Official Travis Scott x Jordan Thread ...

The really good fakes do cost more, upwards and anywhere from $200 and up depending on what the shoe is currently worth. For example, my brother went back to China recently to celebrate his new marriage and his wife's cousin knows a fake factory and she showed my brother samples of the fake Purple Toe AJ1's, $100 for decent fakes and $200 for Grade A replicas (legit pairs valuing at around $400). For a shoe such as TS1's, the factories had to run the production line a few times to correct every little thing so the price for these fakes are higher. They know the better the fake, the more people are trying to pass those fakes as real and get that real pair profit, so the fake factories gonna charge a lot more for these "god level" 1:1 fakes
The really good fakes do cost more, upwards and anywhere from $200 and up depending on what the shoe is currently worth. For example, my brother went back to China recently to celebrate his new marriage and his wife's cousin knows a fake factory and she showed my brother samples of the fake Purple Toe AJ1's, $100 for decent fakes and $200 for Grade A replicas (legit pairs valuing at around $400). For a shoe such as TS1's, the factories had to run the production line a few times to correct every little thing so the price for these fakes are higher. They know the better the fake, the more people are trying to pass those fakes as real and get that real pair profit, so the fake factories gonna charge a lot more for these "god level" 1:1 fakes

I've always tried to tell ppl, just because they're replicas, or fake...doesn't mean they are cheap.

Time, materials, man hours, revisions, machines, etc etc. All cost money. It's not gonna be the same quality product at the end of the day, the effort going into it, can be almost the same if not more dependent on the fake maker.
The really good fakes do cost more, upwards and anywhere from $200 and up depending on what the shoe is currently worth. For example, my brother went back to China recently to celebrate his new marriage and his wife's cousin knows a fake factory and she showed my brother samples of the fake Purple Toe AJ1's, $100 for decent fakes and $200 for Grade A replicas (legit pairs valuing at around $400). For a shoe such as TS1's, the factories had to run the production line a few times to correct every little thing so the price for these fakes are higher. They know the better the fake, the more people are trying to pass those fakes as real and get that real pair profit, so the fake factories gonna charge a lot more for these "god level" 1:1 fakes

Correct to an extent, check reddit there’s where all the info is posted

In China places sell them at extremely high prices because of tourists who don’t know better and think they’re buying the greatest fakes ever or even the real thing

Just like they will sell cheap $5 fake rolexes for $100 or more out there because there’s dumb people who will pay it
Im gonna guess not from an authorized retailer
If he did that would be messed up

Saw a vid where that twojkicks guy was buying up all the TS at Dallas sneakercon
Guess he’s hoarding them to resell later
Maybe it’s just me but a lot of folks were firm on their price when he was trying to buy in bulk
Like seriously you ain’t gonna make this $28k deal over like $500 lol
Im gonna guess not from an authorized retailer
If he did that would be messed up

Saw a vid where that twojkicks guy was buying up all the TS at Dallas sneakercon
Guess he’s hoarding them to resell later
Maybe it’s just me but a lot of folks were firm on their price when he was trying to buy in bulk
Like seriously you ain’t gonna make this $28k deal over like $500 lol

The people he negotiates with are idiots... those kids will legit pass up on a deal over $20 or pass up on a buyout for the whole table over $200. Just straight up idiots who don’t know business lol

Random complaint but I don’t know anywhere else to put it: anyone else annoyed that all these TwoJskick fans praise the ‘goat’ for all these large bulk purchases at Sneakercon? Do they not realize his goal is to ultimately raise the price on the market?
Random complaint but I don’t know anywhere else to put it: anyone else annoyed that all these TwoJskick fans praise the ‘goat’ for all these large bulk purchases at Sneakercon? Do they not realize his goal is to ultimately raise the price on the market?

LOL yeah it's pretty funny when you think about it. :lol:
They just want to be in his position so they praise him for that stuff.

I wonder how much these shops make and what their profits look like. I don't shop at those places because of the prices they charge, so in my mind I think everybody else has my same outlook - which obviously isn't true. But they gotta be making a lot of money to be able to open up multiple stores.

Like I look at places like Cool Kicks and I think they have like 3 locations in LA with one brand new one that's huge. They purchase gear and resell them, but how often do people actually purchase at these places?
When this bubble bursts gonna be a lot of dudes wondering what tf to do with their life lol
Random complaint but I don’t know anywhere else to put it: anyone else annoyed that all these TwoJskick fans praise the ‘goat’ for all these large bulk purchases at Sneakercon? Do they not realize his goal is to ultimately raise the price on the market?
Sneakercon's are resalehaven. Idky you'd be annoyed be that type of attention he receives at a Sneakercon convention.
Sneakercon's are resalehaven. Idky you'd be annoyed be that type of attention he receives at a Sneakercon convention.

I don't really get sneakercons. People there are pretty much selling it for the same price as StockX/GOAT. The people really benefiting are the people selling the kicks because they don't have to pay that StockX/GOAT fee and get to keep that money in their pockets instead. And the only benefit for the buyers is that they get their shoes on the spot.
Hopefully the new qr codes will be the ultimate telltale sign

Dunno why they don't use RFID chips since costs have come way down.

Originally touted as a security device in order to lessen shrinkage (that’s theft to you and I) it never really took off, largely down to cost implications. In the early 2000′s, Walmart was the first big retailer to experiment with the new technology, which cost an astounding $1.50 per tag.

RFID tags today, however, are incredibly small and…….far less expensive; such that the cost is no longer an issue.
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