**Official "The Last Of Us" a PS3 exclusive thread**

So I was in Calgary for the last two days and checked an EB while there. Apparently TLoU is sold out across the entire city. :lol: :wow:
My only gripe about multiplayer is how they pit you with high rank people and not with people around the same level as you.

Barely getting started and I'm facing people with bombs and silencers off the bat, so frustrating :smh:
Mother ******* got 2 teammates down. Is he gonna heal us? Nah he'll go 4 v 1 instead.
Jesus. I went from 91 healthy in my camp to to 10 and 76 hungry and 4 sick. Won 3 rounds in 4 matches :x

Always that one dumbass that wants to rush up the map then gets destroyed and does the same thing every round. Good job metalgearsolid200, you ******g loser. You got one life and 3 minutes. What is your big ******g hurry. Go back to cod you piece of garbage.

I need to take a break from this game. Let the noobs get tired and come back when it's ppl that know what they're doing.

I played with a few NT'ers and even having just 1 person you can communicate with helps alot. A party of four would be deadly.
I had been doing fine playing with randoms. Played 12 weeks with no complaints. Was tearing it up early after i started over then everything went to crap. I figure playing late night it's mostly the hardcore people playing, but just ran into some real dummies.

Think I'll just go back and finish up survivor SP campaign.

My only gripe about multiplayer is how they pit you with high rank people and not with people around the same level as you.

Barely getting started and I'm facing people with bombs and silencers off the bat, so frustrating :smh:

Yeah that does suck. I see a level 0-5 in the lobby I may as well just back out. Don't want to be stuck with those people trying to figure out how to play while I'm trying to build up my camp.
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Mother ******* got 2 teammates down. Is he gonna heal us? Nah he'll go 4 v 1 instead.

Sounds like me when I first started playing :lol:

on another note, tried lighting up a molotov, hits the corridor instead of enemy and ended up burning myself AND teammate. Yeah, it was one of those nights :smh:

had to quit for the rest of the night cause I was so pissed off at myself :lol:
Best game of 2013

The hardest part for me was the snow level with Ellie

The basement in the hotel I probably died once

I must have died like 200 times lol

Great game!
Mother ******* got 2 teammates down. Is he gonna heal us? Nah he'll go 4 v 1 instead.

Sometimes not healing is the best option. It really just depends on the situation though.

Yeah, downed players (teammates and enemies) can make great bait.

But, this wasn't one of those times. My teammate and I were downed in that second story classroom (along with the enemy I punched out). All the guy had to do was climb up through that window around the corner. Both of us damn near blood out, but an enemy finally found us as were about to bleed out. Meanwhile, the only guy alive did absolutely nothing.

4 v 1 you have no chance.
3 v 1 is doable with some key bomb placement or double molotov kill.

Another pet peeve of mine is say your team is up 4-2/ 3-2 and instead of chilling your teammate rush into the obvious chokepoint of the remaining enemies. Like right through the front door of whatever building they are hiding in and get killed. What was a sure win becomes a loss or tie. Obviously people need kills for parts and objectives, but so does the other team. They will have no choice but to come out and start looking for kills. And that's when you pop out and kill them.
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You can absolutely come back and win from being down 4-1. I was able to do it last night.
I have to beat Normal Plus to unlock hard and survivor?

I beat it once on normal
There's a way around it...

Start a new game plus
Complete the first chapter
Pause the game when "20 years later" comes up, save then quit
Choose chapter select and then pick chapter 1, you should then be able to select Survivor difficulty
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I beat the game on Sunday. The story was great. Wish more games developed their plot and characters like this game. Loved the gameplay. I didn't use the bow and arrow when I was Joel but when I had to use it with Ellie I enjoyed it a lot. I was sneaking around like a ninja and killing enemies in silence and grabbing arrows back from their corpses.

I want to play the british version
dont know if posted
Why did you guys try to take out everything in the hotel basement. I just Diddy bopped out of there without killing anything

Just pick up the key card (try it before you attempt to start the generator or after you attempt to start the generator..different things will happen). after it's started, I ran straight to the key card door and walked right on through.

Helluva game too. hits your morality heavy!
I finally just finished this game, picked it up on release day. Game was AMAZING. I wish it was longer, but still amazing. I hope they make a sequel.
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