Official Warriors Season Thread

^ Harrington felt like he could take LeBron inside and outside... We should have went to him more, I agree.
Originally Posted by Paul Is 0n NT

Originally Posted by Luong1209

I'm not gonna be able to go to the Detroit game, who wants the tickets? Section 201, $100 for the pair.

Do you always come in here just to sell your tickets?

Back to the Warriors...

- In my opinion, the Warriors appear to be playing as five individuals instead of a team, hopefully they'll change and get a win ASAP.
You're right, he just comes in here to sell his tickets
. Has nothing to say about the team or the last game played or Nellie's decisions or the future of the Warriors.

Not to mention that he is selling for above the retailvalue.
Deuces, it seems like you can't go to many games. Why not just buy individual tickets that you can go to instead of season tickets, which I'm assumingyou have.
Originally Posted by FRANCHISE 55

Deuces, it seems like you can't go to many games. Why not just buy individual tickets that you can go to instead of season tickets, which I'm assuming you have.
The more and more 22 Deuces 22 posts in here about his tickets, the more he looks like just a scalper. Talkabout the team dude... instead of you tickets. Seems like the only reason you shelled out money for season tickets was to make a profit. I understand thatyou'll go to the games that you REALLY want to go to, but c'mon, they have Stub Hub, Craigslist, eBay, and other other outlets for you to sell youtickets. I mean, if you want to "advertise" you tickets a little here and there, that's fine. But to come in here before EVERY home game to sellyour tickets is just ridiculous. I see that you have it mentioned in your sig as well. That's great. You've already made this known that you havetickets to sell. If we want tickets, we'll come to you. Alright
Warriors are 0-5 but still confident

They point to leadership as the key

By Geoff Lepper
Bay Area News Group

Article Launched: 11/13/2007 01:39:43 AM PST

Warriors rookie forward Brandan Wright knows exactly what would be unfolding if his team's 0-5 start had taken place on the campus of North Carolina instead of at Oracle Arena.

"If this was last year and I was in college, I'd be panicking right now," Wright said.

Clearly, Oakland is not Chapel Hill West.

However, the Warriors appear unshaken by their poor start.

"We know what we have here," forward Matt Barnes said. "We've got a great coach and we've got a very talented team. I don't really feel we're worried. Every game does count, but we know what we're capable of, so once we get over that hump, get that hot streak, everything will be solved."

The Warriors refuse to panic, following the tone set by Coach Don Nelson and team captains Barnes, Baron Davis and Stephen Jackson.

"I think that a team takes on the personalities of its leaders," forward Austin Croshere said. "Guys like Baron and Jack, they just want to keep it loose. They just don't get in a panicked state, don't think about it too much. We've played much better basketball the last six quarters, and even with the guys out, if we make some free throws, a play here, a play there, our record's a lot different."

The Warriors also are drawing comfort from the work last season by the Dallas Mavericks (who started 0-4 but finished 67-15) and Phoenix Suns (1-5 to 61-21).

"Phoenix did it last year," guard Monta Ellis said. "I think we have the same ability and same depththey had. With our team mind frame and everybody lifting each other up, we could do the same thing."

Said Wright: "You might lose five in a row, but you might rip off 10 or 12 in a row, or 13 out of 15. That's just the type of team this is."

Barnes has said the Warriors don't want to count on having to mount a 16-5 or 9-1 run to the finish, as they did last season. But it's beginning to look like that might be necessary to get over .500.

"That's when we play the best, I guess, with our backs against the wall, the big lights on and the pressure on," Barnes said. "I have a feeling we're not going to wait that long; we're going to get started soon. But you never know. The important thing is we know we have it in us."

• Davis did not practice for a third consecutive day, working with strength and conditioning coach John Murray instead. Nelson revealed that Davis had been suffering from swelling in his left knee after taking a hard fall Thursday against Dallas.

"If it hadn't been for these five days off, I don't think he could have played probably until maybe (today) anyway," said Nelson, who hopes Davis can practice today.

Team spokesmen had previously said that Davis was being held out so he could rest after playing all but four seconds Thursday. After Nelson's comment, trainer Tom Abdenour said through a spokesman that Davis suffered a contusion to his knee and the swelling was "nothing out of the ordinary."

Davis said he would be available to play 48 minutes, if necessary, Wednesday.

• Croshere (mild disk inflammation) went through a full practice Monday and reported no pain.

• Barnes (sprained right ring finger) also participated in the full practice and said he would play Wednesday despite feeling pain whenever he shoots the ball. He might start if Mickael Pietrus (absent with the team's permission) isn't back in time.
Great article there DP.

The Warriors need not to panic, there's still 77 games left!

They just need to get their acts together and try to have that playoff mentality in the regular season.

Our team might've swept Detroit last year, but in our position...we're not the ones that should be doing theunderestimating.

Let's go Golden State Warriors!

1) What is there to talk about right now? We're 0-5, and half of our roster is unavailable and/or injured.

2) Whoever said that I'm selling them over face value...fine, i'll sell them for $96 for the pair instead of $100...that's face value for you
Deuces, it seems like you can't go to many games. Why not just buy individual tickets that you can go to instead of season tickets, which I'm assumingyou have.

ummm....of course I can't go to all the games. I got a job, I got bills.

And I bought season tickets in order to get my playoff tickets.....

BTW, how do I quote somebody with this Yuku #%**?
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

Deuces, it seems like you can't go to many games. Why not just buy individual tickets that you can go to instead of season tickets, which I'm assuming you have.

ummm....of course I can't go to all the games. I got a job, I got bills.

And I bought season tickets in order to get my playoff tickets.....

BTW, how do I quote somebody with this Yuku #%**?

At the bottom right of every post there is aquote button.
Originally Posted by 22 Deuces 22

1) What is there to talk about right now? We're 0-5, and half of our roster is unavailable and/or injured.
Yes, we're 0-5, but what the hell do you think we're talking about before you came in here trying to sell your tickets? There's still stuffto talk about!

The more and more you talk... the more you sound like a bandwagon fan
... only talk when the team is winning.
I don't like our chances against Detroit.
Davis on Billups, Azubuike on Hamilton, Pietrus on Tayshaun, and Harrington/Biedrens double team up Sheed.
That leaves McDyess open... And we still need to worry about Millsap.
whats up with niketalk night at the oracle? anyone goin? whos the dude thats sellin the tickets again, talk died down and im too lazy to search for the it still gunna go down?
Originally Posted by vietsta4o8

whats up with niketalk night at the oracle? anyone goin? whos the dude thats sellin the tickets again, talk died down and im too lazy to search for the thread. is it still gunna go down?
It's alive in the NorCal Forum... I haven't clicked on it.. but I still plan on going. Still trying to getwhoever wants to go to pony up the money. Who else is going?

Oh and the dude's sn is StreetSoles.
In other news... looks like Dunleavy's reverted to his old self


I thought he was having a break out season too
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