Official: Updates on Ben "Ballers" situation? (VOL)"You cool and all...but this is funny"

"The longer you stay on the message boards, the longer you're single. It's just science."
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Call me ignorant....but I dont think I'd EVER wife a female with public Nudes on the internet....-shrugs-
thats wat im thinking like damn G you tryin to wife a chick with nudes on the net lord knows wat else she got out there and to top it off you ainteven been with the chick for a full year lord help his soul ben is just a simp at heart
Originally Posted by 23legacy45

I don't understand what's so fascinating about making fun of someone who was cheated on. You NT'ers are cold hearted and are a bunch of sheep. You NT'ers are quick to call people haters if someone has different taste. That's not hating even hating. And let me guess... I'm a d-rider, just for saying you guy's are wrong? Naw. It's called not being a **+*%.

Shut up...
If im not mistaken...Son wifed her after only months ofknowing her...not a great move...Plus her resume aint something you can Brag to mom about....if you know what I mean...

Son should have seen this coming, IF its all true......
I didn't believe the story either but that thread stopped being about BenBaller at about page 20. There were so many topics and threads that got bouncedaround that were
Originally Posted by Fundamental21Ticket

that thread stopped being about BenBaller at about page 20


I'm surprised the last pic posted wasn't used earlier
nah that thread was def still about ben it was just alot of sub threads within that thread
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Who got banned?
HBW got permabanned.

I don't know if it was the most epic thread, but I have never laughed so hard in my life.
can someone post a link? the only time this summer i leave for a few days, something like this happens...
Y'all dudes be gossiping and acting like broads though.

I'm all for the lulz but a lot of you $@++@* have no lives.

If you woke up this morning with Ben Baller or that thread yesterday on your mind...there's a problem.
Good thread last night. They def haven't gone through all of the bans/ suspensions yet.
It was a thread within a thread.

Xzibit: Yo dawg, I heard you like threads so I put a thread in yo thread so that you can read a thread while reading a thread.
Originally Posted by iLL I AM

Y'all dudes be gossiping and acting like broads though.

I'm all for the lulz but a lot of you $@++@* have no lives.

If you woke up this morning with Ben Baller or that thread yesterday on your mind...there's a problem.

Too cool for school huh? of them _'s I see at the club with sunglasses on standing on the wall...talkin to 0 females...
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