:::[Official] [SUPER BOWL XLVII] San Francisco 49ers. vs. Baltimore Ravens @ Mercedez-Benz Superdome

Theres definitely HOF level players from both sides that deserve a ring, neither more than the other.

Frank Gore is my guy. So damn under rated for the majority of his career. What I seen this guy put his body through for every Sunday since hes come into this league and the way he never complained or asked out of such a bad situation. This guy was our entire offense for much of his career having to see defenses stack 8+ every single down. Playing for coaches that did him no favors, QBs that made it no easier for him, and through injuries that wouldve ended others careers.

Ed Reed is another one of these guys. The greatest to ever play the FS position. The greatest ballhawk I've ever seen play the game. Opposing teams dont just worry about him getting picks, they worry about him getting pick 6's. He was probably the hardest hitter of his generation too in his prime. Receivers use to refuse going up the middle because his him. The Reed of the past 3 seasons is just a shell of the player he was for the majority of his career. He put his body through hell. If he had gotten a ring earlier, he wouldve retired already.

Its absolutely ridiculous to say one team's player(s) deserve it more than the others. Come next Sunday, one of these players still wont have a ring. Be happy for one and hopeful for the other.
You said it'd be cool for SF to get SuperBowl and NBA Finals titles. You failed to mention the Giants won the World Series.

I figured it was implied since the guy I quoted mention they won world series. my fault should have said it be cool if they also get superbowl and nba finals
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You said it'd be cool for SF to get SuperBowl and NBA Finals titles. You failed to mention the Giants won the World Series.

I figured it was implied since the guy I quoted mention they won world series. my fault should have said it be cool if they also get superbowl and nba finals

No big deal. I was being a smart ***. Bored at work. Is it Superbowl Sunday yet?
Ya, if he murdered one of your family members instead, I bet it would be a different story. Preach it Ray

so he murdered your family member? is that what this is all about? sorry to hear that. rest in peace to your family member. and god bless your entire family because the view from here seems like your entire family is without sin. so you have the right to judge another man.

you wasnt in the streets stabbing with him.... so quit talking like you were there

:lol: I'm with you. I hope they get it done so I can at least celebrate something since the Lakers are done for the year.

I'm considering on writing a complaint to the NFL regarding the fact that the Super Bowl should be this Sunday because I have to revert to torturing myself by watching the Lakers.
I'm a Skins fan so I really don't care who wins just want a good game.

That being said, I would be happy if Randy got one before he retired. Probably my fav WR of all time.

But I don't see Ray and them boys losing this one.
It's tough...idk if I want Ed/ray to get a ring or moss/kap/gore....I'm leaning more on San Fran because ray antics are getting annoying...reminds me of **** i saw growing up in a southern black church :smh: ....at least gore fulfills my obligation as a Miami fan...huge moss fan and I watched/gambled on kap a lot when he was at Nevada
I'm considering on writing a complaint to the NFL regarding the fact that the Super Bowl should be this Sunday because I have to revert to torturing myself by watching the Lakers.

What you should be doing is writing a complaint to the NFL regarding the fact that the Super Bowl is on a Sunday, PERIOD.

I have been saying this for years. The NFL should move the Super Bowl to a Saturday. NO ONE wants to go to work the next day. Everyone is hungover, or at the very least, exhausted from the day before. There is no downside to doing this. The only reason anyone would be against this is because of the "football is played on Sunday," and even then, its a terrible excuse. By the time the SB is finished, its 11pm EST. And if you wait until the game is over to clean up your party, its late as eff......midnight on the east coast.

Excuse the mini rant. But its how I have felt for years.
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I'm considering on writing a complaint to the NFL regarding the fact that the Super Bowl should be this Sunday because I have to revert to torturing myself by watching the Lakers.

What you should be doing is writing a complaint to the NFL regarding the fact that the Super Bowl is on a Sunday, PERIOD.

I have been saying this for years. The NFL should move the Super Bowl to a Saturday. NO ONE wants to go to work the next day. Everyone is hungover, or at the very least, exhausted from the day before. There is no downside to doing this. The only reason anyone would be against this is because of the "football is played on Sunday," and even then, its a terrible excuse. By the time the SB is finished, its 11pm EST. And if you wait until the game is over to clean up your party, its late as eff......midnight on the east coast.

Excuse the mini rant. But its how I have felt for years.


I already put in a vacation day for the following day, though.
What you should be doing is writing a complaint to the NFL regarding the fact that the Super Bowl is on a Sunday, PERIOD.

I have been saying this for years. The NFL should move the Super Bowl to a Saturday. NO ONE wants to go to work the next day. Everyone is hungover, or at the very least, exhausted from the day before. There is no downside to doing this. The only reason anyone would be against this is because of the "football is played on Sunday," and even then, its a terrible excuse. By the time the SB is finished, its 11pm EST. And if you wait until the game is over to clean up your party, its late as eff......midnight on the east coast.

Excuse the mini rant. But its how I have felt for years.


I'm sure the whole country can co-sign to this. It's a real pain that I have a morning class the following day and it's the first day of the spring semester. Sigh. My work already knows I'm not coming in that day. :lol:
I personally like the idea of Sunday being professional football day. I'm so accustomed to it. If they do move it to Saturday, they should move the whole season to Saturdays also.
I personally like the idea of Sunday being professional football day. I'm so accustomed to it. If they do move it to Saturday, they should move the whole season to Saturdays also.

Most of the country isn't having large parties and drinking exorbitant amounts on every other Sunday, though.
In a weird way I like it though because you almost feel proud if you have a good night and can still have a productive day of work the next day. It's an accomplishment :lol:
Theres definitely HOF level players from both sides that deserve a ring, neither more than the other.

Frank Gore is my guy. So damn under rated for the majority of his career. What I seen this guy put his body through for every Sunday since hes come into this league and the way he never complained or asked out of such a bad situation. This guy was our entire offense for much of his career having to see defenses stack 8+ every single down. Playing for coaches that did him no favors, QBs that made it no easier for him, and through injuries that wouldve ended others careers.

Ed Reed is another one of these guys. The greatest to ever play the FS position. The greatest ballhawk I've ever seen play the game. Opposing teams dont just worry about him getting picks, they worry about him getting pick 6's. He was probably the hardest hitter of his generation too in his prime. Receivers use to refuse going up the middle because his him. The Reed of the past 3 seasons is just a shell of the player he was for the majority of his career. He put his body through hell. If he had gotten a ring earlier, he wouldve retired already.

Its absolutely ridiculous to say one team's player(s) deserve it more than the others. Come next Sunday, one of these players still wont have a ring. Be happy for one and hopeful for the other.

All of this...

The only two teams I hate more than the 49ers are the Eagles & Cowboys. I hope The Ravens win huge, Ray with the MVP & then off into the sunset.
The only two teams I hate more than the 49ers are the Eagles & Cowboys. I hope The Ravens win huge, Ray with the MVP & then off into the sunset.


It's been a while. Haven't seen you around in a while and I forget you're a Giants fan. I keep thinking you're a Bears fan.
What you should be doing is writing a complaint to the NFL regarding the fact that the Super Bowl is on a Sunday, PERIOD.

I have been saying this for years. The NFL should move the Super Bowl to a Saturday. NO ONE wants to go to work the next day. Everyone is hungover, or at the very least, exhausted from the day before. There is no downside to doing this. The only reason anyone would be against this is because of the "football is played on Sunday," and even then, its a terrible excuse. By the time the SB is finished, its 11pm EST. And if you wait until the game is over to clean up your party, its late as eff......midnight on the east coast.

Excuse the mini rant. But its how I have felt for years.

co sign

football should just be moved to saturday from now on
I think it would be better for Cundiff to get the nod for the 9ers, although I don't think it will happen. Akers is hot trash, and I always feel like players going up against their other teams perform better due to that chip on their shoulder. 

Imagine if Akers loses this game, the Kyle Williams backlash will be tame in comparison. 
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