Official Supreme Thread; F/W14; FAQ ON PG 1; vol. End of F/W Sale

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That's awesome. My wife discourages me lol

Mine too lol

My stuff comes every Tuesday and when it gets delivered to the bldg we both get emails and texts that we have a package. In the afternoon I always get a text from her:
her - "did you get the package? I wonder what it is."
Me - "it's Tuesday, you know what it is..."
Her - "oh, more stupid supreme stuff."

I told her the same thing lol we were cracking up.
Thank you bro, I made a post about him about 7 months ago on how he robbed me for eleven pairs of Jays/nikes and he offed them all on craigslist for literally dirt cheap - and he still hasn't learned his lesson. I'm beyond confused now. I don't know what else to do with him. But that's neither here nor there, so I won't get into it too much now..

I'm sure he has been to countless rehabs and recovery programs but the truth is until he hits bottom (which is different for everyone) he will never get better. I'm sure it is very difficult for you and your family - support as much as you can without enabling, and stay strong. Remember it is a disease. A horrible, often fatal disease that destroys the lives of addicts and everyone close to them.

Thanks fam. I got a little brother who's hooked on heroin and he somehow manages to steal money from me last night (300) , he's become a professional thief and a drug addict. I really don't know how to deal with it anymore..
Dont post too much but its good to see people supporting AT unlike how most other forums are. With that being said my prayers are with you and your family
I'm sure he has been to countless rehabs and recovery programs but the truth is until he hits bottom (which is different for everyone) he will never get better. I'm sure it is very difficult for you and your family - support as much as you can without enabling, and stay strong. Remember it is a disease. A horrible, often fatal disease that destroys the lives of addicts and everyone close to them.

This is the sad truth, the only thing you can hope for is that his bottom isn't on the wrong side of an OD/serious crime. As it's been said being there and supportive without enabling his abuse is about the best thing you can do.
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@B Fresco I'll look into that man. @theltrain thanks fellas. It's sad.

dcypoe81 dcypoe81 Yeah I guess.

I have a relative that has the same problems. All kinds.
She married and had one kid with a dude. Great kid. But, in that marriage she: got busted for coke. Cheated and got herpes. Kicked a shower door and got nerve damage in her leg from the glass.
Divorced and married again. Had 2 kids. Husband scammed her and stole hella money. Beat her. Divorced and bitter custody battle ensued. Sold the house split the proceeds and blew 300k in a year.
Went to rehab and brought home a guy who's a mad drunk and beats her. Another kid. Hopefully the last.
Now bordering on homeless with this guy and kid.
Terrible what meth, alcohol, opiates and valiums can do.
Also have another druggie fam member and one who died of cirrhosis.
My experience, I was an addict too. Alcoholic and at one point popping 100 Vicodin per day. Also oxy and anything else I could steal or forge or con a dr into giving it to me.
I've been clean 12 years now. Living those wasted youth years and loving it with my kids and fam.
It almost cost me my wife, and life, so I'd be dead or homeless or in prison right now had I not gotten clean. Been in jail a lot. Haven't had so much as a parking ticket in these 12 years.
The point if this long post is that your brother needs help. Lock him out of the house. Don't speak to him. Have him arrested. It's tough to do but you can't enable him at all. Trust me when your addicted your next fix is over all. You can't function without it. Get him to rehab. There are meds like clonidine which I took for withdrawals. It can be done and must be.

Thanks fam. I got a little brother who's hooked on heroin and he somehow manages to steal money from me last night (300) , he's become a professional thief and a drug addict. I really don't know how to deal with it anymore..

i know the feeling, one of my uncles is a heroin addict. Ive had a uncle die of cirrhosis of the liver (my mom's younger brother, at age 33). And my dad is a stone alcoholic and chose the bottle over his family.

People like that your brother you have to show tough love to and love at a distance. Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you can climb your way back up
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Wish the best of luck to you and your family @Animal Thug can't even imagine how you are handling such sensitive situations and it's awesome that your able to share that with us

Picked up a tan camp in-store, i'd say hit up the flagship if your not trying to get hit with shipping
Wish the best of luck to you and your family @Animal Thug can't even imagine how you are handling such sensitive situations and it's awesome that your able to share that with us

Picked up a tan camp in-store, i'd say hit up the flagship if your not trying to get hit with shipping
How was the line?

Thanks fam. I got a little brother who's hooked on heroin and he somehow manages to steal money from me last night (300) , he's become a professional thief and a drug addict. I really don't know how to deal with it anymore..

Real Talk I'm in the same situation with my moms. ***** ruff.
not serious enough to prevent AT from trying to cop that "overpriced clothes", did you even read the last page? anyways, your acting like im saying that heroin addiction is a good thing...far from it bro. excuse me for trying to keep this thread on topic, which, last time i checked, is SUPREME's "overpriced clothes"...

AT was kind enough to call you out on it but it was insensitive in general. nothing to ban you over or anything, just a poor attempt to bring things back to supreme. own it and move on.
So bringing things back to Supreme,

-No Le Bain today...again
-weak drop overall
-Boris raglans are really overpriced and you can make the same thing for $25
-Croc Camps are nice but not $78
-What will be the next collab? I'm hoping Disney

When does SS14 drops end for Supreme anyways?
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hope they do something with popeye again.. sometimes i look back and wonder why i skipped on some drops that i really liked.. :smh:
So bringing things back to Supreme,

-No Le Bain today...again
-weak drop overall
-Boris raglans are really overpriced and you can make the same thing for $25
-Croc Camps are nice but not $78
-What will be the next collab? I'm hoping Disney

When does SS14 drops end for Supreme anyways?
yea the price on these probably scared some people off, that were hoping to cop around the $80 mark. it's been a heavy sneaker few weeks and with le bain, possibly another collab, and random accessories, no sup buyer is gonna drop 100+ on something they're on the fence about
next week is gonna be Bainanans

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