maybe some lvlt

Sprint Nextel (S) may integrate its long-distance business with Level 3 Communications (LVLT) in a joint venture, people familiar with the matter said,according to the Wall Street Journal . The two companies have held preliminary negotiations about the matter in recent weeks but could instead decide toundertake a commercial partnership, possibly involving network sharing, the sources added.
justbrin26, where did you see IGNT drop to .0056? I'm not seeing it...

freakydestroyer, yes the orders and balances settle immediately and the funds are available for withdrawal or to use again.
LilChico - How do you come across these stocks in your research? I want to know the method to your madness.
SPNG is not stopping! damn i shouldve gotten into del monte yesturday. i was looking to go in but my funds was on hold......
what do you guys think i should get? DLM or GE? im still deciding which one is better and if they still pay out dividends....
Originally Posted by justbrin26

Originally Posted by andycrazn

well from the graph it looks like its going to be a up day for IGNT.
ok for example i would like to know how you came to that conclusion from the graph. care to elaborate on that?
i cant really explain it i just do it
not to take away from you LiLcHiCo4LiFe, but a lot of your calls are in are you gonna tell peolpe to look at stocks after they have their run.

you should be telling people before hand and not after.

annnnyways, GLD is killing @ 93 and some change, and it hasnt budged. too much resistance with gold prices.

@ me for selling my APPL stock.
^Same I got a few mining stocks that have hurt me the past week or so. It's cool though...Long term right?
i suggest you guys to not get rid of your gold stocks. gold is just going through some correction right now but it is definitely going up. im just waiting forthis correction to be over to hop back onto NG.
gold is always going to be a long term play...

does any else think the market being at 8700 is a little high? i hate to be a pessemist, but i think the economy still blows and we should be at the 7k-7500range AT LEAST.
people are being manipulated, i think we are in for another down trend in the near future.
Most of these plays I find out on the run. I have alerts set which tell me potential stocks on the uptrend. I'm in it to scalp them, not to hold. If I knewwhich stocks are going to be up, I'd be a millionaire by now.
Originally Posted by andycrazn

i suggest you guys to not get rid of your gold stocks. gold is just going through some correction right now but it is definitely going up. im just waiting for this correction to be over to hop back onto NG.
Yeah I agree...In fact, I'm hoping to cop more in a few weeks or so.

does any else think the market being at 8700 is a little high? i hate to be a pessemist, but i think the economy still blows and we should be at the 7k-7500 range AT LEAST.
people are being manipulated, i think we are in for another down trend in the near future
I also agree with this. The unemployment rate tells the story on this one...Until that gets better, and people start buying houses again (bankslend) then this is just a faux economy up trend.
did anyone play sgy? theyre havin a nice run. btw chico im looking for a next stock to play and i cant make up my mind. any tips?
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

Most of these plays I find out on the run. I have alerts set which tell me potential stocks on the uptrend. I'm in it to scalp them, not to hold. If I knew which stocks are going to be up, I'd be a millionaire by now.
haha for sure, i don't want to seem like i was calling you out.

does any else think the market being at 8700 is a little high? i hate to be a pessemist, but i think the economy still blows and we should be at the 7k-7500 range AT LEAST.
people are being manipulated, i think we are in for another down trend in the near future
I also agree with this. The unemployment rate tells the story on this one...Until that gets better, and people start buying houses again (banks lend) then this is just a faux economy up trend.

yeah, we are getting treated to a lot of good quarterly reports for big companies, but i dont forsee that being the case down the line.
the market is losing strength. the rally is dying down. all this is short term. the max i think dow will go up is 9500 and thats being generous. it might justbreak 9000 and just float there for a while and then come down. im not sure if inflation is causing the market to be this high or what. cause the dollar isweakening and thats a fact.

im getting in on dlm right now.
Originally Posted by LiLcHiCo4LiFe

justbrin26, where did you see IGNT drop to .0056? I'm not seeing it...

freakydestroyer, yes the orders and balances settle immediately and the funds are available for withdrawal or to use again.
forget about it. it happened wednesday after the close in after hours trading.

got out of IGNT at .013. any thoughts on SPNG, think that run will keep going?
i got in SPNG at .07 and theres been a ton of volume for the past few days. i originally thought that it could very well pass 20 cents thats why i decided tohold it. but my cousin distracted me and i got scared on a slight dip in the price that i sold majority of my shares at .11 even though my original plan was towait and see what would happen.
i think we can see a few more days of green and a slight dip. there is resistance at .25 so it might drop on friday slightly and possibly monday and will shootback up. il have a clearer answer tomorrow.
I'm not trying to take away from what you guys are trying to do, but some of these penny stock plays are pure gambles. The problem with using any technicalanalysis with these companies are that they're far too illiquid to analyze. There needs to be consistent buying and selling for you to understand thesupply and demand for a security.

A lot of these people need to realize that you can't just try to emulate whoever's in this thread talking like they make money. LiLcHiCo4LiFe and DeyKnow Yeyo may be making money using their strategies but you never know. Personally I don't believe a word anyone else says. Cramers on tv everyday but ifyou followed his stocks, you'd wipe out your account. When it comes down to it, everyone trades/invests differently. It's a balance between risk and areward. Some people like holding onto stocks for years like Buffett. I myself hold onto stocks no longer than an hour or so, I'm a day trader who tries tohit singles on a consistent basis. No home runs or .0075 stocks running up to .02 cents (which IGNT ran up to). You have to figure out what's best for youand stick to that. Do the work and make the money you want to make.

Now being that I'm a finance major as well as a day trader who consistently makes money in the market (I shoot for 500 a day personally), I'd love tocontribute to this thread. It's just that it seems like many of you are looking for someone to spoonfeed them ideas. You can listen to these guys givingyou bs tips or you can actually do the work and figure out how to make money in the financial markets. I think in the next couple of days I'll put up someposts about getting into investing/trading.
well said kicksfiend. when lilchico says to "look" at stock xyz some people would probably misunderstood that as a buy xyz and probably lost somemoney doing so. like i read a couple of posts on zecco how this one dude lost around 30k because everyone told him to get on a etf and i think it was FAZ orFAS but dude lost alot of money because he didnt know what he was doing and just went by other peoples assumptions.

i started to get into stocks about a year ago and i suffered a years worth of losses and i just recently started profiting on it. greed got the best of mefollowed by fear and because of it, huge losses occurred. if you guys cant handle losses, especially huge ones. i suggest you guys go a safer route or investfor the long term.
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