OFFICIAL THE WIRE THREAD.. ''The game is the game"

So you don't consider what Avon did ratting his mans out? Why, because it didn't involve the police?

He set his mans up to be murdered by a common enemy by TELLING them where he would be a specific time and place.

That's not ratting your guy out?
Stringer violated the code of the game. Avon had no choice but to give him up because no outside contract killers would've ****** with him if brother mouzone put a target on his back.

Stringer dug his own grave and that ***** had a written testimony on Avon :smh:

-have Dee killed
-lie about a killing you ordered so Omar would go after Mouzone because you don't like the moves Avon was making
-get punked outta territory
-snitch on Avon as an insurance policy

Avon did the right thing. He knew he couldn't trust stringer anymore. Being out the game was more important than anybody and anything
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Very true but what string had was vision and I know dudes not gonna agree with his actions but a lot of what String said or did none of them cats would really understand. That corner mentality was where that vision ended for majority of these characters.

Exactly, and I'm not knocking him for that. But he should have separated the two and got out entirely. Avon never wanted to get out, that was Stringer's dream. Leave instead of bringing you AND your boy down. That's where I am coming from.
By the time String realized this it was a bit too late, Davis took his money and he was left high and dry and he saw Avon was going to see his war with Marlo to the bitter end.

So in his mind, I assume his plan was to get Avon put away for a while again, regain his money from dealing and then get out. Davis was a huge setback for String. He wanted his millions back (or however much money it was I forget) so he couldn't just leave the game just like that.

He should've came to that leave on your own realization when Avon got back out like before they had problems with Omar and killed his lover :lol:

But that messes up with the story too much.

I stand by String's biggest mistake being telling Avon the truth about D. He should've NEVER done that. Character wise it almost makes no sense that he did. Oh how I wish I could've seen how S3 would've went down differently if Avon didn't have that truth in his mind when Mouzzone and Omar pressed him. The whole thing would've been different.
Stringer was a **** boy. End of story.

Nothing about having a ***** killed when he wasn't gonna snitch any way, is a business move.

Sleeping with said dude's shorty after the fact, is not a business move.

I'll give you all the **** he finessed behind Avon's back, but that was still some sucker **** with the way he went about it. There was no need to involve Prop Joe, Brother Mouzone, ect in he and Avon's *******t. I understand that Avon was hardheaded, but with how smart and savvy we consider this man, he could've handled that whole situation differently. That's why I couldn't be mad at Avon for giving him up because String did all that foul **** and the chickens were coming home to roost.
Son get the **** out of here.

D WAS A SNITCH. Son was gonna snitch and take everybody with him. He was one of the biggest ***** boys on the show. You saw how weak he was in prison. Son was on some philosophical bull ****, trying to be a good man and ****. Avon should've been stomped his *** out. That's why Avon was dumb. He should've manned up and pulled a Corleone himself but nah he too soft for that. Imagine if it was Robert Duvall's character in The Godfather that had to make all the G decisions cuz Michael was to stubborn :smh: That aint how it's suppose to be.

I wish I could find my post when I first watched S1 of The Wire and posted my reactions. I recall saying the show shouldn't have been called The Wire but The Snitches. Whole damn show was filled with snitches and dudes who can betray their boys at the drop of the hat. Mind you this was my first reaction to what I was expecting to be a hood show and I'm very familiar with my regions view on snitching. So to see The Wire and the amount snitching it had caught me so off guard :lol:

******* D's baby moms wasn't a business move. String just wanted to **** her. **** D's ***** ***. That don't got nothing to do with anything AT ALL. **** D, ***** *** *****.

As for what led to String's downfall, they already tried to get Omar on their own. **** aint work. Omar was like a cockroach to the whole Barksdale operation. I think they tried twice to kill him. String aint know Mouzzone the way Avon did but he saw him as a hired gun which he is and he had no close ties to him so why not send him to try and kill Omar off a lie or better yet get both of them killed? Maybe NY sends somebody better down this time. Involving Prop Joe was just natural due to him ending the turf wars **** in favor for his Bmore commission. It aint String's fault Prop Joe died. He had a treacherous family member.
:lol: :rofl: :smh: @ the Stringer disrespect

Zik & I pretty much deaded this in a Wire thread a while back, not sure if it's this one.
I'm pretty sure it was this thread :lol:

Dudes get too strongly attached based off emotions. That's the problem and I understand the hate towards String but if you think this out logically and with a level head you can't play any of that Avon was better than String in any category.
Stringer snitched, Avon didn't.

Avon even tried to fix it for String.

Stringer was by far the most foul cat in the entire series.

Not to mention a flat out sucker,boy ran downtown trying to pretend he was someone else and got his dumb *** hustled.

You can never justify ratting your mans out let alone the dude that makes a way for everybody to eat.

Stringer is a scoundrel.
Why you acting like snitching to put ya boy away for his own good is worse than giving up ya man's to assassins that want him dead?

What world are we living in?!!!

That is BETRAYAL of the highest order.

What is this nonsense about the man that makes a way for everybody to eat? **** was falling apart all around Avon. He was losing that war. Nobody was eating.

I wouldn't mind all of the Stringer hate if yall would at least be completely honest about how Avon was ******* up left and right towards the end.

I mean think for a sec, imagine if String would've survived Omar and Mouzzone or managed to kill them. If he put two and two together he would've been all the way in the right to get Avon murked in the library prison.
Stringer violated the code of the game. Avon had no choice but to give him up because no outside contract killers would've ****** with him if brother mouzone put a target on his back.

Stringer dug his own grave and that ***** had a written testimony on Avon :smh:

-have Dee killed
-lie about a killing you ordered so Omar would go after Mouzone because you don't like the moves Avon was making
-get punked outta territory
-snitch on Avon as an insurance policy

Avon did the right thing. He knew he couldn't trust stringer anymore. Being out the game was more important than anybody and anything
Half of this **** Avon aint even know about though :lol:

String didn't get punked out of territory. The towers got torn down. That was their HQ. Only thing left was corners. By the time Marlo started being a bully Avon was already out.

Avon had no clue about String's insurance policy. Avon would've got over String making a few decisions on his own. Son was basically running the op by himself as good as before so you at least know he's not aiming to **** things up on purpose.

The major **** up on String's part was the whole set up with Omar and Mouzzone and that was basically cuz he aint have the necessary respect for Mouzzone he should of had. And I still believe had Avon not knew the truth about D he'd have tried to negotiate or give up the connect to NYC and stick with Prop Joe's connect with the Greek.

I mean damn man Avon hated Omar the most, called him cocksucker with hatred and calmly gave dude String's location.
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I'm sayin'

Dudes got mad sympathy for D for some odd reason

It's like they aint see the whole series in a while but one thing they take away from the seasons focusing on the Barksdale crew is their hate for String :smh:
I'm sayin'

Dudes got mad sympathy for D for some odd reason

It's like they aint see the whole series in a while but one thing they take away from the seasons focusing on the Barksdale crew is their hate for String :smh:

Because D took the hit for the family. He also had more compassion for people than others did. %$# Stringer...
I'm sayin'

Dudes got mad sympathy for D for some odd reason

It's like they aint see the whole series in a while but one thing they take away from the seasons focusing on the Barksdale crew is their hate for String :smh:

Because D took the hit for the family. He also had more compassion for people than others did. %$# Stringer...
D didn't take a damn thing. Son was gonna snitch on the whole family.

D'Angelo is the definition of a ***** made *****. The definition. Son was not built for that life AT ALL.

I mean c'mon now, if we gonna talk about ***** boys, son is at the top of the list. Crying over children whether they imaginary or not, writing confessions and ****. Now we talking about compassion :smh: :x Guess these gangstas are all cookie dough inside.

String did what he needed to do. Bodie did what he needed to do.
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D didn't take a damn thing. Son was gonna snitch on the whole family.

D'Angelo is the definition of a ***** made *****. The definition. Son was not built for that life AT ALL.

I mean c'mon now, if we gonna talk about ***** boys, son is at the top of the list. Crying over children whether they imaginary or not, writing confessions and ****. Now we talking about compassion :smh: :x Guess these gangstas are all cookie dough inside.

String did what he needed to do. Bodie did what he needed to do.

Stringer got what he deserved. D might have wavered for a minute but his mother got him right and he took the 20. String stepped WAY out of line. He murdered D without clearing it. He got Mouzone hit without clearing it. He snitched on Avon. He got what he deserved. %$# Stringer.....
Stringer by all means is not a dude with a code but he calls it as he sees it point blank and did stuff that Avon was too soft to do regardless of his street credibility. This dude D was a problem since the first episode but the "blood thicker than water" concept saved him time and time again. This dude damn near turned into a base head in jail cmon man. Family is family yes but there whole operation would have been done a while ago if Dee was still alive. He ain't have the heart and was ready to give up "family" time and time again.
D didn't take a damn thing. Son was gonna snitch on the whole family.

D'Angelo is the definition of a ***** made *****. The definition. Son was not built for that life AT ALL.

I mean c'mon now, if we gonna talk about ***** boys, son is at the top of the list. Crying over children whether they imaginary or not, writing confessions and ****. Now we talking about compassion :smh: :x Guess these gangstas are all cookie dough inside.

String did what he needed to do. Bodie did what he needed to do.

Stringer got what he deserved.
Bruh, everybody got what they deserved except for Marlo :lol:
D might have wavered for a minute but his mother got him right and he took the 20.
What? Noooo. No. She set him straight for a sec. So that he didn't jump at the offer McNulty had on the table where he'd snitch on everybody the first time around. Then they killed Michael B. Jordan and D went right back to being a ***** made *****.

How yall forget. When D ended up getting killed it wasn't during an ep where he struggled with snitching or not and then finally decided not to and stick with the family. Nothing close to that happened.

He took the 20 and then was contemplating confessing anyway. Son was acting like he bled daily not monthly. Telling Avon to stay away from him, being by himself like a lame costantly. Son's actions were erratic.

Then this gump as ************ started doing drugs b! Tell me how that's not crumbling and spiraling out of control?

The real question is why Avon was in such denial about this. String did the right thing. D was beyond a liability.

Yall dudes talking like he took the 20 and after that everything was all good and String just decided to kill him for no reason :lol: Stop that.

String stepped WAY out of line.
Granted he isn't family so it wasn't ultimately his call but that's really not the problem given it was the right call overall. More importantly the act aint that big of a deal given family can get it too when they show themselves to be weak willed and lacking of heart.

He murdered D without clearing it.
So what. If he didn't tell Avon himself he did that we wouldn't even be wasting our time about this trivial slight.

He got Mouzone hit without clearing it.
**** Mouzzone and Omar.

A Commission > connect to NY

That's facts.
He snitched on Avon. He got what he deserved. %$# Stringer.....
Avon was either gonna get himself killed or lose to Marlo or end up back in prison on his own. Stringer saved his life while Avon made sure Stringer would lose his.
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All this does it just make me want to watch The Wire again.. 

I'm about to get on it right now

Melvin Williams, the former West Baltimore drug kingpin who helped inspire both the character of Avon Barksdale on "The Wire" and the creative partnership that led to the series, and who later had a recurring role on the series, died this morning at 73, according to the Baltimore Sun.

"Wire" co-creators David Simon (a Sun reporter at the time) and Ed Burns (then a Baltimore homicide detective) first met in the aftermath of a sprawling joint DEA taskforce investigation into Williams' organization that Burns had been a part of. Simon found the case interesting enough to make Burns the subject of his first big Sunday profile, and the two men hit it off well enough that Burns would become a frequent source for Simon, and later his collaborator on the classic HBO drama.

Williams served many years in federal prison, and later reformed and worked with local pastors, per the Sun. Beginning with "The Wire" season 3, Simon and Burns gave the man once known as "Little Melvin" a recurring role as Deacon Melvin, the sage counsel to both Bunny Colvin and Cutty Wise.
Damn, the man that inspired one of the main characters on the greatest tv show ever, RIP lil melvin
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