OFFICIAL THE WIRE THREAD.. ''The game is the game"

I think people are missing the point when it comes to McNulty.

Even if you don't like him as a person, you have to respect his gall. Characters like McNulty, Colvin, Stringer, Sobotka all go against the grain within their respective worlds. They all cut corners because the system is rigged against them. It brings entertainment value and promotes thought about real s**t.

I don't think anyone in here "likes" McNulty the way you think we do

People watch this show differently though.
Bro. You are gonna have a change of heart.... trust me lol
Jimmy that dude lol

My statements were in reference to this point specifically. "Jimmy's that dude"

Homie that's currently watching said he hated McNutty and that was a response to his statement. A change of heart from hatred is love.

Seeing as that guy is atill in the middle of watching and updating us as he gets through the seasons, I won't go fully indepth about what a dirtbag McNutty was.
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McNulty was a great fleshed out character. Specifically as a stand out as a cop character. Although they did lean heavy on the alcoholism as an excuse at one point :lol:
New thoughts

This dude Avon Is a crash dummy :smh: dude wants to go back to jail smh

And smh at mcDaniels out here lovin and wifing thots[emoji]127997[/emoji]‍♂️ Dummy
My statements were in reference to this point specifically. "Jimmy's that dude"

Homie that's currently watching said he hated McNutty and that was a response to his statement. A change of heart from hatred is love.

Seeing as that guy is atill in the middle of watching and updating us as he gets through the seasons, I won't go fully indepth about what a dirtbag McNutty was.

yeah my post was to him, not you lol
I've watched the series about 10 times. Every time I focus a new character to see there progression. When I first watched it Mcnulty was dope. He was assertive, seemingly cared about the violence and got *******. But as I focused on him more he was a true piece of ****. Great cop who was equally worried about his rep as a cop and ******** on his bosses as he was about catching stringer and Avon.

But that it was is great about this story. No one is perfect and everyone has sympathetic moments. Well except stringer and Marlo. Them ****** was just cold to be cold.
Avon was really stupid for trying to keep it too real. String could've had them riding off into the sunset if Avon in S2 took that deal with Prop Joe and didn't make it so String had to go behind his back. That was really the demise of them both. Reputation on the corners meant more than self preservation.
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Avon was really stupid for trying to keep it too real. String could've had them riding off into the sunset if Avon in S2 took that deal with Prop Joe and didn't make it so String had to go behind his back. That was really the demise of them both. Reputation on the corners meant more than self preservation.

Im just a gangsta i suppose
Avon was really stupid for trying to keep it too real. String could've had them riding off into the sunset if Avon in S2 took that deal with Prop Joe and didn't make it so String had to go behind his back. That was really the demise of them both. Reputation on the corners meant more than self preservation.

Yup. Classic case of when keeping it real goes wrong.

I really rocked w string but he did some cruel stuff I so can't be too sorry for em. But damn I felt like Avon going back to jail was kinda wack. Anti climatic

Omar ho *** still pisses me off

Brother mouzone is somewhat of a corny character :lol: I'm glad they redeemed him though. Cuz when Omar popped him that easy I was like :rofl: foh

I hope my dude bodie stays strong out there in them screets, but I mean he did do some cruel stuff too (haven't forgot about Michael b :smh: ) so I can't be mad if he get done up.

Staritng season 4's already so litty. I rock w the youngins but I can already tell some ****** up stuff is gonna happen since they're so young and the writers gonna play off watcher emotions :smh:

Also, I'm so glad mcnulty getting less screen time so far. Dude is a bum.

Also, so dope to see all the g unit gear :lol: good times. This show accurate as hell for the times. It's almost doper to watch it now then it would have been to watch it back then. Crazy thing though, if this show would dropped in this age with social media, everyone would know about it. A lot of ppl don't even know about this show sadly. I myself, only picked it up because I'm at work bored as hell these days :lol:.
Yup. Classic case of when keeping it real goes wrong.

I really rocked w string but he did some cruel stuff I so can't be too sorry for em. But damn I felt like Avon going back to jail was kinda wack. Anti climatic

Omar ho *** still pisses me off

Brother mouzone is somewhat of a corny character :lol: I'm glad they redeemed him though. Cuz when Omar popped him that easy I was like :rofl: foh

I hope my dude bodie stays strong out there in them screets, but I mean he did do some cruel stuff too (haven't forgot about Michael b :smh: ) so I can't be mad if he get done up.

Staritng season 4's already so litty. I rock w the youngins but I can already tell some ****** up stuff is gonna happen since they're so young and the writers gonna play off watcher emotions :smh:

Also, I'm so glad mcnulty getting less screen time so far. Dude is a bum.

Also, so dope to see all the g unit gear :lol: good times. This show accurate as hell for the times. It's almost doper to watch it now then it would have been to watch it back then. Crazy thing though, if this show would dropped in this age with social media, everyone would know about it. A lot of ppl don't even know about this show sadly. I myself, only picked it up because I'm at work bored as hell these days :lol:.

Don't even get me started on how inaccurate the wardrobe of the wire reflecting Baltimore city fashion at that time was....[emoji]128580[/emoji].

Or the plethora of NYC actors not even attempting to try a "Baltimore accent".

LOVE the wire. But it's always annoyed us locals how they missed the nuances of inner city Baltimore culture. It's very unique and nuanced.

A lot of us in Baltimore didn't even watch the show on the initial run because we didn't feel it was as authentic. A few posts from the thread regarding this:

Glad to see this thread bumped. Love the wire. Probably my favorite show.....

However.......As a Baltimore native, I feel the show did a below average job of representing the unique culture of inner city Baltimore.

Aside from Snoop, Donut, Prop Joe, fruit and lil Kevin who are from here...the mostly New York cast excluding Omar and Stringer did not even try to sound like they're from Baltimore.

That always bugged me on the show. Guys like Marlo, Bodie, Webay, Cheese, Avon, Namond, Mike etc etc had straight New York accents, and didn't even try mask it. 90% of the people in those areas of a Baltimore sound something like Snoop.

Another thing was the wardrobe. Hood Baltimore in the mid 2000s dressed nothing like what was portrayed in the wire.

These are some of the lil things in the show that I just couldn't shake as a local.

This really used to piss me off, and was part of the reason that I didn't watch much of the show from the jump...

Same thing on 'The Corner'... But I got through that because it was only 6 episodes and I knew a couple of the cast members...

I don't think I saw a single SAMOS shirt until the 3rd or 4th season... Nobody in these streets was trappin' in G-Unit and Enyce shirts, man... :lol:

It may not have been a big deal to the casual viewer, but for someone who was a part of that culture and was born and raised in Baltimore, it bothered the hell out of me...

Someone from the cast actually gave me a number to the casting director and told me to call. I could've been somewhere in the background in the 5th season... :lol: :lol:

Lil kev and Weebay had a few Samos fits here and there lol. But they had us looking and talking like Any city America.

Dope boys round that time were heavy into Mosions, Samos, Cnote, Dopes, New Balance, Throwback nikes, golds etc etc.

I know the wardrobe isn't cheap. But c'mon. Gunit in Baltimore? Lol. Dudes barely wore capris on the show.

And the accents man. Smh

04-06 was the baggy era. And we wore Capris [emoji]128514[/emoji][emoji]128514[/emoji]. No denim or cargo shorts. But dudes were mainly rocking our own street wear brands. The two most popular ones were "Mosions" mainly worn on the Eastside, and "Samos" mainly on the West side.

Every now and then, you'd see somebody from the wire in Mosions, Samos, Hohfs, Cashland or even We-R-One if you paid close attention. But it was rare simply because they were so expensive. An average t - shirt like the one below could run you $40-$50. Hoodies like $100. That's why the dope boys loved Em and they made sweat suits to match foamposites and retro nikes back then. I always thought it was run by OG dope boys who had some bread. Examples below:





Then in '06 everyone got on the small shirt, true religion, seven jeans, Abercrombie American eagle and rockstar wave. By 08, an expensive Lacoste or polo shirt, seven jeans and foamposites, pumas, Nike boots or new balances was the standard look.
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Don't even get me started on how inaccurate the wardrobe of the wire reflecting Baltimore city fashion at that time was....[emoji]128580[/emoji].

Or the plethora of NYC actors not even attempting to try a "Baltimore accent".

LOVE the wire. But it's always annoyed us locals how they missed the nuances of inner city Baltimore culture. It's very unique and nuanced.

A lot of us in Baltimore didn't even watch the show on the initial run because we didn't feel it was as authentic. A few posts from the thread regarding this:

Ahhh ok well **** In Texas its pretty accurate as far as style goes.
A bigger and better argument would be how inner city youth are still portrayed on screen in 2017. Dudes really have us out here rocking size 45 jeans with tall tees du rags and head bands speaking heavy ebonics. I cringe every time I see a young black dude in ghetto garb. White man really don't get it at all
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