Official Warriors Off Season Thread

yo, can someone link me the thread where Acid got "banned"?

Also, i think Donte Green would be
Nah, I was in that thread... JapanAir's, acid's, and my postsgot deleted by holden because they weren't "basketball related"... but I'll try to look.

Damn, I forgot what thread that was
yea, i can't remember either
. enh, it's probably too hard to find, i'm not sure but i think it was some lakers or mavs related thread.
Originally Posted by Paul Is On Tilt

Originally Posted by SoHi 23

Originally Posted by Enlightened Thought

Yeah, I'm going to be a Senior next year.
I got to HS in San Jose.
I went to Oak Grove Freshman year and I go to Santa Teresa currently
and you're a lakers fan? disgusting sohi...disgusting.
Blame my dad.
Born and raised

Dang, do you even have the slightest interest in the Warriors since we are your "home team"?

Yeah, they're my 2nd favorite team.

BTW, GSDOUBLEU, you have a period after the K in DARK KNIGHTS in your sig.
I don't remember, but it was off-topic in the S&T.

As for MJShoefanatic, he was trying to tell Mavericks fans that they're just as successful of a franchise as the Clippers are,

SoHi is like me, just on a smaller scale since his team is still in the same state.
Originally Posted by offbad

whatever happened to vietsta408 or something.. i'm guessing he's vietnamese and from milpitas/san jose. he might also even be a star.

sup. 100 dollars will get you my autograph
honestly, if other teams aren't itching to sign him either, there's probably a reason he's not getting much interest. maybe he's just not thatgreat of a player or NBA coaches/scouts don't really believe in his potential.
i would not mind having him for the minimum and give him a shot but i don't think we have much room on our roster. he's more likely to join a team thatneeds more help.
Warriors BETTER use that 10 million expectation that they got for JRich to improve the team. That would be a complete waste if it expires and Mullindoesn't use it. I would love to see Brandon Rush on the team, he reminds me of Finley.
I have a feeling that Mullin isn't going to do a thing. He said he's not going to use it unless he gets a player that would put us over the top. Howmany players like that are available?
i don't think that exception will be used...sadly.
unless mullin/nellie are enamored with someone in the draft but just haven't said anything about. we wont know til thursday.i'd like to have Brandon orCDR on the team but it's not likely. then again, maybe.
Brandon Rush? I actually think that Speights might be a better choice for the team. Both guards are really good for the Warriors, and Speights will fill ingreatly what the Warriors need, rebounding. CDR can be traded for IMO if you want to buy a pick/trade for a pick.
Originally Posted by daprescription

I have a feeling that Mullin isn't going to do a thing. He said he's not going to use it unless he gets a player that would put us over the top. How many players like that are available?

Give me Prince.
Give Pheonix that full $10 exception for Barbosa...Back up for Baron...Or maybe TJ Ford? I would love to see that. Make something good happen Mullin. I'manticipating the draft, but I really don't want the W's to draft another big man thinking it will be the answer. Be smart this year please.

Matt Barnes looks like a skinny Jim Jackson.(What a terrible one-time Warrior.)
TJ Ford is going to get a starting job somewhere IMO. He obviously woulnd't start here, and I know it's beyond his control, but I don't thinkit's happening.

It expires @ the end of June, right?
Barbosa is something I can see happening. Much needed spark off the bench, and it's a role he's used to. I'd be all for Barbosa in GSW. j
Originally Posted by daprescription

we'd give up 300 pts a game

Took the words right out of my mouth.
Ellis and Barbosa are someof the worst defenders in the league.

I say we take a shot at Tayshaun if he's available. Im hearing he is.
And, June 30th is correct for the deadline.
if it's Tayshaun or Barbosa for that exception...

we can even throw in Al if needed!
on another note, i traded Al without filler for Jason Maxiell and Mohammed in 2k8.
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