. He's more then willing to trade guys when their stock is high, before having to decide whether to break the bank for somebody. That's why everybody was surprised when Landry was traded, because he was playing at a high level/fan favorite. Thing is, he's in the last year of his deal making 3M. Somebody is going to break the bank for Landry next year, if he keeps up his production. Brooks is in the last year of his rookie deal, and somebody is gonna break the bank for him next year too. Morey won't do it, as, while Brooks has improved, he's still undersized, and is more a short 2 playing 1.

I expect Lowry to be the Rockets starting point whether after the trade deadline or next year.
Word around Charlotte and on the realgm bobcats message board think that something very huge is gonna happen this week. Word is that only 4 players from the 09-10 team would be return. CP3 and Okafor from NOH going to CHA(not sure what they would give back) and a seperate trade with POR for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace going to POR.
Originally Posted by woody2626

Word around Charlotte and on the realgm bobcats message board think that something very huge is gonna happen this week. Word is that only 4 players from the 09-10 team would be return. CP3 and Okafor from NOH going to CHA(not sure what they would give back) and a seperate trade with POR for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace going to POR.


and i dont even like brooks but he is better the lowry

Originally Posted by woody2626

Word around Charlotte and on the realgm bobcats message board think that something very huge is gonna happen this week. Word is that only 4 players from the 09-10 team would be return. CP3 and Okafor from NOH going to CHA(not sure what they would give back) and a seperate trade with POR for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace going to POR.
Chris Paul to the Hornets? Is this before or after he goes to the Knicks?
CP3 and Okafor from NOH going to CHA(not sure what they would giveback) and a seperate trade with POR for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallacegoing to POR.
What do I get back, a can't miss package of Nazr Mohammed, Boris Diaw and Gerald Henderson?
Brooks is better than Lowry, but IF Yao comes back to form, along with Martin, Brooks role will be more confined.

Reason why Brooks blew up last year was because it was him, Ariza and Scola who were leaned upon to score. We know Ariza isn't consistent scoring, while Brooks has shown in college he can shoot. As a result, Brooks blew up, and won MIP.

That Bobcats scenario seems like a video game trade

Larry Ellison to be announced new Warriors owner within the hour.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by woody2626

Word around Charlotte and on the realgm bobcats message board think that something very huge is gonna happen this week. Word is that only 4 players from the 09-10 team would be return. CP3 and Okafor from NOH going to CHA(not sure what they would give back) and a seperate trade with POR for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace going to POR.
Chris Paul to the Hornets? Is this before or after he goes to the Knicks?
 JA is like me, sometimes when I think CHA, I still think Hornets
Originally Posted by woody2626

Word around Charlotte and on the realgm bobcats message board think that something very huge is gonna happen this week. Word is that only 4 players from the 09-10 team would be return. CP3 and Okafor from NOH going to CHA(not sure what they would give back) and a seperate trade with POR for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace going to POR.


no way Roy gets traded, PERIOD. especially for Gerald Wallace.
What does Charlotte have that is going to entice the Hornets to deal Chris Paul?
Originally Posted by Nowitness41Dirk

What does Charlotte have that is going to entice the Hornets to deal Chris Paul?
This year, nothing.

Next year, maybe G-Wallace and a couple picks, if they felt like CP was going to leave.

Just printed out a copy of The Book of Basketball from Simmons.....Can't wait to start tearin into that mess.  Dude prolly gonna piss me off everyday for the next 3 weeks. 
I don't like the sound of a lot of this. 

[h1]Hunter: NBA lockout is possible[/h1]By Chris Sheridan

NEW YORK -- In response to NBA commissioner David Stern's assertion that the league lost $370 million last season, the head of the players' union claimed Wednesday that Stern's numbers are as much as $370 million off base.

Union director Billy Hunter made that statement in a telephone interview with ESPN.com, saying the commissioner's assertion of the severity of the owners' financial woes "just doesn't hold water."

His comments illustrated the fundamental differences the sides are facing as they work to negotiate a new collective bargaining agreement to replace the one due to expire next June 30.

In a nutshell, the union feels the current system is working well for everyone, while the owners feel the labor agreement needs to be drastically overhauled to enable teams to operate profitably.

The sides have started negotiations toward a new one but remain far apart, creating fears of the first work stoppage since 1998-99.

"I'm preparing for a lockout right now and I haven't seen anything to change that notion. Hopefully I'll see something over the next several months," Hunter said. "As of this moment, it's full speed ahead for me in preparing the players for a worst-case scenario."

Hunter, who also spoke Wednesday to several other news organizations, said the players do not believe the owners' claim that they lost a combined $370 million last season -- a statement Stern reiterated in public comments Monday following an owners' meeting in Las Vegas.

"There might not be any losses at all. It depends on what accounting procedure is used," Hunter said. "If you decide you don't count interest and depreciation, you already lop off 250 of the 370 million dollars, and everything else was predicated upon what they were projecting, which was a decline in attendance that didn't happen. Attendance was the second-highest ever."

In defending his position that the current system is working, Hunter said player salaries decreased 1 percent in 2009-10 after five consecutive years of growth at a time when overall league revenues reached an all-time high.

"The projected losses of $400 million were based on revenue projections made last summer, and in fact revenues did not go down, they actually increased. So for them to say there has been no shift in the environment, it just doesn't hold water," Hunter said.

"We have little confidence in their projections, because obviously the league's performance demonstrated their projections were off. We had the best Finals in years, Game 7 had highest TV rating in 12 years, the '09-10 BRI [basketball-related income] was the highest in NBA history, player salaries went down, and right now we're experiencing an all-time high in season-ticket sales coupled with the fact that the interest being demonstrated by the public is unprecedented.

"So I can't imagine at a time like this when the league is sort of riding the crest of the wave that there would be a desire on anyone's part to want to disrupt that," Hunter said. "What we should be doing is trying to come to some arrangement that both of us find to be mutually beneficial and acceptable."

Hunter was already wary of the league's projections after it warned its teams last July that next season's salary cap could fall as low as $50.4 million. It was set last week at $58.0 million, even higher than this season's.

"Clearly it causes us some concern, causes us to question their numbers," Hunter said.

Hunter said the players will offer their interpretations of the league's finances at the next bargaining meeting. He said he hasn't heard anything from the league since the union submitted its proposal for a CBA earlier this month.

Stern said that proposal basically embraced the current system, but the league believes changes are necessary and the teams that spent freely during free agency did so because it was the only way they could win. Hunter disagrees, saying owners want a system where they can spend and "receive guaranteed profits unlike any other industry in America."

Stern also said the higher-than-expected cap didn't mean things were better than they were a year ago, but Hunter points to huge increases in season ticket sales in New York, New Jersey, Chicago and Charlotte as proof otherwise.

The union is calling for expanded revenue sharing among teams, with Hunter noting that a group of small-market owners recommended it to Stern a couple of years ago. Stern has said it will come after the agreement with the players, but Hunter said it should come as part of the deal.

"Revenue sharing has to be part of the process, has to be part of the total package," Hunter said.

Hunter thinks owners who lived through the 1998 lockout won't want to risk shutting the league down again, but wonders if some newer ones might be willing to sit out for a year or two. Just in case, he's telling players to save their money and stay united.

Hunter hopes "cooler heads prevail" and it won't come to that point.

"This is a high time for the NBA, a time for celebration," Hunter said. "So we're going to do everything within our power -- I can't underscore that enough -- to try to reach an agreement."

Revenue sharing?  NFL model eh? 

These owners throw around guaranteed contracts like it's nothing to bottom feeder scrubs and then want to get money from rich teams to help alleviate their stupidity?  Yeah, sure. 

The NFL works because those aren't guaranteed contracts, good luck gettin that approved with the players. 

This lockout would @#$% a lot of legacies if it drug on.......
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

i see just like me CP has know idea where the bookstore is at
Stoooooop.  I was at the book store last night thumbin thru it, I just wasnt gonna throw down no 30 bucks on the damn thing.  I ain't tryna pay 30 bucks to read what I can for free. 

Don't try puttin my reading skills on your level, that ain't right man, what I ever do to you?  

Originally Posted by CP1708

Just printed out a copy of The Book of Basketball from Simmons.....Can't wait to start tearin into that mess.  Dude prolly gonna piss me off everyday for the next 3 weeks. 
Hook it up.
Originally Posted by woody2626

Word around Charlotte and on the realgm bobcats message board think that something very huge is gonna happen this week. Word is that only 4 players from the 09-10 team would be return. CP3 and Okafor from NOH going to CHA(not sure what they would give back) and a seperate trade with POR for Brandon Roy and Gerald Wallace going to POR.
i love my bobcats but come on 
 ......unless portland knows something about Brandon Roy knee 
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