OFFICIAL THE WIRE THREAD.. ''The game is the game"

Zik is right.

String definitely created those enemies, but Avon was the one who gave Omar & Mouzone String's exact location & time.

Avon could've told Mouzone to go back to NY, their organization would've been crippled but String wouldn't be dead.

But String just made one too many major decisions without telling Avon even though they were supposed to be partners.
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True and Avon wasn't gonna let his name get tarnished because of stuff String did. Mouzone pretty much pressed Avon in the barbershop and said what you gonna do to fix this now.
Do y'all really think Brother and Omar would've been assed out if Avon didn't give up String? Cause those guys didn't necessarily need his help, they would've found him regardless. I feel like they only went to Avon because common sense dictated that decision, they knew he had no idea what String was up to while he was in jail.

Of course Avon had no choice but to give him up, but that doesn't meant String would've been alive either.
Do y'all really think Brother and Omar would've been assed out if Avon didn't give up String?
Brother was done with the situation if Avon said no because Avon losing New York was enough for Brother.

And Omar had been trying to kill Stringer for the longest, yet String was still alive.

Point is, Avon giving them Stringer's location guaranteed String's death. Had Avon told them no, Omar could've got him later.... Or not
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I got the feeling during that scene at the very least Omar would've killed or try to kill Avon on the spot if he didn't give up String.

Keep in mind this was after the both of them figured things out about String making moves to get them killed. They were originally gonna kill both of them iirc cuz they thought they made the decision together.

Even with loyalty in question between the two, I do wonder if Omar and Mouzone didn't team up and only one of them pressed him if Avon gives up anything. I see him trying to kill Omar and trying to work things out with Mouzone as much as he could to keep the connect.
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Reading all ur guys opinions on things got me wanting to run the show back......for a third time lol
Edit: wrong thread. 
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The first time watching as a young dude I always empathized more with Stringer, now I def see Avon as the tragic hero.
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Edit that first sentence in your post if you talking about Stringer and not Avon.

As for String, he was obviously not about that life anymore. His plan and what he was doing was to use his drug money for a legit business. If Davis hadn't screwed him over that's exactly what he'd be doing. He was trying to get him and Avon out the life but Avon aint want to do that stuck in his old ways. String went about getting what he wanted really ruthless and to many in foul ways (some were arguably the right move regardless).

Too many of yall dudes in your feels over Stringer's just business moves.
Snitching a business move nowadays?

Avon wanted no parts of what he was doing though. Help Avon? Avon didn't need any help, he MADE Stringer for christ sakes. Stringer brought both of them down over a series of soft street and business moves. **** that dude
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Too many of yall dudes in your feels over Stringer's just business moves.
Snitching a business move nowadays?

Avon wanted no parts of what he was doing though. Help Avon? Avon didn't need any help, he MADE Stringer for christ sakes. Stringer brought both of them down over a series of soft street and business moves. **** that dude
Snitching was basically after String thinking this was the last straw. Avon just wanted to have his corner wars. String wanted more than that for both of them. Avon talked about it himself when he reminisced about when they were younger and even then String had the big dreams to do it up.

Also when did Avon make Stringer? What series were you watching? Avon gave Stringer his smarts? Made him reliable enough to hold down the whole org and make sure everybody was fed and the business was still thriving while Avon was locked up? Tell me what season it was that Avon made Stringer. I must've missed that. You talking like there was this special flashback season or ep showing how Avon was in charge and he turned Stringer in to the ruthless right hand man he ended up becoming. That NEVER happened. This is what I mean when I say yall dudes be in your feels, just making **** up or rewriting history on the show.

That's like saying Marlo made Partlow. When we know for damn sure that was never shown in the show. Just like Avon and String, they grew up in a tough place together, became friends and then became partners in the game.

And finally, yeah snitching is a business move. It's called whistle blowing in the business world though :lol: Major stockholders in corps, partners at firms, CEOs and owners will all stab each other in the back for the come up. That includes getting the IRS to check up on them, get the FBI to do a background check for criminal activity, a bunch of other agencies relating to the business will get contacted, info will be leaked to the media. All of that will be done, especially if you're seen as a liability.

Lets not play pretend here. Cuz getting ya boy murdered aint a business move either and it's betrayal.

Like Marlo says yall want it to be one way but it's the other way. You can't have it both ways for damn sure. You either gonna look at this from a street level where loyalty is highly regarded when it comes to the morality of a gangsta or you gonna strictly look at this as a business and there's no morality at all, a game for sociopaths pulling shark moves any chance they get. Either way you look at it you can't honestly front like Avon comes out on top as if he's the better man than String. String was just more upfront about his ruthlessness. Avon was a bleeding heart.
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the fact that string couldnt run the gangsters properly (always being second guessed) leads me to believe that avon really ran the org

stringer was like the acct 
Very true but what string had was vision and I know dudes not gonna agree with his actions but a lot of what String said or did none of them cats would really understand. That corner mentality was where that vision ended for majority of these characters.
the fact that string couldnt run the gangsters properly (always being second guessed) leads me to believe that avon really ran the org

stringer was like the acct :lol:
String had no problem running the dope boys. The problem he had was getting them to smarten up and follow his game plan. They were all pretty much idiots. He had everything covered for them.

Son basically brokered a cease fire with all sides and set up his own ad-hoc commission just so he can make sure things remained stable. The only problems he had were from ppl that were gonna be a problem anyway (treacherous eastside ******, Omar, etc.). He had dudes united to a point that they were all gonna come up.
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Very true but what string had was vision and I know dudes not gonna agree with his actions but a lot of what String said or did none of them cats would really understand. That corner mentality was where that vision ended for majority of these characters.
Exactly, and I'm not knocking him for that. But he should have separated the two and got out entirely. Avon never wanted to get out, that was Stringer's dream. Leave instead of bringing you AND your boy down. That's where I am coming from.
Stringer was a **** boy. End of story.

Nothing about having a ***** killed when he wasn't gonna snitch any way, is a business move.

Sleeping with said dude's shorty after the fact, is not a business move.

I'll give you all the **** he finessed behind Avon's back, but that was still some sucker **** with the way he went about it. There was no need to involve Prop Joe, Brother Mouzone, ect in he and Avon's *******t. I understand that Avon was hardheaded, but with how smart and savvy we consider this man, he could've handled that whole situation differently. That's why I couldn't be mad at Avon for giving him up because String did all that foul **** and the chickens were coming home to roost.
Stringer was a **** boy. End of story.

Nothing about having a ***** killed when he wasn't gonna snitch any way, is a business move.
How did the cops know to look for WeeBey in Philly? Oh

Are we forgetting D'Angelo came extremely close to blowing the whole thing up & his mother had to talk him out of it?

String was just supposed to forget that huh?

Or when he murdered that civilian in the very first episode & later on Bunk & McNulty convinced him to write an apology letter to that guy's fake kids?

A guy like THAT gets 20 years & String is supposed to believe he's gonna be a rock? :lol: nah

Sleeping with said dude's shorty after the fact, is not a business move.

We playing on a higher game of chess,
Once you delegate his bills, who gone **** his ***** the best.

I'll give you all the **** he finessed behind Avon's back, but that was still some sucker **** with the way he went about it. There was no need to involve Prop Joe, Brother Mouzone, ect in he and Avon's *******t.

Avon eventually agreed to let Prop Joe have some of their territory. At that time, their product was trash & Bird, Stink, & Bey were either dead or in jail.

No product, no muscle. They needed Joe. Avon knew that.

But I agree. String's only mistake was doing it without Avon's approval FIRST. Which led his mishandling of the Mouzone situation & **** just snowballed from there.

Avon eventually came to his senses but String just couldn't wait :lol: :smh:
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Man, I hear you but D just wanted to be left alone. Again, that's your man's nephew and that's foul, so all this "chess not checkers" **** can die, because if this was real life that wouldn't be looked at that way.

And I meant more or so involving Prop Joe in the bs he and Avon were going thru with each other.
:lol: :rofl: :smh: @ the Stringer disrespect

Zik & I pretty much deaded this in a Wire thread a while back, not sure if it's this one.

However, what I will say is that Stringer and Avon's betrayal were two sides of the same coin. Everything that Stringer did was legitimately for the greater good if there is such in that game.

Murdering D'angelo, had to be done. He was a mommy guilt trip away from bringing down the entire organization, not to mention his blunder kicked off the whole investigation. He was ready to flip on everyone because a boy who had began getting high and agreed to work with the police to connect his team to a murder got taken care of. He told on Weebay, had isolated himself in prison, started getting high himself. He was too much of a liability for everyone involved from Avon to String to his own Mother. String made the right call, the one that neither of them could because they were too close to the situation. If you think this is just some made for TV **** then you're sadly mistaken, I've heard 2nd hand accounts of Higher up in chicago drug factions murdering their own son/brother because of such.

Brokering Peace with the Prop Joe and east side to decrease friction and the bodies amassed by the different factions while getting the best price on the best dope. Meanwhile Avon was merely obsessed with his reputation and holding real estate hence he wanted to go searching for a different connect instead of using the resources at his disposal.

Even down to telling Bunny where to find Avon and when to go get him. He knew that he would be in there with ex cons and guns, because everyone would cop to all of the weapons,this would leave Avon a parole violation and he would have to serve the remainder (I think five years) left his original sentence which was seven years. So in sitting Avon down for another 5yrs you have the ability to move the organization away from the streets where you don't even touch the dope just finance the package and get y our money off the top with minimal risk while also setting up your legit development business and escape route. Avon lives to come home 5yrs later to a seat at the table and more money than when he left with no issues. It was a logical plan for the greater good.

Meanwhile Avon gave String up so that he would still have his reputation in tact and keep his line to New York open. While he did attempt to take it on his jacket and make amends, once faced with losing his rep he backed off of that and gave him up.

You can't say that String is foul and Avon is a G. They were both playing the same hand, only difference is String's objective was to keep Avon alive.
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Stringer snitched, Avon didn't.

Avon even tried to fix it for String.

Stringer was by far the most foul cat in the entire series.

Not to mention a flat out sucker,boy ran downtown trying to pretend he was someone else and got his dumb *** hustled.

You can never justify ratting your mans out let alone the dude that makes a way for everybody to eat.

Stringer is a scoundrel.
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